
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("cDFSRepGroupFolder")]
class BMD_cDFSRepGroupFolder : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("The name of the DFS Replication Group.")] String GroupName;
    [Key, Description("The name of the DFS Replication Group Folder.")] String FolderName;
    [Write, Description("A description for the DFS Replication Group Folder.")] String Description;
    [Write, Description("An array of file names to exclude from replication")] String FilenameToExclude[];
    [Write, Description("An array of directory names to exclude from replication.")] String DirectoryNameToExclude[];
    [Write, Description("The DFS Namespace that this DFS Replication Group folder is mapped to.")] String DfsnPath;
    [Write, Description("The name of the AD Domain the DFS Replication Group Folder will be in.")] String DomainName;