
function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $Team = Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name "$TeamName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $teaminfo = @{
    TeamName = $Team.Name
    Ensure = if($Team){'Present'}else{'Absent'}
    TeamMembers = $Team.Members
    TeamingMode = $Team.TeamingMode
    LBAlgorithm = $Team.LoadBalancingAlgorithm

    return $teaminfo

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $TeamingMode = "SwitchIndependent",

        $LBAlgorithm = "HyperVPort"

    switch ($Ensure)
            #Using the Get-TargetResource function to get properties of the team
            $teaminfo = Get-TargetResource -TeamName $TeamName -TeamMembers $TeamMembers

            # Check if team already exists. If yes not all setting are correct
            if($teaminfo.Ensure -eq 'Present')

                Write-Verbose "Checking if Team members of $TeamName are correct..."
                if(!(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $teaminfo.TeamMembers -DifferenceObject $TeamMembers -PassThru))
                    Write-Verbose "Team $TeamName has the right team members configured"
                    Write-Verbose "Team $TeamName has not the right team members configured"
                    Write-Verbose "Setting right team members..."
                    Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $teaminfo.TeamMembers -DifferenceObject $TeamMembers | 
                    foreach {if($_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"){Add-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team "$TeamName" -Name "$($_.InputObject)" -Confirm:$false}else{Remove-NetLbfoTeamMember -Team "$TeamName" -Name "$($_.InputObject)" -Confirm:$false}}

                Write-Verbose "Checking if Team $TeamName has set the correct teaming mode..."
                if ($teaminfo.TeamingMode -eq $TeamingMode)
                    Write-Verbose "Team $TeamName has set the correct teaming mode"    
                    Write-Verbose "Team $TeamName has set an incorrect teaming mode ($($teaminfo.TeamingMode))"
                    Write-Verbose "Setting the teming mode to $TeamingMode..."  
                    Set-NetLbfoTeam -Name "$TeamName" -TeamingMode $TeamingMode -Confirm:$false

                Write-Verbose "Checking if Team $TeamName has set the correct Load Balacing algorithm..."
                if ($teaminfo.LBAlgorithm -eq $LBAlgorithm)
                    Write-Verbose "Team $TeamName has set the correct Load Balacing algorithm"
                    Write-Verbose "Team $TeamName has set an incorrect Load Balacing algorithm ($($teaminfo.LBAlgorithm))"
                    Write-Verbose "Setting the Load Balacing algorithm to $LBAlgorithm..."  
                    Set-NetLbfoTeam -Name "$TeamName" -LoadBalancingAlgorithm $LBAlgorithm -Confirm:$false
                #Team not present. Just create new Team.
                $null = New-NetLbfoTeam -Name "$TeamName" -TeamMembers $TeamMembers -TeamingMode $TeamingMode -LoadBalancingAlgorithm $LBAlgorithm -Confirm:$false
            #Ensure is set to Absent. Remove the team
            Get-NetLbfoTeam -Name "$TeamName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-NetLbfoTeam       

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $TeamingMode = "SwitchIndependent",

        $LBAlgorithm = "HyperVPort"

    Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if NIC Team $TeamName is $Ensure..." 
    #Using the Get-TargetResource function to get properties of the team
    $teaminfo = Get-TargetResource -TeamName $TeamName -TeamMembers $TeamMembers

    # Check if team already exists
    if($teaminfo.Ensure -eq 'Present')
        Write-Verbose -Message "NIC Team $TeamName is Present"
        #team is absent. But should it be present?
        if($Ensure -eq 'Present')
            #team is present and shoud be present. OK. Lets check the config
            Write-Verbose "Checking if Team members of $TeamName are correct..."
            if(!(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $teaminfo.TeamMembers -DifferenceObject $TeamMembers -PassThru))
                Write-Verbose "Team members of $TeamName are correct"
                #team members are NOT correct ($teaminfo.TeamMembers and $TeamMembers are different)
                return $false

            Write-Verbose "Checking if Team $TeamName has set the correct teaming mode..."
            if ($teaminfo.TeamingMode -eq $TeamingMode)
                Write-Verbose "Team $TeamName has set the correct teaming mode"    
                #Teaming mode is incorrect
                return $false   

            Write-Verbose "Checking if Team $TeamName has set the correct Load Balacing algorithm..."
            if ($teaminfo.LBAlgorithm -eq $LBAlgorithm)
                Write-Verbose "Team $TeamName has set the correct Load Balacing algorithm"
                #Teaming mode is incorrect
                return $false   
            return $true
            #team is present but should be absent. NOK
            return $false
    #team is abesent
        Write-Verbose -Message "NIC Team $TeamName is Absent"
        #team is absent. But should it be present?
        if($Ensure -eq 'Present')
            #team is absent but shoud be present. NOK
            return $false
            #team is absent and sould be absent. OK
            return $true

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource