
function Write-DSCResource
        Automatically generates the tedious code required to implement a DSC resource
        Automatically generates the source code for a DSC resource.
        The DSC resource can be generated with a simple hashtable and a set of scriptblocks, or it can be implemented by wrapping one or more commands.
        Write-DSCResource -Property @{
            OutputPath = "The output path"
            Base64Content = "The file contents, in base64"
        } -Test {
            if (-not [IO.File]::Exists($OutputPath)) {
                return $false
            $b64 = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64Content)
            $md5 = [Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
            $hash1 = [BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash($b64))
            $hash2 = [BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($OutputPath)))
            $hash1 -eq $hash2
        } -Get {
                OutputPath = $outputPath
                Base64Content = try {
                } catch {
        } -Set {
            if (-not (Test-Path $outputPath)) {
                $nf = New-Item -Path $outputPath -Force -ItemType File
            [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($outputPath, [Convert]::FromBase64String($base64Content))
        } -KeyProperty OutputPath

    # The name of the resource

    # The root directory of the module in which the DSC resource will be contained.
    # A hashtable describing the properties of the DSC resource. The keys are the names of the properties, and the values are a description, with an optional type
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='PropertyHashtable', Position=3)]
        foreach ($kv in $_.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($kv.Key -isnot [string]) {
                throw "$($kv.Key) must be a string"
            if ($kv.Value -isnot [string]){
                if ($kv.Value -isnot [Object[]]) {
                    throw "$($kv.Key) must either be a string, a string and a type, or a string, a type, and a hashtable of information"
                $description, $type, $RestOfInfo = $kv.Value 
                if ($description -isnot [string]) {
                    throw "$($kv.Key) must either be a string, a string and a type, or a string, a type, and a hashtable of information"
                if (-not ($type -as [type])) {
                    throw "$($kv.Key) must either be a string, a string and a type, or a string, a type, and a hashtable of information"
                if ($restOfInfo -and (-not ($RestOfInfo -as [Hashtable]))) {
                    throw "$($kv.Key) must either be a string, a string and a type, or a string, a type, and a hashtable of information"
        return $true

    # The names of the key properties.

    # A list of read only properties

    # A List of mandatory properties. These properties, while not used as a key, will be required for the get/test/set functions in the DSC resource.
    [Alias('RequiredProperty', 'MandatoryProperties', 'RequiredProperties')]

    # A hashtable containing the names of properties and their potential values
        foreach ($kv in $_.GetEnumerator()) {
            if (-not ($kv.Value -as [string[]]) -and 
                -not ($kv.Value -as [Hashtable])) {
                throw "$($kv.Key) must be a list of valid values or a Hashtable"    
        return $true
    $PropertyValueMap = @{},

    # A hashtable of containing valid values or enumerations for a particular property. The key is the name of the property. If the value is a list, the list will be the acceptable values for that property. If the value is a hashtable, the keys will be friendly values, and the values will be the underlying system value.
    # The underlying implementation of Get-TargetResource. By default, this returns an empty hashtable.
    $Get = {@{}},
    # The underlying implementation of Set-TargetResource. By default, this does nothing.
    $Set = {},

    # The underlying implementation of Test-TargetResource. By default, this returns $false.
    $Test = {return $false},
    # The version of the DSC resource. By default, 1.0.
    $Version = '1.0',

    # The Command that will be called when the resource is set. The Set Command is the only command required to wrap a DSC resource. The Test Command must use the same parameter names

    # The Command that will be called when the resource is requested. Output from this command will be converted into PowerShell hashtables.

    # The Test Command. A non-null or empty output from this command will be considered a pass

    # Default parameters that will be passed to the set command
    $SetDefaultParameter = @{},

    # Default parameters that will be passed to the get command.
    $GetDefaultParameter = @{},

    # Default parameters that will be passed to the test command.
    $TestDefaultParameter = @{},
    # A list of parameters to be excluded from the Set command.

    # A list of parameters to be excluded from the Test command. If the parameter is not in the Set blacklist, it will exist as a DSC resource setting but will be ignored when the underlying Test command is called.

    # A list of parameters to be excluded from the Get command. If the parameter is not in the Set blacklist, it will exist as a DSC resource setting but will be ignored when the underlying Get command is called.

