
######## IBM WebSphere App Server CmdLets #########
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\Classes\WebSphereTopology.ps1 -ErrorAction Stop

enum WASEdition {

enum StartupType {

enum PBCFilter {

# Global Variables / Resource Configuration
$IBM_REGPATH = "HKLM:\Software\IBM\"
$IBM_REGPATH_64 = "HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\IBM\"
$IBM_REGPATH_USER_64 = "HKCU:\Software\Wow6432Node\IBM\"

$WAS_SVC_PREFIX = "IBM WebSphere Application Server V"

# Get-IBMWebSphereProductRegistryPath
# Returns the registry path for the IBM WebSphere Product specified
Function Get-IBMWebSphereProductRegistryPath() {
    param (


    Write-Debug "Get-IBMWebSphereProductRegistryPath::ENTRY(ProductName=$ProductName,Version=$Version)"

    $ibmProductPath = $null
    if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) {
        $ibmProductPath = ($IBM_REGPATH_64 + $ProductName)
        if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
            $ibmProductPath = ($IBM_REGPATH_USER_64 + $ProductName)
            if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
                $ibmProductPath = ($IBM_REGPATH + $ProductName)
                if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
                    $ibmProductPath = ($IBM_REGPATH_USER + $ProductName)
                    if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
                        $ibmProductPath = $null
    } else {
        $ibmProductPath = ($IBM_REGPATH + $ProductName)
        if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
            $ibmProductPath = ($IBM_REGPATH_USER + $ProductName)
            if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
                $ibmProductPath = $null

    if (!$ibmProductPath) {
        try {
            New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root Registry::HKEY_USERS | Out-Null
            $LoggedOnSids = (Get-ChildItem HKU: | where { $_.Name -match 'S-\d-\d+-(\d+-){1,14}\d+$' }).PSChildName
            $LoggedOnSids += ".DEFAULT" # Adds default to the list of users to search
            foreach ($sid in $LoggedOnSids) {
                if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) {
                    $ibmProductPath = ("HKU:\$sid\Software\Wow6432Node\IBM\" + $ProductName)
                    if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
                        $ibmProductPath = ("HKU:\$sid\Software\IBM\" + $ProductName)
                        if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
                            $ibmProductPath = $null
                        } else {
                            Write-Debug "IBM Product Found under a different user"
                    } else {
                        Write-Debug "IBM Product Found under a different user"
                } else {
                    $ibmProductPath = ("HKU:\$sid\Software\IBM\" + $ProductName)
                    if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductPath))) {
                        $ibmProductPath = $null
                    } else {
                        Write-Debug "IBM Product Found under a different user"
        } catch { 
            Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message 

    Write-Debug "Get-IBMWebSphereProductRegistryPath returning path: $ibmProductPath"

    if ($ibmProductPath -and $Version) {
        $versionNotFound = $false
        $ibmProductVersionPath = Join-Path -Path $ibmProductPath -ChildPath $Version
        if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductVersionPath))) {
            $ibmProductVersionPath = Join-Path -Path $ibmProductPath -ChildPath ($Version.ToString(3) + ".0")
            if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductVersionPath))) {
                $ibmProductVersionPath = Join-Path -Path $ibmProductPath -ChildPath ($Version.ToString(2) + ".0.0")
                if (!(Test-Path($ibmProductVersionPath))) {
                    $ibmProductVersionPath = $null
                    $versionNotFound = $true
        Write-Debug "Get-IBMWebSphereProductRegistryPath returning version path: $ibmProductVersionPath"
        if (!($versionNotFound)) {
            $ibmProductPath = $ibmProductVersionPath
    Write-Debug "Get-IBMWebSphereProductRegistryPath returning path: $ibmProductPath"
    Return $ibmProductPath

# Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerRegistryPath
# Returns the registry path for IBM WebSphere Application Server based on the edition specified
Function Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerRegistryPath() {
    param (
        $WASEdition = [WASEdition]::Base,

        $Version = ""

    Write-Debug "Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerRegistryPath::ENTRY(WASEdition=$WASEdition,Version=$Version)"
    $wasProductName = $null
    switch ($WASEdition) {
        "Base"      { $wasProductName = "WebSphere Application Server"; continue }
        "ND"        { $wasProductName = "WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment"; continue }
        "Express"   { $wasProductName = "WebSphere Application Server Express"; continue }
        "Developer" { $wasProductName = "WebSphere Application Server"; continue }
        "Liberty"   { $wasProductName = "WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile"; continue }

    $wasPath = Get-IBMWebSphereProductRegistryPath $wasProductName $Version
    Write-Debug "Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerRegistryPath returning path: $wasPath"
    Return $wasPath

# Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation
# Returns the location where IBM WebSphere Application Server is installed
Function Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation() {
    param (
        $WASEdition = [WASEdition]::Base,

        $Version = ""

    Write-Verbose "Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation::ENTRY(WASEdition=$WASEdition,Version=$Version)"
    $wasPath = Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerRegistryPath -WASEdition $WASEdition -Version $Version
    if ($wasPath -and $wasPath.StartsWith("HKU:")) {
        New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root Registry::HKEY_USERS | Out-Null
    if (($wasPath) -and (Test-Path($wasPath))) {
        $wasHome = (Get-ItemProperty($wasPath)).InstallLocation
        if ($wasHome -and (Test-Path $wasHome)) {
            Write-Verbose "Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation returning $wasHome"
            Return $wasHome
    Return $null

# Get-IBMWASProfilePath
# Returns the location of the profile specified
Function Get-IBMWASProfilePath() {
    param (
        [String] $ProfileName,

        [WASEdition] $WASEdition = [WASEdition]::ND
    [string] $profilePath = $null
    $wasInstDir = Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation $WASEdition
    if ($wasInstDir -and (Test-Path($wasInstDir) -PathType Container)) {
        try {
            $profileProc = Invoke-ManageProfiles -WASAppServerPath $wasInstDir -Commands @("-getPath", "-profileName", $ProfileName)
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "An exception occurred while retriving profile. Profile named $ProfileName not found"
        if ($profileProc -and $profileProc.StdOut -and (Test-Path($profileProc.StdOut.Trim()))) {
            $profilePath = $profileProc.StdOut.Trim()
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Profile named $ProfileName not found"
    Return $profilePath

# Get-IBMWebSphereProductVersionInfo
# Returns a hashtable containing version information of the IBM Products installed in the specified product
# directory
Function Get-IBMWebSphereProductVersionInfo() {
    param (

    Write-Debug "Get-IBMWebSphereProductVersionInfo::ENTRY(ProductDirectory=$ProductDirectory)"
    #Validate Parameters
    [string] $versionInfoBat = Join-Path -Path $ProductDirectory -ChildPath "bin\versionInfo.bat"
    if (!(Test-Path($versionInfoBat))) {
        Write-Error "Invalid Product Directory: $ProductDirectory versionInfo.bat not found"
        Return $null
    [hashtable] $VersionInfo = @{}
    $versionInfoProcess = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $versionInfoBat
    if ($versionInfoProcess -and ($versionInfoProcess.ExitCode -eq 0)) {
        $output = $versionInfoProcess.StdOut
        if ($output) {
            # Parse installation info
            $matchFound = $output -match "\nInstallation\s+\n\-+\s\n((.|\n)*?)Product\sList"
            if ($matchFound -and $matches -and ($matches.Count -gt 1)) {
                $matches[1] -Split "\n" | % {
                    $matchLine = $_.trim()
                    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($matchLine))) {
                        $nameValue = $matchLine -split "\s\s+"
                        $VersionInfo.Add($nameValue[0].trim(), $nameValue[1].trim())
            # Parse list of installed products
            $matchFound = $output -match "\nProduct\sList\s+\n\-+\s\n((.|\n)*?)Installed\sProduct"
            if ($matchFound -and $matches -and ($matches.Count -gt 1)) {
                [hashtable] $products = @{}
                $matches[1] -Split "\n" | % {
                    $matchLine = $_.trim()
                    if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($matchLine))) {
                        $nameValue = $matchLine -split "\s\s+"
                        $products.Add($nameValue[0].trim(), $null)

                # Parse product specific info
                $pattern = "Installed\sProduct\s+\n\-+\s\n(.|\n)*?\n\s\n"
                $output | Select-String -AllMatches $pattern | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | % {
                    $prodMatchFound = $_ -match "Installed\sProduct\s+\n\-+\s\n((.|\n)*?)\n\s\n"
                    if ($prodMatchFound -and $matches -and ($matches.Count -gt 1)) {
                        [hashtable] $product = @{}
                        $currentKey = $null
                        $matches[1] -Split "\n" | % {
                            [string] $matchLine = $_.trim()
                            if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($matchLine))) {
                                if ($matchLine.IndexOf(" ") -gt 0) {
                                    $nameValue = $matchLine -split "\s\s+"
                                    if ($nameValue) {
                                        $currentKey = $nameValue[0].trim()
                                        $product.Add($currentKey, $nameValue[1].trim())
                                } else {
                                    $valueArray = @()
                                    $currentValue = $product[$currentKey]
                                    $valueArray += $currentValue
                                    $valueArray += $matchLine
                                    $product[$currentKey] = $valueArray
                        if ($products.ContainsKey($product.ID)) {
                            $products[$product.ID] = $product
                $VersionInfo.Add("Products", $products)
            } else {
                Write-Error "Unable to parse any product from output: $output"
        } else {
            Write-Error "No output returned from versionInfo.bat"
    } else {
        $errorMsg = (&{if($versionInfoProcess) {$versionInfoProcess.StdOut} else {$null}})
        Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the versionInfo.bat process: $errorMsg"
    return $VersionInfo

