
enum Ensure

class cMDTApplication

    [Ensure] $Ensure











    [void] Set()

        # Get string path separator; eg. "/" or "\"
        [string]$separator = Get-Separator -Path $this.ApplicationSourcePath

        # Set file name based on name, version and type
        $filename = "$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.ApplicationSourcePath -Separator $separator))_$($this.Version).zip"

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download file: $filename" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

        # Set folder name as file name without version
        $foldername = (Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.ApplicationSourcePath -Separator $separator).Split(".")[0]

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Folder name: $foldername" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

        # Determine if file path is an SMB or weblink and should be downloaded
        [bool]$download = $True
        If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.ApplicationSourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\"))
        { $targetdownload = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($filename)" }
        { $targetdownload = "$($this.ApplicationSourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" ; $download = $False }
        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download: $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }
        # Set temporary extraction folder name
        $extractfolder = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($foldername)"

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Extract folder: $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

        # Set reference file name to enable versioning
        $referencefile = "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Applications\$($this.DestinationFolder)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.ApplicationSourcePath -Separator $separator)).version"

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Reference file: $referencefile" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

        # Determine if application should be present or not
        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.path)\$($' -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

            # Check if application already exist in MDT
            $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

            if ($present)

                # Upgrade existing application

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download: $download" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # If file must be downloaded before imported
                If ($download)
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.ApplicationSourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                    # Start download
                    Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.ApplicationSourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                    # Test if download was successfull
                    $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                    # If download was not successfull
                    If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Applications\$($this.DestinationFolder)'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # Expand archive to application folder in MDT
                Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Applications\$($this.DestinationFolder)"

                # If downloaded
                If ($download)
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                    # Remove downloaded archive after expansion
                    Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload

                # Import new application

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-CreatePath -Path $($this.path) -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # Create path for new application import
                Invoke-CreatePath -Path $this.path -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download: $download" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # If file must be downloaded before imported
                If ($download)
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.ApplicationSourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                    # Start download of application
                    Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.ApplicationSourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                    # Test if download was successfull
                    $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                    # If download was not successfull
                    If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # Expand archive
                Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # Check if expanded folder exist
                $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $extractfolder

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # If expanded folder does not exist
                If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$extractfolder' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                # If downloaded
                If ($download) {
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }
                    # Remove downloaded archive after expansion
                    Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload

                # Call MDT import of new application

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # Remove expanded folder after import
                Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # Create new versioning file
                New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value $($this.Version)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

            # Set versioning file content
            Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)"

            # Remove existing application

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path '$($this.path)\$($' -Recurse -Levels 3 -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

            # Remove application and traverse folder path where empty
            Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -Recurse -Levels 3 -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

    [bool] Test()

        # Get string path separator; eg. "/" or "\"
        [string]$separator = Get-Separator -Path $this.ApplicationSourcePath

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.path)\$($' -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type TEST }

        # Check if application already exists in MDT
        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath 

        # If application exists and should be present
        if (($present) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present))
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Compare-Version -Source '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Applications\$($this.DestinationFolder)\$($this.ApplicationSourcePath.Split($($separator))[-1]).version' -Target $($this.Version)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type TEST }

            # Verify version against the reference file
            $match = Compare-Version -Source "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Applications\$($this.DestinationFolder)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.ApplicationSourcePath -Separator $separator)).version" -Target $this.Version

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Match: $match" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type TEST }

            # If versioning file content do not match
            if (-not ($match))
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type TEST }
                Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server"
                $present = $false

        # Return boolean from test method
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type TEST }
            return $present
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return -not $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type TEST }
            return -not $present

    [cMDTApplication] Get()
        return $this

    [void] ImportApplication($Source)

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Import the required module MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-PSDrive -Name $($this.PSDriveName) -PSProvider 'MDTProvider' -Root $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose:$($false)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "If (-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path $($this.path) -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath)))" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Verify that the path for the application import exist
        If (-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path $this.path -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath))
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-CreatePath -Path $($this.path) -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type FUNCTION }

