
function Get-DSCTrigger
        Gets DSC triggers
        Gets WMI event subscriptions that will trigger a DSC resource

    # The name of a remote computer

    # The credential used to connect to the remote computer

    process {
        #region Find Appropriate Subscriptions in WMI and Convert them to Property Bags
        Get-WmiObject @psBoundParameters -Namespace root\Subscription -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Filter "Name LIKE '%_DSCConsumer'" |
            ForEach-Object {
                $subscription = $_
                $eventFilter = $_.GetRelated()
                $ConfigName = ($subscription.CommandLineTemplate -split "\\")[-1] -ireplace '\.ps1', ''
                $props = @{
                    Filter = $eventFilter.Query
                    Namespace = $eventFilter.EventNamespace
                    ConfigurationName = $ConfigName
                    Name = $subscription.Name.Replace('_DSCConsumer', '')

                if ($ComputerName) {
                    $props.ComputerName = $subscription.__Server
                New-Object PSObject -Property $props
        #endregion Find Appropriate Subscriptions in WMI and Convert them to Property Bags