# Install-IBMWebSphereAppServer
# Installs IBM WebSphere Application Server
Function Install-IBMWebSphereAppServer() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $installed = $false
    [Hashtable] $Variables = @{}
    $Variables.Add("sharedLocation", $IMSharedLocation)
    $Variables.Add("wasInstallLocation", $InstallationDirectory)
    $installed = Install-IBMProduct -InstallMediaConfig $InstallMediaConfig `
        -ResponseFileTemplate $ResponseFileTemplate -Variables $Variables `
        -SourcePath $SourcePath -SourcePathCredential $SourcePathCredential -ErrorAction Stop

    Return $installed

# Install-IBMWebSphereAppServerFixpack
# Installs IBM WebSphere Application Server Fixpack
Function Install-IBMWebSphereAppServerFixpack() {
    param (
        [WASEdition] $WASEdition = [WASEdition]::Base,

        [Version] $Version = "",
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $WebSphereInstallationDirectory,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String[]] $SourcePath,

        [PSCredential] $SourcePathCredential
    [string] $productId = $null
    if (($WASEdition -eq [WASEdition]::ND) -and ($Version.ToString(2) -eq "8.5")) {
        $productId = ""
    } else {
        Write-Error "Fixpack version not supported at this time"
    [bool] $updated = $false
    [string] $appServerDir = $WebSphereInstallationDirectory
    if (!((Split-Path $appServerDir -Leaf) -eq "AppServer")) {
        $appServerDir = Join-Path -Path $appServerDir -ChildPath "AppServer"
    # Disable the WAS services
    Get-Service -Name "IBMWAS85Service*" | Stop-Service -PassThru | Set-Service -StartupType disabled
    # Stop all servers
    $serversStatus = Stop-AllWebSphereServers $WebSphereAdministratorCredential
    $fileLocked = Wait-AllFileReleased (Join-Path $appServerDir "bin")
        Write-Error "File Locked IBMWebSphereAppServerFixpack installation Aborted"
    $updated = Install-IBMProductViaCmdLine -ProductId $productId -InstallationDirectory $appServerDir `
        -SourcePath $SourcePath -SourcePathCredential $SourcePathCredential -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($updated) {
        # Start all servers that were stopped
        $serversToSkip = @()
        $serversStatus.GetEnumerator() | % {
            if (!($_.Value)) {
                $serversToSkip += $_.Name
        # Enable the WAS services
        Get-Service -Name "IBMWAS85Service*" | Set-Service -StartupType Manual
        # Start all servers
        Start-AllWebSphereServers $WebSphereAdministratorCredential $serversToSkip
    Return $updated

# New-IBMWebSphereAppServerWindowsService
# Creates a new windows service for starting/stopping the WAS server specified, returns the display name of
# the service created
Function New-IBMWebSphereAppServerWindowsService() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=1)]
        $WASEdition = [WASEdition]::Base,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=3)]
        $StartupType = [StartupType]::Manual,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=5)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=6)]
    $svcName = $null
        $ServiceName = $ServerName
    if (!(Test-Path($ProfilePath) -PathType Container)) {
        Write-Error "Invalid WebSphere Profile Path: $ProfilePath"
        Return $null
    try {
        $appServerHome = Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation -WASEdition $WASEdition
        $wasSvcExePath = Join-Path -Path $appServerHome -ChildPath "\bin\WASService.exe"
        if (Test-Path($wasSvcExePath) -PathType Leaf) {
            # Attempt to get service status
            $wasSvcArgs = @('-status', $ServiceName)
            $wasSvcProcess = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $wasSvcExePath -ProcessArguments $wasSvcArgs
            $createService = $false
            if ($wasSvcProcess) {
                [string] $output = $wasSvcProcess.StdOut
                if ($output.IndexOf("The specified service does not exist") -ge 0) {
                    $createService = $true
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Unable to create new windows service for the WAS server named: $ServiceName, it already exists"
            if ($createService) {
                # Create Service
                $wasSvcArgs = @('-add', $ServiceName, '-serverName', $ServerName, '-profilePath', $ProfilePath)
                $wasSvcStopArgs = @()
                if ($WebSphereAdministratorCredential -ne $null) {
                    [string]$wasAdminUsr = $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.UserName
                    [string]$wasAdminPwd = $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                    $wasSvcStopArgs = '"-user ' + $wasAdminUsr + ' -password ' + $wasAdminPwd + '"'
                    $wasSvcArgs += ('-stopArgs', $wasSvcStopArgs, '-encodeParams')
                if ($WindowsServiceAccount -ne $null) {
                    [string]$svcAccUsr = $WindowsServiceAccount.UserName
                    [string]$svcAccPwd = $WindowsServiceAccount.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                    $wasSvcArgs += ('-userid', $svcAccUsr, '-password', $svcAccPwd)
                if ($ProfileLogRoot -and (Test-Path($ProfileLogRoot) -PathType Container)) {
                    $wasSvcArgs += ('-logRoot', $ProfileLogRoot)
                if ($StartupType -ne $null) {
                    $wasSvcArgs += ('-startType', ($StartupType.ToString().ToLower()))
                $wasSvcProcess = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $wasSvcExePath -ProcessArguments $wasSvcArgs
                if ($wasSvcProcess -and ($wasSvcProcess.ExitCode -eq 0)) {
                    [string] $output = $wasSvcProcess.StdOut
                    if ($output.IndexOf("service successfully added") -gt 0) {
                        $svcNameStartIdx = $output.IndexOf("IBM WebSphere Application Server")
                        $svcNameLen = ($output.IndexOf("service successfully added") - $svcNameStartIdx - 1)
                        $svcName = ($output.Substring($svcNameStartIdx, $svcNameLen)).Trim()
                           Start-WebSphereWindowsService $ServiceName $ServerName $ProfilePath
                    } else {
                        Write-Error "An issue occurred while creating the windows service, output did not include that the service was successfully added: $output"
                } else {
                    $errorMsg = (&{if($wasSvcProcess) {$wasSvcProcess.StdOut} else {$null}})
                    Write-Error "An issue occurred while creating the windows service, WASService.exe returned: $errorMsg"
        } else {
            Write-Error "Unable to locate the WASService.exe file: $wasSvcExePath"
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Error "An issue occurred while creating the windows service: $ErrorMessage"
    Write-Verbose -Message ("New-IBMWebSphereAppServerWindowsService created: $svcName")
    Return $svcName

# Get-IBMWebSphereTopology
# Returns the WebSphere Topology for the profile specified
Function Get-IBMWebSphereTopology() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,position=0)]
    [WebSphereTopology] $wasTopology = $null

    try {
        $wasTopology = [WebSphereTopology]::new()
        if (!($wasTopology.InitializeFromProfile($ProfilePath))) {
            $wasTopology = $null
    } catch {
        Write-Error "An error occurred while loading WebSphere topology: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Return $wasTopology

# Get-IBMWebSphereCell
# Returns the first cell found under the profile
Function Get-IBMWebSphereCellName() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,position=0)]
    [string] $cellName = $null
    [WebSphereTopology] $wasTopology = $null

    try {
        $wasTopology = [WebSphereTopology]::new()
        if (!($wasTopology.InitializeFromProfile($ProfilePath))) {
            $wasTopology = $null
        if ($wasTopology -and $wasTopology.Cells -and ($wasTopology.Cells.Count -gt 0)) {
            $cellName = $wasTopology.Cells[0].CellName
    } catch {
        $cellName = $null
    Return $cellName

# Test-IBMWebSphereTopology
# Returns true if the topology verification is successful
Function Test-IBMWebSphereTopology() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=1)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=2)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=3)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=4)]
    $TopologyExists = $false
    [WebSphereTopology] $wasTopology = Get-IBMWebSphereTopology $ProfilePath -ErrorAction Stop
    ($wasTopology.Cells | Where {$_.CellName -eq $CellName}) | % {
        $wasCell = $_
        ($wasCell.Nodes | Where {$_.NodeName -eq $NodeName}) | % {
            $wasNode = $_
            if ((Compare-Object $wasNode.Servers.ServerName $ServerName | where {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"}).InputObject.Count -eq 0) {
                if ($ClusterName) {
                    ($wasCell.Clusters | Where {$_.ClusterName -eq $ClusterName}) | % {
                        if (($_.ClusterMembers.ServerName.Contains($ServerName)) -and ($_.ClusterMembers.NodeName.Contains($NodeName))) {
                            $TopologyExists = $true
                } else {
                    $TopologyExists = $true
    Return $TopologyExists

# Get-IBMWebSphereServerResourcePath
# Returns the path to the resources.xml for a server within the profile
Function Get-IBMWebSphereServerResourcePath() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,position=0)]
        [String] $ProfilePath,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,position=1)]
        [String] $ServerName,
        [switch] $ClusterIfAvailable
    [string] $resourcePath = $null
    [WebSphereTopology] $wasTopology = Get-IBMWebSphereTopology $ProfilePath

    if ($ClusterIfAvailable) {
        ($wasTopology.Cells.Clusters | Where {$_.ClusterMembers.ServerName -eq $ServerName}) | % -Begin {
            $counter = 0
        } -Process {
            if ($counter -eq 0) {
                $resourcePath = Join-Path ($_.ClusterConfigDir) "resources.xml"
                if (!(Test-Path $resourcePath -PathType Leaf)) {
                    Write-Warning "resource.xml not found for cluster"
                    $resourcePath = $null
    if (!$ClusterIfAvailable -or !$resourcePath) {
        ($wasTopology.Cells.Nodes.Servers | Where {$_.ServerName -eq $ServerName}) | % -Begin {
            $counter = 0
        } -Process {
            if ($counter -eq 0) {
                $resourcePath = Join-Path ($_.ServerConfigDir) "resources.xml"
                if (!(Test-Path $resourcePath -PathType Leaf)) {
                    Write-Warning "resource.xml not found for server"
                    $resourcePath = $null

    Return $resourcePath

# Invoke-WsAdmin
# Wrapper function for wsadmin scripts, supports script files or commands.
Function Invoke-WsAdmin() {
    Param (

        $ScriptPath = $null,

        $Commands = $null,
        $Arguments = @(),

        [ValidateSet('jython', 'jacl')]
        $Lang = 'jython',
        $OutputFilter = 'WASX', 
    if(!(Test-Path $ProfilePath)){
        # Get ProfilePath
        $ProfilePath = Get-IBMWASProfilePath $ProfilePath ND
        $ModulesPaths = @(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "WsAdminScripts")

    [string] $wsAdminBat = Join-Path -Path $ProfilePath -ChildPath "bin\wsadmin.bat"
    [PSCustomObject] $wsAdminProcess = @{
        StdOut = $null
        StdErr = $null
        ExitCode = $null
    if (Test-Path($wsAdminBat)) {
        [string[]] $wsArgs = $null
        if (($Commands -ne $null) -and ($Commands.Count -gt 0)) {
            $wsArgs = @("-lang", $Lang)
                $wsArgs += @("-c", ('"import ibm.lib.wsadminlib"'))
                $ModulesPaths += Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "WsAdminScripts"
            Foreach ($wsAdminCmd in $Commands) {
                $wsArgs += @("-c", ('"' + $wsAdminCmd + '"'))
        } elseif ($ScriptPath -ne $null) {
            $wsArgs = @("-lang", $Lang, "-f", ('"' + $ScriptPath + '"'))
            if ($Lang -eq 'jython') {
                # Add script path to python paths to load modules defined on the same location
                $ModulesPaths += Split-Path($ScriptPath)
        if ($wsArgs -ne $null) {
            # Add credentials
            if ($WebSphereAdministratorCredential) {
                $wasUserName = $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.UserName
                $wasPwd = $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                $wsArgs += @("-user", $wasUserName, "-password", $wasPwd)
            # Add modules paths for jython scripts
            if (($Lang -eq 'jython') -and ($ModulesPaths.Count -gt 0)) {
                $jythonPathsStr = $ModulesPaths -join ';' -replace '\\','/'
                $wsArgs += ('-javaoption "-Dpython.path=' + $jythonPathsStr + '"')
            # Add arguments if specified
            if ($Arguments.Count -gt 0) {
                Foreach ($wsadminArg in $Arguments) {
                    $wsArgs += ($wsadminArg)
            $result = Invoke-ProcessHelper $wsAdminBat $wsArgs (Split-Path($wsAdminBat)) -LogToFile:$LogToFile.isPresent
            if($result -and ($result.ExitCode -eq 0)){
                $exceptions = Select-String -InputObject $result.StdOut -Pattern "Exception" -AllMatches
                $success = ($exceptions.Matches.Count -eq 0)
                if ($success -and (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OutputFilter)))) {
                    $filteredOutput = $null
                    ($result.StdOut -split [environment]::NewLine) | ? {
                        if (!([string]$_).Contains($OutputFilter)) {
                            $filteredOutput += $_
                            $filteredOutput += [environment]::NewLine
                    if ($filteredOutput) {
                        $wsAdminProcess.StdOut = $filteredOutput
                } else {
                    if (!($success)) {
                        $errorMsg = (&{if($result) {$result.StdOut} else {$null}})
                        Write-Error "An exception occurred while executing the wsadmin.bat process: $errorMsg"
                    Write-Warning $result.StdErr

                $wsAdminProcess.StdErr = $result.StdErr
                $wsAdminProcess.ExitCode = $result.ExitCode
            }else {
                $errorMsg = $null
                if ($result -and $result.StdErr) {
                    $errorMsg = $result.StdErr
                } else {
                    $errorMsg = $result.StdOut
                $exitCode = (&{if($result) {$result.ExitCode} else {$null}})
                Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the wsadmin.bat process. ExitCode: $exitCode Mesage: $errorMsg"
        } else {
            Write-Error "Invalid parameters. You must specify either a Jython File Path or Jython Commands"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Unable to locate wsadmin.bat using: $wsAdminBat"

    return $wsAdminProcess

# Set-WsAdminTempDir
# Updates the temporary directory that wsadmin scripts use
Function Set-WsAdminTempDir() {
    Param (
    [bool] $success = $false
    if ((Test-Path($TempDir)) -and (Test-Path($ProfilePath))) {
        $wsadminPropsPath = Join-Path -Path $ProfilePath -ChildPath "properties\"
        if (Test-Path $wsadminPropsPath) {
            [hashtable] $wsadminProp = @{}
            $wsadminProp.Add("", ($TempDir -replace "\\","/"))
            Write-Verbose "Updating temp folder in"
            Set-JavaProperties $wsadminPropsPath $wsadminProp
            $success = $true
        } else {
            Write-Error "$wsadminPropsPath could not be located"
    } else {
        Write-Error "The temp directory specified: $TempDir or the profile dir: $ProfilePath are invalid"
    Return $success

# Get-WsAdminTempDir
# Retrieves the temporary directory that wsadmin scripts are using
Function Get-WsAdminTempDir() {
    Param (
    [string] $tempDir = $null
    if (Test-Path($ProfilePath)) {
        $wsadminPropsPath = Join-Path -Path $ProfilePath -ChildPath "properties\"
        if (Test-Path $wsadminPropsPath) {
            [hashtable] $wsadminProp = Get-JavaProperties $wsadminPropsPath @("")
            if ($wsadminProp) {
                $tempDir = $wsadminProp[""]
        } else {
            Write-Error "$wsadminPropsPath could not be located"
    } else {
        Write-Error "The profile dir: $ProfilePath is invalid"
    Return $tempDir

# New-IBMWebSphereProfile
# Creates a new WebSphere profile using manageprofiles.bat
Function New-IBMWebSphereProfile() {
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [string[]] $CmdArgs

    [bool] $profileCreated = $false
    [string] $WASAppServerHome = Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation ND
    if (!$WASAppServerHome) {
        Write-Error "Unable to find the WebSphere App Server Home Directory"
    [string[]] $profileCmd = @('-create')
    $profileCmd += $CmdArgs
    $mpProcess = Invoke-ManageProfiles -WASAppServerPath $WASAppServerHome -Commands $profileCmd
    if ($mpProcess -and $mpProcess.StdOut) {
        Write-Verbose $mpProcess.StdOut
        if ($mpProcess.StdOut.Trim().StartsWith("INSTCONFSUCCESS:")) {
            $profileCreated = $true
            Write-Verbose ("Profile created successfully")
            Write-Error ("Error occured when creating the Profile, please refer to log for detail.")
    Return $profileCreated

# Invoke-ManageProfiles
# Wrapper function for manageprofiles.bat
Function Invoke-ManageProfiles() {
    Param (


    [string] $manageProfilesBat = Join-Path -Path $WASAppServerPath -ChildPath "bin\manageprofiles.bat"
    [PSCustomObject] $manageProfileProcess = @{
        StdOut = $null
        StdErr = $null
        ExitCode = $null
    if (Test-Path($manageProfilesBat)) {
        [string[]] $mpArgs = $Commands
        # Add credentials
        if ($AdminCredential) {
            $adminUserName = $AdminCredential.UserName
            $adminPwd = $AdminCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
            $mpArgs += @("-adminUserName", $adminUserName, "-adminPassword", $adminPwd)
        $manageProfileProcess = Invoke-ProcessHelper $manageProfilesBat $mpArgs (Split-Path($manageProfilesBat))
        if (!$manageProfileProcess -or (($manageProfileProcess.StdErr)) -and ($manageProfileProcess.ExitCode -ne 0)) {
            $errorMsg = $null
            if ($manageProfileProcess -and $manageProfileProcess.StdErr) {
                $errorMsg = $manageProfileProcess.StdErr
            } else {
                $errorMsg = $manageProfileProcess.StdOut
            $exitCode = (&{if($manageProfileProcess) {$manageProfileProcess.ExitCode} else {$null}})
            Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the manageprofiles.bat process. ExitCode: $exitCode Mesage: $errorMsg"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Unable to locate manageprofiles.bat using: $manageProfilesBat"
    Return $manageProfileProcess

# Stop-WebSphereServer
# Stops the WebSphere Application Server using its Windows Service
Function Stop-WebSphereServer {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]

    $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*" + $serverName
    $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName

    if ($wasSvc.Status -ne "Stopped") {
        Write-Verbose "Stopping WebSphere Server: $serverName via Windows Service"
        Stop-Service $wasSvc
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "WebSphere Server: $serverName already stopped"

