
function Register-DSCTrigger
        Registers a trigger to run a Powershell configuration
        Registers a WMI event trigger that, when the event occurs, will run a PowerShell configuration

    # The name of the DSC trigger
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)]    

    # The event filter
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)]

    # The event namespace
    $EventNamespace = 'root\cimv2',

    # The configuration that will be applied

    # If set, will delete existing registrations.

    process {
        #region Double Check that the Configuration actually has a configuration
        $configTokens = [Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize("$Configuration", [ref]$null)
        $configurationName  = ''
        for($i =0; $i -lt $configTokens.Count;$i++) {
            if ($configTokens[$i].Type -eq 'keyword' -and $configTokens[$i].Content -eq 'configuration') {
                $configurationName = $configTokens[$i + 1].Content

        if (-not $configurationName) {
            Write-Error "Configuration script must include a configuration"
        #endregion Double Check that the Configuration actually has a configuration

        # The script before the configuration is a boilerplate
        $fullScript = {
$myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand        
        }.ToString() + $Configuration + {
# Any parameters to the configuration can be stored in a .parameters.clixml file.
$settingsFilePath = $myCmd.Path.Replace('.ps1','.parameters.clixml') 

$settings = @{}
if ([IO.File]::Exists($settingsFilePath)) {
    $settingsFromFile = Import-Clixml $settingsFilePath

    if ($settingsFromFile -as [Hashtable]) {
        $settings += ($settingsFromFile -as [Hashtable])

} + @"
`$configurationResult = $configurationName @Settings
# If the configuration produced a result, then Start-DSCConfiguration
if ($configurationResult) {
    Start-DscConfiguration -Path ($configurationResult  | Split-Path) -Wait -Force -Verbose 

# If there were any errors, export them to a .clixml. The file write time should be enough help in pairing up the problems.
if ($Error.Count) {
    $Error  | Export-Clixml ".\$([Runspace]::DefaultRunspace.InstanceId).errors.clixml"


        # Output the generated resources to programdata, so that the current user and the DSC user can access it
        $outDir = "$env:ProgramData\cFg\DSCTrigger\$Name\"

        # Make the directory if it doesn't exist
        if (-not (Test-Path $outDir)) {
            $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $outDir -Force

        # Write out the .PS1 file
        [IO.File]::WriteAllText($outDir + "$configurationName.ps1", $fullScript)
        #region Find the Existing Consumer and Delete It (Or Bail)
        $existingConsumer = Get-WmiObject -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Filter "Name = '${Name}_Consumer'" -Namespace root\subscription

        if ($existingConsumer -and -not $force) {
            Write-Error "Consumer ${Name}_Consumer already exists, use -Force to overwrite"
        } elseif ($existingConsumer -and $force) {
        #endregion Find the Existing Consumer and Delete It (Or Bail)

        #region Register the Permanent Event Consumer
        $consumerPath = Set-WmiInstance -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Arguments @{
            Name = "${Name}_DSCConsumer"
            ExecutablePath = "$psHome\powershell.exe"
            CommandLineTemplate = "$psHome\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File $env:ProgramData\cFg\DSCTrigger\$Name\$ConfigurationName.ps1" 
            WorkingDirectory = "$env:ProgramData\cFg\DSCTrigger\$Name\"
        }  -Namespace root\Subscription 
        #endregion Register the Permanent Event Consumer
        #region Find the Existing Filter and Delete It (Or Bail)
        $existingFilter = Get-WmiObject -Class __EventFilter -Filter "Name = '${Name}_DSCFilter'" -Namespace root\subscription

        if ($existingFilter -and -not $force) {
            Write-Error "Filter ${Name}_Filter already exists, use -Force to overwrite"
        } elseif ($existingFilter -and  $force) {
        #endregion Find the Existing Filter and Delete It (Or Bail)

        #region Register the Event Filter
        $TheEventFilterPath = Set-WmiInstance -Class __EventFilter -Arguments @{
            EventNamespace = "$EventNamespace"
            Query = $EventFilter
            Name = "${Name}_Filter"
            QueryLanguage = 'WQL'
        } -Namespace root\subscription
        #endregion Register the Event Filter

        #region Find the Existing Binding and Delete It (Or Bail)
        $ExistingBinding = Get-WmiObject -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Namespace root\subscription |
            ? { $_.Filter -eq $TheEventFilterPath -and $_.Consumer -eq $consumerPath }

        if ($existingBinding -and -not $force) {
            Write-Error "Binding ${Name} already exists, use -Force to overwrite"
        } elseif ($existingBinding  -and  $force) {
        #endregion Find the Existing Binding and Delete It (Or Bail)

        #region Register the Binding
        $theBinding = Set-WmiInstance -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Arguments @{
            Filter = $TheEventFilterPath
            Consumer = $consumerPath
        } -Namespace root\subscription 

        if ($VerbosePreference -ne 'silentlycontinue') {
            Write-Verbose ($theBinding | Out-String)
        #endregion Register the Binding