            # Create folder path to prepare for application import
            Invoke-CreatePath -Path $this.path -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Import-MDTApplication -Path $($this.Path) -Enable $($this.Enabled) -Name $($this.Name) -ShortName $($this.ShortName) -Version $($this.Version) -Publisher $($this.Publisher) -Language $($this.Language) -CommandLine $($this.CommandLine) -WorkingDirectory $($this.WorkingDirectory) -ApplicationSourcePath $($Source) -DestinationFolder $($this.DestinationFolder) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type FUNCTION }   

        # Initialize application import to MDT
        Import-MDTApplication -Path $this.Path -Enable $this.Enabled -Name $this.Name -ShortName $this.ShortName -Version $this.Version `
                              -Publisher $this.Publisher -Language $this.Language -CommandLine $this.CommandLine -WorkingDirectory $this.WorkingDirectory `
                              -ApplicationSourcePath $Source -DestinationFolder $this.DestinationFolder -Verbose

class cMDTApplicationBundle






    [string]$Version = [string]::Empty
    [string]$Publisher = [string]::Empty

    [string]$Language = [string]::Empty

    [string]$Hide = $false

    [string]$Enable = $true

    [string]$Folder = 'Applications'

    [void] Set()
        # Call function to check if bundle exist
        $present           = $this.ApplicationBundleExists()

        # Call function to check if bundle needs to be updated
        $bundleNeedsUpdate = $this.ApplicationBundleNeedsUpdate()
        # Determine if bundle should be present or not
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Present -and $present -eq $false)
            if ($bundleNeedsUpdate)

                # Update bundle

                # Create bundle
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Absent -and $present -eq $true)
            # Remove bundle

    [bool] Test()
        # Call function to check if bundle exist
        $present = $this.ApplicationBundleExists()

        # Return boolean from test method
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTApplicationBundle] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] ApplicationBundleExists()

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule module

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false
        # Check if bundle exist
        $bundle = Get-ChildItem "$($this.PSDriveName):" -Recurse | 
                    Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$($this.BundleName)" -and $_.NodeType -eq 'Application'}

        if ($bundle)

            # Check if bundle needs to be updated
            if ($this.ApplicationBundleNeedsUpdate())
                return $false
            return $true
        return $false


    [bool] ApplicationBundleNeedsUpdate()

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false
        # Check if bundle exist
        $bundle = Get-ChildItem "$($this.PSDriveName):" -Recurse | 
                    Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$($this.BundleName)" -and $_.NodeType -eq 'Application'}

        if (!$bundle)
            return $false

        # Get GUID:s from bundle
        $applicationGuids = $this.GetApplicationGuids()

        # Compare GUID:s to check if update is needed
        if ($null -ne (Compare-Object $applicationGuids $bundle.Dependency)) {return $true}

        # Verify bundle parameter properties
        if ($bundle.ShortName -ne $this.BundleName)            {return $true}
        if ($bundle.Version   -ne $this.Version)               {return $true}
        if ($bundle.Publisher -ne $this.Publisher)             {return $true}
        if ($bundle.Language  -ne $this.Language)              {return $true}
        if ($bundle.Hide      -ne $this.Hide.ToString())       {return $true}
        if ($bundle.Enable    -ne $this.Enable.ToString())     {return $true}
        return $false        

    [void] CreateApplicationBundle()

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false

        # Set splatting parameters from input
        $importParams = @{
            Path        = "$($this.PSDriveName):\$($this.Folder)"
            Enable      = $this.Enable.ToString()
            Hide        = $this.Hide.ToString()
            Name        = $this.BundleName
            ShortName   = $this.BundleName
            DisplayName = $this.BundleName
            Version     = $this.Version
            Publisher   = $this.Publisher
            Language    = $this.Language
            Bundle      = $true

        # Import MDT application
        Import-MDTApplication @importParams > $null

        # Define path to bundle in MDT
        $path = "$($this.PSDriveName):\$($this.Folder)\$($this.BundleName)"
        # Get GUID:s for bundle
        $applicationGuids = $this.GetApplicationGuids()