# Get-IBMWASProfiles
# Returns a list containing the names of all the profiles installed
Function Get-IBMWASProfiles() {
    param (
        [WASEdition] $WASEdition = [WASEdition]::ND
    [string[]] $profiles = @()
    $wasInstDir = Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation $WASEdition
    if ($wasInstDir -and (Test-Path($wasInstDir) -PathType Container)) {
        try {
            $profileProc = Invoke-ManageProfiles -WASAppServerPath $wasInstDir -Commands @("-listProfiles")
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "An exception occurred while listing profiles"
        if ($profileProc -and $profileProc.StdOut) {
            [string] $stdOut = $profileProc.StdOut.Trim()
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($stdOut) -or $stdOut -eq "[]") {
                Write-Warning "No profiles found"
            } else {
                if ($stdOut.StartsWith('[')) {
                    $profiles = $stdOut.Substring(1,($stdOut.Length-2)).Split(",").Trim()
                } else {
                    $profiles += $stdOut
        } else {
            Write-Error "Error occurred while listing profiles"
    Return $profiles

# Get-WebSphereServerStatus
# Returns the status of the WebSphere Application Server specified or of all the servers in the profile
Function Get-WebSphereServerStatus()  {
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [string] $ProfileName,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)]
        [String] $ServerName
    [hashtable] $servers = @{}
    $started = $false
    $profilePath = Get-IBMWASProfilePath $ProfileName
    $profileBin = Join-Path -Path $profilePath -ChildPath "bin"
    if (Test-Path($profileBin)) {
        $serverStatusCmd = Join-Path -Path $profileBin -ChildPath "serverStatus.bat"
        $serverToCheck = $ServerName
        $allServers = $false
        if (!($ServerName)) {
            $serverToCheck = "-all"
            $allServers = $true
        $statusArgs = @($serverToCheck, "-username", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.UserName, "-password", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $serverStatusProc = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $serverStatusCmd -ProcessArguments $statusArgs -WorkingDirectory $profileBin
        if ($serverStatusProc -and (!($serverStatusProc.StdErr))) {
            if ($serverStatusProc.StdOut.Contains(" is STARTED") -or $serverStatusProc.StdOut.Contains("cannot be reached")) {
                [string] $serverStr = 'Server "'
                ($serverStatusProc.StdOut -split [environment]::NewLine) | ? {
                    [string] $currLine = $_
                    if ($currLine.Contains(": The Application Server")) {
                        [int] $startIdx = ($currLine.IndexOf($serverStr) + $serverStr.Length)
                        [int] $endIdx = $currLine.IndexOf('"', $startIdx + 1)
                        $currentServer = $currLine.Substring($startIdx, ($endIdx - $startIdx))
                        $started = $currLine.Contains(" is STARTED")
                        $servers.Add($currentServer, $started)
            } else {
                Write-Verbose ($serverStatusProc.StdOut)
        } else {
            Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the serverStatus.bat process"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Invalid profile directory"
    if ($ServerName) {
        Return $started
    } else {
        Return $servers

# Stop-AllWebSphereServers
# Stops the WebSphere Application Server using its Windows Service
Function Stop-AllWebSphereServers {
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential
    [hashtable] $serversStopped = @{}
    Write-Verbose "Stopping All WebSphere Servers"
    Get-IBMWASProfiles | Foreach {
        [string] $profileName = $_
        (Get-WebSphereServerStatus $profileName $WebSphereAdministratorCredential).GetEnumerator() | % {
            if ($_.Value) {
                $profilePath = Get-IBMWASProfilePath $profileName
                $serverStopped = Stop-WebSphereServerViaBatch $_.Name $profilePath $WebSphereAdministratorCredential
                $serversStopped.Add(($_.Name), $serverStopped)
            } else {
                $serversStopped.Add(($_.Name), $false)

    Return $serversStopped

# Start-AllWebSphereServers
# Starts all the WebSphere Application Servers using its Windows Service
Function Start-AllWebSphereServers {
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
        [String[]] $ServersToSkip = @()
    [hashtable] $serversStarted = @{}
    $skipMsg = ""
    if ($ServersToSkip.Count -gt 0) {
        $skipMsg = ", skipping the following servers: " + ($ServersToSkip -join ', ')
    Write-Verbose "Starting All WebSphere Servers$skipMsg"
    Get-IBMWASProfiles | Foreach {
        [string] $profileName = $_
        (Get-WebSphereServerStatus $profileName $WebSphereAdministratorCredential).GetEnumerator() | % {
            if (!($_.Value) -and !($ServersToSkip.Contains($_.Name))) {
                $profilePath = Get-IBMWASProfilePath $profileName
                $serverStarted = Start-WebSphereServerViaBatch $_.Name $profilePath
                $serversStarted.Add(($_.Name), $serverStarted)
            } else {
                $serversStarted.Add(($_.Name), $false)

    Return $serversStarted

# Start-WebSphereServer
# Starts the WebSphere Application Server using its Windows Service
Function Start-WebSphereServer() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)]

    $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*" + $serverName
    $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName

    if ($wasSvc.Status -ne "Running") {
        Write-Verbose "Starting WebSphere Server: $serverName via Windows Service"
        Start-Service $wasSvc
            $serverPidFile = Join-Path -Path $ProfilePath -ChildPath "logs\$ServerName\$"
            if (!(Test-Path($serverPidFile))) {
                $sleepTimer = 0;
                Write-Verbose "Waiting for $ServerName PID file to be created: $serverPidFile"
                while(!(Test-Path $serverPidFile)) {
                    sleep -s 10
                    $sleepTimer += 10
                    # Wait maximum of 10 minutes for server to start after service is initialized
                    if ($sleepTimer -ge 600) {

# Test-WebSphereServerStatusViaBatch
# Checks the WebSphere Application Server status using the serverStatus Batch Job
Function Test-WebSphereServerStatusViaBatch()  {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [String] $ServerName,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [string] $ProfileDir,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential

    $started = $false
    $profileBin = Join-Path -Path $ProfileDir -ChildPath "bin"
    if (Test-Path($profileBin)) {
        $serverStatusCmd = Join-Path -Path $profileBin -ChildPath "serverStatus.bat"
        $statusArgs = @($ServerName, "-username", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.UserName, "-password", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $serverStatusProc = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $serverStatusCmd -ProcessArguments $statusArgs -WorkingDirectory $profileBin
        if ($serverStatusProc -and (!($serverStatusProc.StdErr))) {
            if ($serverStatusProc.StdOut.Contains(" is STARTED")) {
                $started = $true
            } elseif ($serverStatusProc.StdOut.Contains("appears to be stopped")) {
                $started = $false
            } else {
                Write-Verbose ($serverStatusProc.StdOut)
        } else {
            Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the serverStatus.bat process"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Invalid profile directory"
    Return $started

# Start-WebSphereServerViaBatch
# Starts the WebSphere Application Server using the startServer Batch Job
Function Start-WebSphereServerViaBatch() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [String] $ServerName,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [String] $ProfileDir

    $started = $false
    $profileBin = Join-Path -Path $ProfileDir -ChildPath "bin"
    if (Test-Path($profileBin)) {
        $startServerCmd = Join-Path -Path $profileBin -ChildPath "startServer.bat"
        $startServerProc = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $startServerCmd -ProcessArguments @($ServerName) -WorkingDirectory $profileBin
        if ($startServerProc -and (!($startServerProc.StdErr))) {
            if ($startServerProc.StdOut.Contains("An instance of the server may already be running")) {
                $started = $true
            } elseif ($startServerProc.StdOut.Contains("open for e-business; process id is")) {
                $started = $true
            } elseif ($startServerProc.StdOut.Contains("")) {
                $started = $false
                Write-Error "Invalid server name: $ServerName"
            } else {
                Write-Verbose ($startServerProc.StdOut)
        } else {
            Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the startServer.bat process"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Invalid profile directory"
    Return $started

# Stop-WebSphereServerViaBatch
# Stops the WebSphere Application Server using the stopServer Batch Job
Function Stop-WebSphereServerViaBatch()  {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]

    $stopped = $false
    $profileBin = Join-Path -Path $ProfileDir -ChildPath "bin"
    if (Test-Path($profileBin)) {
        $stopServerCmd = Join-Path -Path $profileBin -ChildPath "stopServer.bat"
        $stopArgs = @($ServerName, "-username", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.UserName, "-password", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $stopServerProc = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $stopServerCmd -ProcessArguments $stopArgs -WorkingDirectory $profileBin
        if ($stopServerProc -and (!($stopServerProc.StdErr))) {
            if ($stopServerProc.StdOut.Contains("cannot be reached.")) {
                $stopped = $true
            } elseif ($stopServerProc.StdOut.Contains("stop completed.")) {
                $stopped = $true
            } elseif ($stopServerProc.StdOut.Contains("")) {
                $stopped = $false
                Write-Error "Invalid server name: $ServerName"
            } else {
                Write-Verbose ($stopServerProc.StdOut)
        } else {
            Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the stopServer.bat process"
    } else {
        Write-Error "Invalid profile directory"
    Return $stopped

# Test-WebSphereServerService
# Returns true if the WebSphere Application Server is running
Function Test-WebSphereServerService() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

    Try {
        $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*" + $serverName
        $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName
        if ($wasSvc.Status -eq "Running") {
            Return $true
        } else {
            Return $false
    } Catch {
        Return $false

# Test-WebSphereServerServiceExists
# Returns true if the WebSphere Application Server Windows Service Exists
Function Test-WebSphereServerServiceExists() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

    Try {
        $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*" + $serverName
        if (Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName) {
            Return $true
        } else {
            Return $false
    } Catch {
        Return $false

# Start-WebSphereNodeAgent
# Starts the WebSphere Node Agent
Function Start-WebSphereNodeAgent {
    Param (

    $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*NODEAGENT"
    $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName

    if ($wasSvc) {
        if ($wasSvc.Status -ne "Running") {
            Write-Verbose "Starting Node Agent via Windows Service"
            Start-Service $wasSvc
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Node agent already started"
    } elseif ($ProfileDir) {
        $startNodeCmd = Join-Path -Path $ProfileDir -ChildPath "bin\startNode.bat"
        $startNodeProc = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $startNodeCmd -WorkingDirectory $ProfileDir
        if ($startNodeProc -and (!($startNodeProc.StdErr))) {
            if ($startNodeProc.StdOut.Contains("An instance of the server may already be running")) {
                $started = $true
            } elseif ($startNodeProc.StdOut.Contains("open for e-business; process id is")) {
                $started = $true
            } elseif ($startNodeProc.StdOut.Contains("failed to start")) {
                $started = $false
                Write-Error ($startNodeProc.StdOut)
            } else {
                Write-Verbose ($startNodeProc.StdOut)
        } else {
            Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the startNode.bat process"

# Stop-WebSphereNodeAgent
# Stops the WebSphere Node Agent
Function Stop-WebSphereNodeAgent {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [switch] $ViaBatch
    $stopped = $false
    $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*NODEAGENT"
    $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName
    if ($ViaBatch -or !$wasSvc) {
        Write-Verbose "Stopping Node Agent via stopNode.bat"
        $stopNodeCmd = Join-Path -Path $ProfileDir -ChildPath "bin\stopNode.bat"
        $stopArgs = @($ServerName, "-username", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.UserName, "-password", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $stopNodeProc = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $stopNodeCmd -ProcessArguments $stopArgs -WorkingDirectory $ProfileDir
        if ($stopNodeProc -and (!($stopNodeProc.StdErr))) {
            if ($stopNodeProc.StdOut.Contains("cannot be reached.")) {
                $stopped = $true
            } elseif ($stopNodeProc.StdOut.Contains("stop completed.")) {
                $stopped = $true
            } else {
                Write-Verbose ($stopNodeProc.StdOut)
        } else {
            Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the stopNode.bat process"
    } elseif ($wasSvc) {
        if ($wasSvc.Status -ne "Stopped") {
            Write-Verbose "Stopping Node Agent via Windows Service"
            Stop-Service $wasSvc
            $stopped = $true
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Node agent already stopped"
            $stopped = $true
    Return $stopped

# Start-WebSphereDmgr
# Starts the WebSphere Deployment Manager
Function Start-WebSphereDmgr {
    Param (
        [string] $DmgrProfileDir,
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential

    $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*DMGR"
    $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName
    if ($wasSvc) {
        if ($wasSvc.Status -ne "Running") {
            Write-Verbose "Starting WebSphere Deployment Manager via Windows Service"
            Start-Service $wasSvc
            $dmgrPidFile = Join-Path -Path $DmgrProfileDir -ChildPath "logs\dmgr\"
            if (!(Test-Path($dmgrPidFile))) {
                $sleepTimer = 0;
                Write-Verbose "Waiting for DMGR PID file to be created: $dmgrPidFile"
                while(!(Test-Path $dmgrPidFile)) {
                    sleep -s 10
                    $sleepTimer += 10
                    # Wait maximum of 10 minutes for portal to start after service is initialized
                    if ($sleepTimer -ge 600) {
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "WebSphere Deployment Manager already started"

# Stop-WebSphereDmgr
# Stops the WebSphere Deployment Manager
Function Stop-WebSphereDmgr {
    Param (
        [string] $DmgrProfileDir,
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential,
        [switch] $ViaBatch

    $stopped = $false
    $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*DMGR"
    $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName
    if ($ViaBatch -or !$wasSvc) {
        Write-Verbose "Stopping WebSphere Deployment Manager via stopManager.bat"
        $stopDmgrCmd = Join-Path -Path $DmgrProfileDir -ChildPath "bin\stopManager.bat"
        $stopArgs = @($ServerName, "-username", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.UserName, "-password", $WebSphereAdministratorCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $stopDmgrProc = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $stopDmgrCmd -ProcessArguments $stopArgs -WorkingDirectory $DmgrProfileDir
        if ($stopDmgrProc -and (!($stopDmgrProc.StdErr))) {
            if ($stopDmgrProc.StdOut.Contains("cannot be reached.")) {
                $stopped = $true
            } elseif ($stopDmgrProc.StdOut.Contains("stop completed.")) {
                $stopped = $true
            } else {
                Write-Verbose ($stopDmgrProc.StdOut)
        } else {
            Write-Error "An error occurred while executing the stopManager.bat process"
    } elseif ($wasSvc) {
        if ($wasSvc.Status -ne "Stopped") {
            Write-Verbose "Stopping WebSphere Deployment Manager via Windows Service"
            Stop-Service $wasSvc
            $stopped = $true
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "WebSphere Deployment Manager already stopped"
            $stopped = $true
    Return $stopped

Function Get-IBMResources([string] $resourceId) {
    if (!([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($resourceId))) {
        [string[]] $resourcesSplit = $resourceId.Split(':')
        [string[]] $resources = @()
        foreach ($resource in $resourcesSplit) {
            if ($resource.Trim().EndsWith("=")) {
                $resources += ($resource.Substring(0, $resource.Length - 1))
            } else {
                $resources += $resource

        Return $resources

Function Get-IBMBaseResources([string[]] $resource1, [string[]] $resource2) {
    [string[]] $baseResource = @()
    if ($resource1 -and $resource2) {
        $baseResource = (Compare-Object $resource1 $resource2 -SyncWindow 1 -ExcludeDifferent -IncludeEqual).InputObject
    return $baseResource

Function Get-IBMDeltaResources([string[]] $resource1, [string[]] $resource2) {
    [string[]] $deltaResource = @()
    if ($resource1 -and $resource2) {
        $deltaResource = (Compare-Object $resource1 $resource2 -SyncWindow 1).InputObject
    return $deltaResource

# Import-IBMWebSpherePropertyBasedConfig
# Parses a property file created by the Property-Based Configuration Framework in WebSphere
Function Import-IBMWebSpherePropertyBasedConfig() {
    param (

    [hashtable] $props = @{}
    [string[]] $resourceBaseKeys = @("ResourceType", "ImplementingResourceType")
    if (Test-Path $PropertyFilePath){
        $file = gc $PropertyFilePath
        [hashtable] $currentResource = @{}
        [string] $parentResourceId = $null
        [string] $currentResourceId = $null
        [boolean] $envSection = $false
        [string] $propertiesLabel = "Properties"
        foreach($line in $file) {
            if ($line.StartsWith("EnvironmentVariablesSection")) {
                $envSection = $true
            if ((!($line.StartsWith('#'))) -and
                (!($line.StartsWith(';'))) -and
                (!($line.StartsWith(";"))) -and
                (!($line.StartsWith('`'))) -and
                (($line.Contains('=')))) {
                [string] $propName=$line.split('=', 2)[0]
                [string] $propValue=$line.split('=', 2)[1]
                if (!($envSection)) {
                    if (("ResourceId" -eq $propName) -and $props.ContainsKey($propName)) {
                        # Next resource id
                        if ($currentResourceId -ne $propValue) {
                            $currentResource = @{}
                            #TODO Handle multi resource / nested PBC files
                            Write-Warning "Can't handle importing PBC files with more than one resource. TODO."
                            <# Identify child resource
                            $propertiesLabel = "Properties"
                            $parentResource = Get-IBMResources $parentResourceId
                            $childResource = Get-IBMResources $propValue
                            $delta = Get-IBMDeltaResources $parentResource $childResource

                        } else {
                            # Same resource id, change based on attribute info
                    } elseif (("ResourceId" -eq $propName) -and !$parentResourceId) {
                        # First resource id (base)
                        $propertiesLabel = "Properties"
                        $currentResourceId = $propValue
                        $parentResourceId = $propValue
                        $props.Add($currentResourceId, $currentResource)
                    } else {
                        # Property handling
                        # Parse value
                        if ($propValue.IndexOf('#') -gt 0) {
                            $propValue = $propValue.Substring(0, $propValue.IndexOf('#'))
                            $propValue = $propValue.Trim()
                        # Handle resource keys
                        if ($resourceBaseKeys.Contains($propName)) {
                            Write-Verbose ("Adding: " + $propName + "=" + $propValue) -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
                            $currentResource.Add($propName, $propValue)
                        } else {
                            if ("AttributeInfo" -eq $propName) {
                                $propertiesLabel = $propValue
                            } else {
                                # Add resource properties
                                if ($currentResource.ContainsKey($propertiesLabel)) {
                                    $currentResource[$propertiesLabel].Add($propName, $propValue)
                                } else {
                                    [hashtable] $subProps = @{}
                                    $subProps.Add($propName, $propValue)
                                    $currentResource.Add($propertiesLabel, $subProps)
    } else {
        Write-Error "Property Based Config file: $PropertyFilePath not found"