    # A map of DSC resource setting names to the underlying parameters in the Set function
    $SetParameterNameMap = @{},

    # A ScriptBlock used to interpret the results of the test command. The variable $testResult will contain the results of the test command. If no script block is provided, any output from the Test command will be converted to a boolean. No output, or an explicit output of false, will fail the test.

    begin {

        $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        #region Type Lookup Tables
        $CimTypeMap = @{
            [Hashtable] = "Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance[]"
            [Timespan] = "String"
            [Switch] = "Boolean"
            [ScriptBlock] = "String"
            [ScriptBlock[]] = "String[]"
            [TimeSpan[]] = "String[]"
        $EmbeddedInstances = @{
            [Hashtable]    = "MSFT_KeyValuePair"
            [PSCredential] = "MSFT_Credential"

            [Hashtable[]]    = "MSFT_KeyValuePair"
            [PSCredential[]] = "MSFT_Credential"
        #endregion Type Lookup Tables

    process {        
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'WrapCommand') {
            $Splat = @{
                KeyProperty = $KeyProperty
                Version = $Version

            $boundParams = @{} + $PSBoundParameters

            $paramNames = @{}
            $paramTypes = @{}

            $setCmdHelp = $setCommand | Get-Help
            foreach ($param in $setCmdHelp.Parameters.parameter) {
                if ($SetParameterBlacklist -contains $param.Name) {
                    Write-Verbose "Skipping $($param.name) because it was blacklisted"

                if (-not $Splat.Property) {
                    $splat.Property = @{}

                $parameterType = ($param.type.name -as [type])

                if (-not $parameterType -and $param.type.name -eq 'SwitchParameter') {
                    $parameterType = [switch]
                if ($CimTypeMap.Keys -notcontains $parameterType) {
                    Write-Verbose "Skipping $($param.name) because $parameterType is not supported by CIM"

                $parameterName = 
                    if ($SetParameterNameMap.ContainsKey($param.Name)) {
                    } else {
                if (-not $parameterName) { continue } 
                $splat.Property.($Param.Name) = @()
                $splat.Property.($Param.Name) += @($param.description | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Text) -join ([Environment]::NewLine)
                $splat.Property.($Param.Name) += $parameterType                                        
                $paramNames += @{$parameterName = $param.Name}
                $paramTypes += @{$parameterName = $parameterType }


            $null = $null

            $setScript = @"
`$splat = @{}
`$setCommand = `$executionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('$SetCommand', 'all')
$(@(foreach ($kv in $paramNames.GetEnumerator()) {
$inlineValue =
if ($setcommand.Parameters[$kv.Value].ParameterType -eq [ScriptBlock]) {
} elseif ($setcommand.Parameters[$kv.Value].ParameterType -eq [ScriptBlock[]]) {
    "foreach (`$sb in `$$($kv.Key)) { [ScriptBlock]::Create(`$sb) } "
} else {
$null = $null
"if (`$psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('$($kv.Key)')) {
    `$splat['$($kv.Value)'] = $inlineValue
}"}) -join ([Environment]::NewLine))
if ($SetParameterBlacklist) {
    @(foreach ($p in $SetParameterBlacklist) {
    }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine)
$(@(foreach ($default in $SetDefaultParameter.GetEnumerator()) {
"if (-not `$splat.ContainsKey('$($default.Key)')) {
`$splat.$($default.Key) = $(
    if ($default.Value -is [string]) {
    } elseif ($default.Value -is [Bool]) {
    } else {
}"}) -join ([Environment]::NewLine))
$SetCommand @splat | Out-Null


            $setscriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($setScript)

            if ("$Set") {
                $Splat.Set = $Set
            } elseif ($setscriptBlock) {
                $splat.Set = $setscriptBlock

            if ("$get") {
                $Splat.Get = $Get
            } elseif ($GetCommand) {
                $GetScript = @"
`$splat = @{}
$(@(foreach ($kv in $paramNames.GetEnumerator()) {
"if (`$psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('$($kv.Key)')) {
    `$splat['$($kv.Value)'] = $(if ($setcommand.Parameters[$kv.Value].ParameterType -like "*Automation.ScriptBlock*") {"[ScriptBlock]::Create(`$$($kv.Key))"} else {"`$$($kv.Key)" })
}"}) -join ([Environment]::NewLine))
foreach ($p in $getParameterBlackList) {
$(foreach ($default in $GetDefaultParameter.GetEnumerator()) {
if (-not `$splat.ContainsKey('$($default.Key)')) {
`$splat.$($default.Key) = $(
    if ($default.Value -is [string]) {
    } elseif ($default.Value -is [Bool]) {
    } else {
`$getResults = $GetCommand @splat
`$getResultsHT = @{}
if (`$getResults -is [Hashtable]) {
    `$getResultsHT = `$getResults
} elseif (`$getResults) {
    foreach (`$prop in `$getResults.psobject.properties) {
        `$getResultsHT[`$prop.Name] = `$prop.Value
return `$getResultsHT

                $GetScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($GetScript)

                if ("$Get") {
                    $splat.Get = $get
                } elseif ($GetScriptBlock) {
                    $Splat.Get = $GetScriptBlock
            if ($boundParams.Test) {
                $splat.Test = $test
            } elseif ($TestCommand) {
                $TestScript = @"
`$splat = @{}
$(@(foreach ($kv in $paramNames.GetEnumerator()) {
"if (`$psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('$($kv.Key)')) {
    `$splat['$($kv.Value)'] = $(if ($setcommand.Parameters[$kv.Value].ParameterType -like "*Automation.ScriptBlock*") {"[ScriptBlock]::Create(`$$($kv.Key))"} else {"`$$($kv.Key)" })
}"}) -join ([Environment]::NewLine))
foreach ($p in $TestParameterBlacklist) {
$(foreach ($default in $TestDefaultParameter.GetEnumerator()) {
if (-not `$splat.ContainsKey('$($default.Key)')) {
`$splat.$($default.Key) = $(
    if ($default.Value -is [string]) {
    } elseif ($default.Value -is [Bool]) {
    } else {
`$TestResults = `$testResult = $TestCommand @splat

if ($ProcessTestCommandResult) {
    $TestScript += $ProcessTestCommandResult
} else {
    $TestScript += @"
`$(`$testResults) -as [bool]


                $TestScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($TestScript)

                if ($TestScriptBlock) {
                    $Splat.Test = $TestScriptBlock


            Write-DSCResource @splat 
        $schemaProperties = New-Object Collections.ArrayList

        $getParams = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
        $testParams = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
        $setParams = New-Object Collections.ArrayList

        # Go thru each property in the hashtable
        foreach ($kv in $Property.GetEnumerator()) {
            $attributeSection = New-Object Collections.ArrayList

            $propertyName = $kv.Key
            $PropertyDescription, $propertyType, $propertyRest  = @($kv.Value)

            if (-not $PropertyType) {
                $PropertyType = [string]

            if (-not $propertyRest) {
                $propertyRest = @{} 
            } elseif ($propertyRest -as [Hashtable]) {
                foreach ($pr in ($propertyRest -as [Hashtable]).GetEnumerator()) {
                    $matchingParam = $null 
                    if ($myCmd.Parameters.ContainsKey($pr.Key)) {
                        $matchingParam = $myCmd.Parameters[$pr.Key]
                    } else {
                        foreach ($p in $myCmd.Parameters) {
                            if ($p.Aliases -contains $pr.Key) {
                                $matchingParam = $p

                    if ($matchingParam) {
                        $existingVar = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($pr.Key)
                        if ($existingVar -and $existingVar.Value -and $existingVar.Value.GetType().IsArray) {
                            $existingVar += $pr.Value 
                        } elseif (-not $existingVar) {
                            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($pr.Key, $pr.Value) 
                    } elseif ('ValidValue', 'ValidValues','Value', 'Values', 'ValueMap' -contains 
                        $pr.Key) {
                        $PropertyValueMap.$propertyname = $pr.Value

            if ($KeyProperty -contains $propertyName) {
                $null = $attributeSection.Add('Key')

            if ($ReadOnlyProperty -contains $propertyName) {
                $null = $attributeSection.Add('Read')
            } elseif (-not ($KeyProperty -contains $propertyName)) {
                $null = $attributeSection.Add('Write')

            $isMandatory = 
                $KeyProperty -contains $propertyName -or 
                $MandatoryProperty -contains $propertyName


            if ($PropertyDescription)  {
                $null = $attributeSection.Add("Description(`"$($PropertyDescription.Replace('\','\\').Replace('"', '\"'))`")")

            if ($PropertyValueMap.ContainsKey($propertyName)) {
                if ($PropertyValueMap[$propertyName] -is [Hashtable]) {
                    $valueKeys = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
                    $valueValues = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
                    foreach ($kv in $PropertyValueMap[$propertyName].GetEnumerator()) {
                        $null = $valueKeys.Add($kv.Key)
                        $null = $valueValues.Add($kv.Value)
                    $null = $attributeSection.Add("ValueMap{`"$($valueKeys -join '","')`"}")
                    $null = $attributeSection.Add("Values{`"$($valueValues -join '","')`"}")
                } else {
                    $null = $attributeSection.Add("ValueMap{`"$($PropertyValueMap[$propertyName] -join '","')`"}")
                    $null = $attributeSection.Add("Values{`"$($PropertyValueMap[$propertyName] -join '","')`"}")

            $propertyPowerShellType = if ($PropertyType -eq [Hashtable]) {
            } elseif ($propertyType -eq [ScriptBlock]) {
            } elseif ($propertyType -eq [ScriptBlock[]]) {             
            } elseif ($propertyType -eq [TimeSpan]) {             
            } elseif ($propertyType -eq [TimeSpan[]]) {             
            } else {

            $paramStr = @"
[Parameter($(if ($isMandatory) { 'Mandatory=$true'}))]

            if ($isMandatory) {
                $null = $getParams.Add($paramStr)

            if ($ReadOnlyProperty -notcontains $PropertyName) {
                $null = $setParams.Add($paramStr)
                $null = $testParams.Add($paramStr)

            $cimTypeString = 
                if ($PropertyType -and $CimTypeMap[$PropertyType]) {                    
                    if ($EmbeddedInstances.Contains($PropertyType)) {
                        $null = $attributeSection.Add("EmbeddedInstance(`"$($EmbeddedInstances[$PropertyType])`")")
                    } else {
                } else {

                $ArrayMarker = ''
                if ($acc.PropertyType.IsArray -or $PropertyType -eq [Hashtable]) {
                    $ArrayMarker = '[]'

                if ($cimTypeString.EndsWith('[]')) {
                    $cimTypeString = $cimTypeString.TrimEnd('[]')
                    $ArrayMarker = '[]'

            $null = $schemaProperties.Add("`t$(if ($attributeSection.Count -ge 1 ) { "[$($attributeSection -join ', ')]" }) $CimTypeString $($PropertyName)$ArrayMarker;")

        $DscGet = @"
function Get-TargetResource {
    param($($getParams -join ',

$DscSet = @"
function Set-TargetResource {
    param($($setParams -join ',

$dscTest = @"
function Test-TargetResource {
    param($($testParams -join ',

$psm1 = "
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TargetResource, Set-TargetResource, Test-TargetResource

        if (-not $FriendlyName) { 
            $FriendlyName = $ResourceName
        $versionString = "$($version.Major).$($version.Minor).$(if ($version.Build -gt 0) { $version.Build} else {0 }).$(if ($version.Revision -gt 0) {$version.Revision} else {0 } )"
        $resourceMof = @"
[ClassVersion("$VersionString"), FriendlyName("$FriendlyName")]
class $ResourceName : OMI_BaseResource
$($schemaProperties -join ([Environment]::NewLine))

        if ($ModuleRoot) {
            $resourceDir = Join-Path $moduleRoot "DSCResources"

            $resourceDir = Join-Path $resourceDir $ResourceName
            if (-not (Test-Path $resourceDir)) {
                $ni = New-Item -ItemType 'Directory' -Path $resourceDir -Force 
                if (-not $ni ) { return } 

            $psm1 | 
                Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $resourceDir "$ResourceName.psm1")

            $resourceMof | 
                Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $resourceDir "$ResourceName.schema.mof")
        } else {
            $output = New-Object PSObject |
                Add-Member NoteProperty "$ResourceName.psm1" "$psm1" -PassThru |
                Add-Member NoteProperty "$ResourceName.schema.mof" "$resourceMof" -PassThru