        # Set GUID:s to property for matching capabilities
        Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name Dependency -Value $applicationGuids


    [void] UpdateApplicationBundle()

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false
        # Define path to bundle in MDT
        $path = "$($this.PSDriveName):\$($this.Folder)\$($this.BundleName)"

        # Define attributes to be verified
        $properties = @('Enable',
        # Loop through attributes and update accordingly
        foreach ($property in $properties)
            if ($property -eq 'ShortName' -or $property -eq 'DisplayName')
                Set-ItemProperty -Path "$path" -Name "$property" -Value "$($this.BundleName)"
                Set-ItemProperty -Path "$path" -Name "$property" -Value "$($this.$property.ToString())"
        # Get GUID:s for bundle
        $applicationGuids = $this.GetApplicationGuids()

        # Set GUID:s to property for matching capabilities
        Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name Dependency -Value $applicationGuids

    [void] RemoveApplicationBundle()
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false
        $path = "$($this.PSDriveName):\$($this.Folder)\$($this.BundleName)"
        Remove-Item -Path $path
    [string[]] GetApplicationGuids()
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false
        [string[]]$applicationGuids = @()
        foreach ($application in $this.BundledApplications)
            $applicationGuid = Get-ChildItem "$($this.PSDriveName):" -Recurse | 
                        Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $application -and $_.NodeType -eq 'Application'} | 
                        Select-Object -ExpandProperty guid
            if ($applicationGuid)
                $applicationguids += $applicationGuid
        return $applicationGuids
class cMDTBootstrapIni




    [void] Set()

        # Check if defined as present
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            # If set to present set content according to contract
            # If set to absent revert to default content

    [bool] Test()
        # Call function to test file content according to contract
        $present = $this.TestFileContent()
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTBootstrapIni] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] TestFileContent()
        $present = $false

        # Import existing file content
        $existingConfiguration = Get-Content -Path $this.Path -Raw #-Encoding UTF8

        $contract = $this.Content.Replace("`n","`r`n")
        $contract = $contract.Replace("DeployRoot=\\CLIENT","DeployRoot=\\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)")
        $contract = $contract.Replace("UserDomain=CLIENT","UserDomain=$($env:COMPUTERNAME)")

        # Match against content from contract
        if ($existingConfiguration -eq $contract)
            $present = $true   

        # Return state
        return $present

    [void] SetContent()
        $contract = $this.Content.Replace("`n","`r`n")
        $contract = $contract.Replace("DeployRoot=\\CLIENT","DeployRoot=\\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)")
        $contract = $contract.Replace("UserDomain=CLIENT","UserDomain=$($env:COMPUTERNAME)")

        # Set new file content
        Set-Content -Path $this.Path -Value $contract -NoNewline -Force #-Encoding UTF8
    [void] SetDefaultContent()
        # Set default content
        $defaultContent = @"

        Set-Content -Path $this.Path -Value $defaultContent -NoNewline -Force #-Encoding UTF8
class cMDTCustomize

    [Ensure] $Ensure






    [void] Set()

        # Get string path separator; eg. "/" or "\"
        [string]$separator = Get-Separator -Path $this.SourcePath   

        # Set file name basen on name and version
        $filename = "$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator))_$($this.Version).zip"

        # Determine if file path is an SMB or weblink and should be downloaded
        [bool]$download = $True
        If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.SourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\"))
        { $targetdownload = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($filename)" }
        { $targetdownload = "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" ; $download = $False }

        # Set extraction folder name
        $extractfolder = "$($this.path)\$($"

        # Set reference file name to enable versioning
        $referencefile = "$($this.Path)\$($\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).version"

        # Determine if customization should be present or not
        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            # Check if customization already exist in MDT
            $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($"

            if ($present)
                # Upgrade existing customization

                # If customization must be downloaded before imported
                If ($download)
                    # Start download of customization
                    Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                    # Test if download was successfull
                    $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                    # If download was not successfull
                    If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                # Check if protected mode has been defined
                if (-not $this.Protected)
                    # Check if reference file exist
                    $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $referencefile

                    # If it exist remove the reference file
                    If ($present) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $referencefile }

                # Expand archive to folder in MDT
                Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder -Verbose

                # If downloaded, remove downloaded archive after expansion
                If ($download) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload }

                # If protected mode has been defined create a new reference file
                If ($this.Protected) { New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile }

                # Import new customization

                # If customization must be downloaded before imported
                If ($download)
                    # Start download of customization
                    Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                    # Test if download was successfull
                    $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                    # If download was not successfull
                    If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                # Expand archive to folder in MDT
                Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder -Verbose

                # If downloaded, remove downloaded archive after expansion
                If ($download) { Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload }

                # Create a new reference file
                New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile 

            # Set versioning file content
            Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)"
            # Remove customization and traverse folder path where empty
            Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -Verbose

    [bool] Test()

        # Get string path separator; eg. "/" or "\"
        [string]$separator = Get-Separator -Path $this.SourcePath

        # Check if customization exist in MDT
        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($"

        # If customization exists and should be present
        if (($present) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present))
            # Verify existence of reference file
            If (Test-Path -Path "$($this.Path)\$($\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).version" -ErrorAction Ignore)
                # Verify customization version against the reference file
                $match = Compare-Version -Source "$($this.Path)\$($\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).version" -Target $this.Version

                # If versioning file content do not match
                if (-not ($match))

                    Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server"
                    $present = $false
                $present = $false

        # If customization exist, should be absent but defined as protected
        if (($present) -and ($this.Protected) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent))
            Write-Verbose "Folder protection override mode defined"
            Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) folder will not be removed"
            return $true
        # Return boolean from test method
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTCustomize] Get()
        return $this
class cMDTCustomSettingsIni




    [void] Set()
        # Check if defined as present
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            # If set to present set content according to contract
            # If set to absent revert to default content

    [bool] Test()

        # Call function to test file content according to contract
        $present = $this.TestFileContent()
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTCustomSettingsIni] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] TestFileContent()
        $present = $false

        # Import existing file content
        $existingConfiguration = Get-Content -Path $this.Path -Raw #-Encoding UTF8

        # Match against content from contract
        if ($existingConfiguration -eq $this.Content.Replace("`n","`r`n"))
            $present = $true   

        return $present

    [void] SetContent()
        # Set new file content
        Set-Content -Path $this.Path -Value $this.Content.Replace("`n","`r`n") -NoNewline -Force #-Encoding UTF8
    [void] SetDefaultContent()
        # Set default content
        $defaultContent = @"

        Set-Content -Path $this.Path -Value $defaultContent -NoNewline -Force #-Encoding UTF8
class cMDTDirectory

    [Ensure] $Ensure






    [void] Set()
        # Determine present/absent
        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            # If present create path
            # Verify if local path or PSDrive
            if (($this.PSDrivePath) -and ($this.PSDriveName))
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path '$($this.path)\$($this.Name)' -Recurse -Levels 4 -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type SET }

                # Remove and traverse folder path where empty
                Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -Recurse -Levels 4 -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path '$($this.path)\$($this.Name)' -Recurse -Levels 4 -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type SET }

                # Remove and traverse folder path where empty
                Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -Recurse -Levels 4 -Verbose

    [bool] Test()

        # Verify if local path or PSDrive
        if (($this.PSDrivePath) -and ($this.PSDriveName))
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.path)\$($this.Name)' -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type TEST }

            # Verify if PSDrive path exist
            $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type TEST }
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.path)\$($this.Name)' -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type TEST }

            # Verify if local path exist
            $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -Verbose

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type TEST }
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTDirectory] Get()
        return $this

    [void] CreateDirectory()

        # Verify if local path or PSDrive
        if (($this.PSDrivePath) -and ($this.PSDriveName))
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-CreatePath -Path '$($this.path)\$($this.Name)' -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type FUNCTION }

            # Create PSDrive path
            $present = Invoke-CreatePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type FUNCTION }
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-CreatePath -Path '$($this.path)\$($this.Name)' -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDirectory" -Type FUNCTION }