    Return $props

# Export-IBMWebSpherePropertyBasedConfig
# Extracts properties to a file based on the Resource Id or Config Data, returns true if extracted
Function Export-IBMWebSpherePropertyBasedConfig() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=0)]
        [String] $ProfilePath,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=2)]
        [String] $ResourceId,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=3)]
        [Hashtable] $ConfigData,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=4)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=5)]
        [String] $TargetPropertyFile,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=6)]
        [PBCFilter] $FilterMechanism,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=7)]
        [String[]] $SelectedSubTypes

    if ((!($ResourceId)) -and (!($ConfigData))) {
        Write-Error "You must specified either a Resource Id or ConfigData to extract properties"

    [string[]] $wsadminCommands = @()
    [string] $extractArgs = $null
    if ($ResourceId) {
        $wsadminCommands += ("rsrcID = '" + $ResourceId + "'")
        $extractArgs = "rsrcID, '-propertiesFileName " + $TargetPropertyFile + "'"
    } else {
        $configDataStr = ""
        foreach ($configKey in $ConfigData.Keys) {
            $configDataStr += (" " + $configKey + "=" + $ConfigData[$configKey])
        $extractArgs = "'[-propertiesFileName " + $TargetPropertyFile + " -configData" + $configDataStr
        if ($FilterMechanism -eq [PBCFilter]::SELECTED_SUBTYPES) {
            $extractArgs += " -filterMechanism SELECTED_SUBTYPES -selectedSubTypes ["
            $extractArgs += ($SelectedSubTypes -join " ") + "]"
        $extractArgs += " -options [[PortablePropertiesFile true]]"
        $extractArgs += "]'"

    $extractTask = "AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(" + $extractArgs + ")"
    $extractTask | Out-Host
    $wsadminCommands += $extractTask

    $wsadminProcess = Invoke-WsAdmin -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -Commands $wsadminCommands -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $WebSphereAdministratorCredential

    Return ($wsadminProcess -and ($wsadminProcess.ExitCode -eq '0'))

# Test-IBMWebSpherePropertyBasedConfig
# Returns true if the properties specified in the PBC file are already present and valid
Function Test-IBMWebSpherePropertyBasedConfig() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=0)]
        [String] $ProfilePath,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=1)]
        [String] $PropertyFile,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=2)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=3)]
        [String] $VariablesMapFile,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=4)]
        [Hashtable] $VariablesMap,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=5)]
        [String] $ReportFile

    if (!(Test-Path $PropertyFile -PathType Leaf)) {
        Write-Error "You must specified a valid properties file. Invalid file: $ProfileFile"
    $configIsValid = $false

    [string[]] $wsadminCommands = @()
    [string[]] $validateArgs = @()
    $validateArgs += ("-propertiesFileName", ('\"' + $PropertyFile.Replace("\","\\") + '\"'))
    # If report file is not specified use temp and remove it
    $deleteReportFile = $false
    if (!($ReportFile)) {
        $ReportFile = Join-Path (Get-IBMTempDir) "validateProperties-$(get-date -f yyyyMMddHHmmss).txt"
        $deleteReportFile = $true
    $validateArgs += ("-reportFileName", ('\"' + $ReportFile.Replace("\","\\") + '\"'), "-reportFilterMechanism", "Errors_And_Changes")
    if ($VariablesMapFile) {
        $validateArgs += ("-variablesMapFileName", ('\"' + $VariablesMapFile.Replace("\","\\") + '\"'))
    if ($VariablesMap) {
        $variableStr = "["
        foreach ($varKey in $VariablesMap.Keys) {
            $variableStr += "[" + ($varKey + " " + $VariablesMap[$varKey] + "]")
        $variableStr = $variableStr.Trim()
        $variableStr += "]"
        $validateArgs += ("-variablesMap", $variableStr)

    $validateArgsStr = "'[" + ($validateArgs -join " ") + "]'"
    $validateTask = "AdminTask.validateConfigProperties(" + $validateArgsStr + ")"
    $wsadminCommands += $validateTask

    $wsadminProcess = Invoke-WsAdmin -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -Commands $wsadminCommands -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $WebSphereAdministratorCredential

    if ($wsadminProcess -and ($wsadminProcess.StdOut -and $wsadminProcess.StdOut.Trim() -eq "'true'")) {
        gc $ReportFile | Foreach-Object {
            $currLine = ([string]$_).Trim()
            if ($currLine.Length -gt 0) {
                if (([string]$_).StartsWith("ADMG0824I")) {
                    $configIsValid = $true
                } elseif (!([string]$_).StartsWith("ADMG0825I")) {
                    $configIsValid = $false
        if (!$configIsValid) {
            [string[]] $output = (gc $ReportFile)
            Write-Warning ($output -join [environment]::NewLine)
        if ((Test-Path $ReportFile) -and $deleteReportFile) {
            rm $ReportFile -Force | Out-Null

    Return $configIsValid

# Set-IBMWebSpherePropertyBasedConfig
# Updates WebSphere with the properties specified in the PBC file
Function Set-IBMWebSpherePropertyBasedConfig() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=2)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=3)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=4)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, position=5)]

    if (!(Test-Path $PropertyFile -PathType Leaf)) {
        Write-Error "You must specified a valid properties file. Invalid file: $ProfileFile"
    $configApplied = $false

    [string[]] $wsadminCommands = @()
    [string[]] $applyArgs = @()
    $applyArgs += ("-propertiesFileName", ('\"' + $PropertyFile.Replace("\","\\") + '\"'))
    # If report file is not specified use temp and remove it
    $deleteReportFile = $false
    if (!($ReportFile)) {
        $ReportFile = Join-Path (Get-IBMTempDir) "tempProperties-$(get-date -f yyyyMMddHHmmss).txt"
        $deleteReportFile = $true
    $applyArgs += ("-reportFileName", ('\"' + $ReportFile.Replace("\","\\") + '\"'), "-reportFilterMechanism", "Errors_And_Changes")
    if ($VariablesMapFile) {
        $applyArgs += ("-variablesMapFileName", ('\"' + $VariablesMapFile.Replace("\","\\") + '\"'))
    if ($VariablesMap) {
        $variableStr = "["
        foreach ($varKey in $VariablesMap.Keys) {
            $variableStr += "[" + ($varKey + " " + $VariablesMap[$varKey] + "]")
        $variableStr = $variableStr.Trim()
        $variableStr += "]"
        $applyArgs += ("-variablesMap", $variableStr)

    $applyArgsStr = "'[" + ($applyArgs -join " ") + "]'"
    $applyTask = "AdminTask.applyConfigProperties(" + $applyArgsStr + ")"
    $wsadminCommands += $applyTask
    $wsadminProcess = Invoke-WsAdmin -ProfilePath $ProfilePath -Commands $wsadminCommands -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $WebSphereAdministratorCredential
    if ($wsadminProcess -and ($wsadminProcess.StdOut -and $wsadminProcess.StdOut.Trim() -eq "''")) {
        [int] $configCounter = 0
        gc $ReportFile | Foreach-Object {
            $currLine = ([string]$_).Trim()
            if ($currLine.Length -gt 0) {
                if ($currLine.StartsWith("ADMG0824I")) {
                } elseif ($currLine.StartsWith("ADMG0825I")) {
                } elseif ($currLine.StartsWith("ADMG0820I")) {
                } elseif ($currLine.StartsWith("ADMG0821I")) {
        $configApplied = ($configCounter -eq 4)
        if (!$configApplied) {
            [string[]] $output = (gc $ReportFile)
            Write-Error ($output -join [environment]::NewLine)
        if ((Test-Path $ReportFile) -and $deleteReportFile) {
            rm $ReportFile -Force | Out-Null
    } else {
        Write-Error "Unexpected error occurred: wsadmin output is: $($wsadminProcess.StdOut)"

    Return $configApplied

# New-IBMWebSphereNode
# Creates a new WebSphere Node using addNode.bat
Function New-IBMWebSphereNode() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=0)]
        [String] $dmgrHost,
        [Int] $dmgrPort,
        [string] $profileName,
        [PSCredential] $adminCredential,
        [String] $nodeAgentName,
        [String] $conntype,
        [Bool] $includeapps,
        [Bool] $includebuses,
        [String] $startingport,
        [Bool] $nodegroupname,
        [String] $registerservice,
        [PSCredential] $serviceCredential,
        [String] $coregroupname,
        [Bool] $noagent,
        [String] $statusport,
        [String] $logfile,
        [PSCredential] $localUserCredential,
        [String] $excludesecuritydomains,
        [Bool] $asExistingNode
    [Bool] $nodeAdded = $false
    [String] $wasCmd = Join-Path (Get-IBMWASProfilePath $profileName) "bin\addNode.bat" 
    $args = @()
        $args += $DmgrHost
        $args += $DmgrPort
        $args += @("-conntype",$ConnType)
        $args += @("-includeapps")
        $args += @("-includebuses")
        $args += @("-startingport",$startingport)
        $args += @("-nodeagentshortname",$NodeAgentName)
        $args += @("-nodegroupname",$nodegroupname)
        $args += @("-registerservice")
        $args += @("-serviceusername",$serviceCredential.UserName)
        $args += @("-servicepassword",$serviceCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $args += @("-coregroupname",$coregroupname)
        $args += @("-noagent")
        $args += @("-statusport",$statusport)
        $args += @("-logfile", $logfile)
        $args += @("-username",$AdminCredential.UserName)
        $args += @("-password",$AdminCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $args += @("-localusername",$localUserCredential.UserName)
        $args += @("-localpassword",$localUserCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $args += @("-profileName",$profileName)
        $args += @("-excludesecuritydomains",$excludesecuritydomains)
        $args += @("-asExistingNode")
    [PSCustomObject] $process = Invoke-ProcessHelper $wasCmd $args
     if ($process -and ($process.ExitCode -eq 0)) {
         $nodeAdded = $true
         Write-Verbose  ($process.StdOut)
        $errorMsg = (&{if($process) {$process.StdOut} else {$null}})
        Write-Error "An error occurred while execute addNode job: $errorMsg"
    return $nodeAdded

# Is-FederatedProfile
# Test if Profile is alraedy Federated
Function Test-FederatedProfile() {
    param (
        [String] $ProfileName
    [Bool] $federatedProfile = $false
    [string] $profilePath = Get-IBMWASProfilePath $profileName
    [string] $cellPath = Join-Path $profilePath "config\cells"
    $dmgrCellFolder = Get-ChildItem $cellPath | Where-Object {$ -like "*dmgr*"}
    $federatedProfile = ($dmgrCellFolder -ne $null)
        Write-Verbose  ("Profile $ProfileName is already federated")
    return $federatedProfile

# New-WebSphereApplicationServer
# Create a WebSphereApplicationServer for a profile
Function New-WebSphereApplicationServer() {
    param (

        [ValidateSet('default', 'defaultXD', 'DeveloperServer')]
        $TemplateName = "default",
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential
    [Bool] $serverCreated = $false;
    [string[]] $wsadminCommands = @()
    [string[]] $arguments = @()
    [string] $createServer = "AdminServerManagement.createApplicationServer('$NodeName', '$ServerName', '$TemplateName')"
        $arguments += @("-host", $DmgrHost)
        $arguments += @("-port", $DmgrPort)
    $wsadminCommands += $createServer
    Write-Verbose ("Creating Application Server:" + $createServer + " " + $args)
    $wsadminProcess = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                            -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                            -Commands $wsadminCommands `
                            -Arguments $arguments `
                            -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $WebSphereAdministratorCredential `
                            -LogToFile -Verbose
    if($wsadminProcess -and ($wsadminProcess.ExitCode -eq 0)){
        $serverCreated = $true
        Write-Verbose ("Application Server $serverName created:"+[environment]::NewLine+$wsadminProcess.StdOut)
        $serverCreated = $false
        Write-Error("Application Server creation failed, please check log for more detail:"+[environment]::NewLine+$wsadminProcess.StdOut)
    return $serverCreated

# Start-WebSphereWindowsService
# Starts the WebSphere's Windows Service
Function Start-WebSphereWindowsService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)]

    $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*$ServiceName"
    $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName
    if ($wasSvc) {
        if ($wasSvc.Status -ne "Running") {
            Write-Verbose "Starting $ServerName via Windows Service $ServiceName"
            Start-Service $wasSvc
            Wait-WebSphereApplicationServerStarted $ProfilePath $ServerName
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "$ServerName already started"

# Wait-WebSphereApplicationServerStarted
# Stops the WebSphere's Windows Service
Function Wait-WebSphereApplicationServerStarted{
    Param (
        $Timeout = 600
    if(!(Test-Path $ProfilePath)){
        Write-Error "ProfilePath is not found: $ProfilePath"
    $pidFile = Join-Path -Path $ProfilePath -ChildPath "logs\$ServerName\$"
    if (!(Test-Path($pidFile))) {
        $sleepTimer = 0;
        while(!(Test-Path $pidFile)) {
            Write-Warning "Waiting for $ServerName PID file to be created: $pidFile"
            sleep -s 10
            $sleepTimer += 10
            # Wait maximum of 10 minutes for portal to start after service is initialized
            if ($sleepTimer -ge $Timeout) {
                Write-Warning "Timeout for starting $ServerName"


# Stop-WebSphereWindowsService
# Stops the WebSphere's Windows Service
Function Stop-WebSphereWindowsService {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]

    $wasSvcName = "*" + $WAS_SVC_PREFIX + "*" + $ServiceName
    $wasSvc = Get-Service -DisplayName $wasSvcName

    if ($wasSvc.Status -ne "Stopped") {
        Write-Verbose "Stopping WebSphere Windows Service: $ServiceName"
        Stop-Service $wasSvc
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "WebSphere Windows Service: $ServiceName already stopped"

# New-WebSphereAppServerCluster
Function New-WebSphereAppServerCluster{
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $ClusterName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [String] $NodeName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
        [String] $ServerName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=3)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=4)]
        [PSCredential] $AdminCredential
    $result = $False
    $wasCmd = "AdminClusterManagement.createClusterWithFirstMember('$ClusterName', 'APPLICATION_SERVER', '$NodeName', '$ServerName')"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                            -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                            -Commands @($wasCmd) `
                            -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $AdminCredential
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
        Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
        if($wasProc.StdOut -like "*$ClusterName(cells/*/clusters/$ClusterName|cluster.xml*"){
            $result = $True
        Write-Error "Invoke WsAdmin $wasCmd failed"
    return $result

# New-WebSphereAppServerClusterMember
Function New-WebSphereAppServerClusterMember{
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $ClusterName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [String] $NodeName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
        [String] $ServerName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=3)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=4)]
        [PSCredential] $AdminCredential
    $result = $False
    $wasCmd = "AdminClusterManagement.createClusterMember($ClusterName, $NodeName, $ServerName)"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                            -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                            -Commands @($wasCmd) `
                            -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $AdminCredential
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
         Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
         $result = $True
        Write-Error "Invoke WsAdmin $wasCmd failed"
    return $result

# Test-ClusterExists
Function Test-ClusterExists{
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $ClusterName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=2)]
        [PSCredential] $AdminCredential
    $result = $False
    $wasCmd = "AdminClusterManagement.checkIfClusterExists('$ClusterName')"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                            -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                            -Commands @($wasCmd) `
                            -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $AdminCredential
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
         Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
            $result = $True
        Write-Error "Invoke WsAdmin $wasCmd failed"
    return $result

# Test-ClusterMemberExists
Function Test-ClusterMemberExists{
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $ClusterName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [String] $ClusterMemberName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=3)]
        [PSCredential] $AdminCredential
    $result = $False
    $wasCmd = "AdminClusterManagement.checkIfClusterMemberExists('$ClusterName', '$ClusterMemberName')"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                            -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                            -Commands @($wasCmd) `
                            -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $AdminCredential
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
         Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
            $result = $True
        Write-Error "Invoke WsAdmin $wasCmd failed"
    return $result

# Enable-WebSphereApplicationSecurity
Function Enable-WebSphereApplicationSecurity{
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=1)]
        [PSCredential] $AdminCredential
    $result = $False
    $wasCmds = @("import ibm.lib.wsadminlib")
    $wasCmds += "ibm.lib.wsadminlib.setApplicationSecurity('true')"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                    -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                    -Commands $wasCmds `
                    -ModulesPaths (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "WsAdminScripts") `
                    -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $AdminCredential
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
        Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
        $result = $True
        Write-Error "Invoke WsAdmin $wasCmd failed"
    return $result

# Set-WebSphereVaribles
Function Set-WebSphereVaribles{
    Param (
        [String] $NodeName = 'None',
        [String] $ServerName = 'None',
        [Hashtable] $ClusterName = 'None',
        [Hashtable] $WebSphereVaribles,
        [string] $Profile,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [PSCredential] $AdminCredential
    $result = $False
    $profilePath = Get-IBMWASProfilePath $Profile
    $wasCmds = @("import ibm.lib.wsadminlib")
    $WebSphereVaribles | % {
        if (!($_.Name)) {
           $wasCmds += "ibm.lib.wsadminlib.setWebSphereVariable ( $_.Name, $_.Value, nodeName=$NodeName, serverName=$ServerName, clusterName=$ClusterName )"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                    -ProfilePath $profilePath `
                    -Commands $wasCmds `
                    -ModulesPaths (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "WsAdminScripts") `
                    -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $AdminCredential
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
        Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
        $result = $True
        Write-Error "Invoke WsAdmin $wasCmd failed"
    return $result

function Test-FileLock {
    param (

    $oFile = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $Path
    if ((Test-Path -Path $Path) -eq $false)
      return $false
        $oStream = $oFile.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None)
        if ($oStream)
      # file is locked by a process.
      return $true

Function Wait-AllFileReleased{
    Param (
        $Interval = 30,
        $Timeout = 300
    if(!(Test-Path $Directory)){
        Write-Error "Directory is not found: $Directory"
    $sleepTimer = 0
    $lockFile = $null
    $locked = $false
    while($sleepTimer -lt $Timeout){
        $locked = Get-ChildItem $Directory -File -Recurse | foreach { 
                        $file = (Join-Path $Directory $_) 
                        if(Test-FileLock $file){
                            $lockFile = $file
                            Write-Verbose "File lock detected: $lockFile"
                            return $true
            Write-Warning "$lockFile locked, recheck in $Interval secs...."
            Start-Sleep $Interval | Out-Null
            $sleepTimer += $Interval
            $lock = $false
        Write-Warning "File still locked after Timeout : $lockFile"
    return $locked

# Remove-IBMWebSphereAppServerWindowsService
# Remove a new windows service for starting/stopping the WAS server specified
Function Remove-IBMWebSphereAppServerWindowsService() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, position=0)]
        [String] $ServerName
    $appServerHome = Get-IBMWebSphereAppServerInstallLocation ND
    $wasSvcExePath = Join-Path -Path $appServerHome -ChildPath "\bin\WASService.exe"
    $wasSvcStatsArgs = @('-status', $ServerName)
    $wasSvcProcess = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $wasSvcExePath -ProcessArguments $wasSvcStatsArgs
    if($wasSvcProcess -and ($wasSvcProcess.StdOut -like "*The service is running*")){
        $wasSvcStopArgs = @('-stop', $ServerName)
        $wasSvcProcess = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $wasSvcExePath -ProcessArguments $wasSvcStopArgs
    if($wasSvcProcess -and ($wasSvcProcess.StdOut -like "*Successfully stopped service*") -or ($wasSvcProcess.StdOut -like "*The service is stopped*")){
        $wasSvcRemoveArgs = @('-remove', $ServerName)
        $wasSvcProcess = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $wasSvcExePath -ProcessArguments $wasSvcRemoveArgs
    $wasSvcProcess = Invoke-ProcessHelper -ProcessFileName $wasSvcExePath -ProcessArguments $wasSvcStatsArgs
    $wasSvcRemoved = $False
    if($wasSvcProcess -and ($wasSvcProcess.ExitCode -eq 3)){
        $wasSvcRemoved = $True
    return $wasSvcRemoved

# Get-CreateKeyStoreCmd
# Return WSAdmin command of CreateKeyStore
Function Get-CreateKeyStoreCmd {
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $StoreName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [String] $StorePath,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
        [String] $Scope,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=3)]
        [String] $StorePassword
    return "AdminTask.createKeyStore('[-keyStoreName $StoreName -scopeName $Scope -keyStoreDescription -keyStoreLocation $StorePath -keyStorePassword $StorePassword -keyStorePasswordVerify $StorePassword -keyStoreType PKCS12 -keyStoreInitAtStartup false -keyStoreReadOnly false -keyStoreStashFile false -keyStoreUsage SSLKeys ]')"

# Get-CertificateAliasFromKey
# Return WSAdmin command of get CertificateAliasFromKey
Function Get-CertificateAliasFromKey {
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $CertificatePath,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [String] $SSLPassword,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
        [String] $ProfileName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=3)]
        [PSCredential] $WasAdminCredential
    [String] $certAliasFromKey = $Null
    $wasGenKeyAliasCmd = "AdminTask.listKeyFileAliases('[-keyFilePath $CertificatePath -keyFilePassword $SSLPassword -keyFileType PKCS12 ]')"
    $wasGenKeyAliasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                    -ProfilePath $ProfileName `
                    -Commands $wasGenKeyAliasCmd `
                    -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $WasAdminCredential
    if($wasGenKeyAliasProc -and ($wasGenKeyAliasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
        $certAliasFromKey = $wasGenKeyAliasProc.StdOut.Replace("'","").Trim()
        Write-Error "Error occured when creating List Key File Aliases"
    return $certAliasFromKey

# New-ImportCertificatesCmds
# Return WSAdmin command of ImportCertificates Commands
Function New-ImportCertificatesCmds {
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [PSCustomObject] $Store,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [String] $Scope,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=3)]
        [String] $CertificatesDir,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=4)]
        [String] $SSLPassword,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=5)]
        [String] $ProfileName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=6)]
        [PSCredential] $WasAdminCredential
    [String[]] $importCertificatesCmds = @()
    [String] $storeName = $Store.Name
    $signerCertificates = $Store.SignerCertificates
    $personalCertificates = $Store.PersonalCertificates

        foreach ($cert in $signerCertificates){
            $certPath = Join-Path $CertificatesDir $cert.FilePath
            if(Test-Path $certPath){
                Write-Verbose "Import Signer Certificate : $($cert.Alias)[$certPath] -> $storeName"
                $importCertificatesCmds += "AdminTask.addSignerCertificate('[-keyStoreName $storeName -keyStoreScope $Scope -certificateFilePath $certPath -base64Encoded true -certificateAlias $($cert.Alias) ]')"
                Write-Error "Signer Certificate is not found in path : $certPath"
        foreach ($cert in $personalCertificates){
            $certPath = Join-Path $CertificatesDir $cert.FilePath
            if(Test-Path $certPath){
                Write-Verbose "Import Personal Certificate : $($cert.Alias)[$certPath] -> $storeName"
                $certificateAliasFromKey = Get-CertificateAliasFromKey $certPath $SSLPassword $ProfileName $WasAdminCredential
                $importCertificatesCmds += "AdminTask.importCertificate('[-keyFilePath $certPath -keyFilePassword $SSLPassword -keyFileType PKCS12 -certificateAliasFromKeyFile $certificateAliasFromKey -certificateAlias $($cert.Alias) -keyStoreName $storeName -keyStoreScope $Scope ]')"
                Write-Error "Personal Certificate is not found in path : $certPath"
    return $importCertificatesCmds

# Start-ManagedWebServer
Function Start-ManagedWebServer {
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $Nodename,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [String] $ServerName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=3)]
        [PSCredential] $AdminCredential

    $result = $False
    $wasCmds += "ibm.lib.wsadminlib.startWebServer('$Nodename', '$ServerName')"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                    -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                    -Commands $wasCmds `
                    -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $AdminCredential -ImportIBMLib
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
        Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
        $result = $True
        Write-Error "Invoke WsAdmin $wasCmd failed"
    return $result

# Stop-ManagedWebServer
Function Stop-ManagedWebServer {
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $Nodename,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [String] $ServerName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=2)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=3)]
        [PSCredential] $AdminCredential

    $result = $False
    $wasCmds += "ibm.lib.wsadminlib.stopWebServer('$Nodename', '$ServerName')"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin `
                    -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                    -Commands $wasCmds `
                    -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $AdminCredential -ImportIBMLib
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
        Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
        $result = $True
        Write-Error "Invoke WsAdmin $wasCmd failed"
    return $result

# Start-WebSphereAppServerCluster
Function Start-WebSphereAppServerCluster{
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $ClusterName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=2)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential,
        [Switch] $RippleStart
    $result = $False
    $wasCmd = "AdminClusterManagement.startSingleCluster('$ClusterName')"
        $wasCmd = "AdminClusterManagement.rippleStartSingleCluster('$ClusterName')"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                            -Commands @($wasCmd) `
                            -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $WebSphereAdministratorCredential
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
         Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
         $result = $True
        Write-Error "Error occured when starting WebSphere Cluster : $ClusterName" -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop
    return $result

# Stop-WebSphereAppServerCluster
Function Stop-WebSphereAppServerCluster{
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        [String] $ClusterName,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=1)]
        [string] $ProfilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=2)]
        [PSCredential] $WebSphereAdministratorCredential,
        [Switch] $Immediate
    $result = $False
    $wasCmd = "AdminClusterManagement.stopSingleCluster('$ClusterName')"
        $wasCmd = "AdminClusterManagement.immediateStopSingleCluster('$ClusterName')"
    $wasProc = Invoke-WsAdmin -ProfilePath $ProfilePath `
                            -Commands @($wasCmd) `
                            -WebSphereAdministratorCredential $WebSphereAdministratorCredential
    if($wasProc -and ($wasProc.ExitCode -eq 0)){
         Write-Verbose $wasProc.StdOut
         $result = $True
        Write-Error "Error occured when stopping WebSphere Cluster : $ClusterName" -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop
    return $result

# New-PropertiesBasedConfigScope
# Generate the PropertiesBasedConfig scope string
# Cell=!{cellName}:Node=!{nodeName}:Server=!{serverName}
# Cell=!{cellName}:ServerCluster=!{clusterName}
Function New-PropertiesBasedConfigScope() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=0)]
        [String] $Cell,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $False, position=1)]
        [String] $Cluster,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $False, position=2)]
        [String] $Node,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, position=3)]
        [String] $Server,
        [Switch] $PopulateVariables
    [String] $scope = $Null
        $Cell = '!{cellName}'
        if ($Cluster) {
            $Cluster = '!{clusterName}'
        if ($Node) {
            $Node = '!{nodeName}'
        if ($Server) {
            $Server = '!{serverName}'
    $scope = "Cell=$Cell"
    if ($Cluster) {
        $scope += ":ServerCluster=$Cluster"
    } else {
        if ($Node) {
            $scope += ":Node=$Node"
            if ($Server) {
                $scope += ":Server=$Server"
    return $scope

# Format-HashTable
# Format HashTable to a String
Function Format-HashTable() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=0)]
        [HashTable] $HashTable,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $False, position=1)]
        [String] $Separator
        return $Null
        $Separator = [environment]::newline
    return ($HashTable.Keys | foreach { $key = $_;"$key=$($HashTable.$key)" }) -join $Separator

# New-PropertiesBasedConfigScope
# Generate the PropertiesBasedConfig scope string
# Cell=!{cellName}:Node=!{nodeName}:Server=!{serverName}
# Cell=!{cellName}:ServerCluster=!{clusterName}
Function New-PropertiesBasedEnvironmentVariables() {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $True, position=0)]
        [String] $Cell,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $False, position=1)]
        [String] $Cluster,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $False, position=2)]
        [String] $Node,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, position=3)]
        [String] $Server
    [String] $environmentVariables = $Null
    [hashtable] $environmentVariableData = @{}
    $environmentVariableData.Add('cellName', $Cell)
        $environmentVariableData.Add('clusterName', $Cluster)
        $environmentVariableData.Add('nodeName', $Node)
        $environmentVariableData.Add('serverName', $Server)
    $environmentVariables += (Format-HashTable $environmentVariableData)
    return $environmentVariables