            # Create local path
            Invoke-CreatePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($this.Name)" -Verbose


class cMDTDriver

    [Ensure] $Ensure








    [void] Set()

        # Get string path separator; eg. "/" or "\"
        [string]$separator = Get-Separator -Path $this.SourcePath

        # Set file name based on name, version and type
        $filename = "$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator))_$($this.Version).zip"

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download file: $filename" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

        # Set folder name as file name without version
        $foldername = (Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator).Split(".")[0]

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Folder name: $foldername" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

        # Determine if file path is an SMB or weblink and should be downloaded
        [bool]$download = $True
        If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.SourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\"))
        { $targetdownload = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($filename)" }
        { $targetdownload = "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" ; $download = $False }
        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download: $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

        # Set temporary extraction folder name
        $extractfolder = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($foldername)"

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Extract folder: $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

        # Set reference file name to enable versioning
        $referencefile = "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Out-of-Box Drivers\$($($this.Path.Split("\")[-2]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Path.Split("\")[-1]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Name).Replace(' ',''))$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version"

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Reference file: $referencefile" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

        # Determine if driver should be present or not
        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.path)\$($' -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

            # Check if driver already exist in MDT
            $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

            if ($present)
                # Upgrade existing driver

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download: $download" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # If file must be downloaded before imported
                If ($download)
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip' -Target $targetdownload -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                    # Start download
                    Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                    # Test if download was successfull
                    $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                    # If download was not successfull
                    If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # Expand archive
                Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # Check if expanded folder exist
                $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $extractfolder

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # If expanded folder does not exist
                If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$extractfolder' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path '$($this.path)\$($' -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTApplication" -Type SET }

                # Remove current version
                Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

                # If downloaded
                If ($download) {
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                    # Remove downloaded archive after expansion
                    Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload

                # Call MDT import of new driver

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # Remove expanded folder after import
                Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder

                # Import new driver

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-CreatePath -Path $($this.path) -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # Create path for new driver import
                Invoke-CreatePath -Path $this.path -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download: $download" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # If file must be downloaded before imported
                If ($download)
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip' -Target $targetdownload -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                    # Start download
                    Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).zip" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                    # Test if download was successfull
                    $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                    # If download was not successfull
                    If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # Expand archive
                Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $targetdownload -Target $extractfolder

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # Check if expanded folder exist
                $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $extractfolder

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # If expanded folder does not exist
                If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$extractfolder' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                # If downloaded
                If ($download)
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                    # Remove downloaded archive after expansion
                    Invoke-RemovePath -Path $targetdownload

                # Call MDT import of new driver

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # Remove expanded folder after import
                Invoke-RemovePath -Path $extractfolder

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

                # Create new versioning file
                New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value '$($this.Version)'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

            # Set versioning file content
            Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)"
            # Remove existing driver
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path '$($this.path)\$($' -Recurse -Levels 3 -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

            # Remove application and traverse folder path where empty
            Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -Recurse -Levels 3 -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path $referencefile" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type SET }

            # Remove reference file
            Invoke-RemovePath -Path $referencefile

    [bool] Test()
        # Get string path separator; eg. "/" or "\"
        [string]$separator = Get-Separator -Path $this.SourcePath

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.path)\$($' -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type TEST }

        # Check if driver already exists in MDT
        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath 
        # If driver exists and should be present
        if (($present) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present))

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Compare-Version -Source '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Out-of-Box Drivers\$($($this.Path.Split('\')[-2]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Path.Split('\')[-1]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Name).Replace(' ',''))$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version' -Target $($this.Version)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type TEST }

            # Verify version against the reference file
            $match = Compare-Version -Source "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Out-of-Box Drivers\$($($this.Path.Split("\")[-2]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Path.Split("\")[-1]).Replace(' ',''))$($($this.Name).Replace(' ',''))$($this.SourcePath.Split($separator)[-1]).version" -Target $this.Version

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Match: $match" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type TEST }

            # If versioning file content do not match
            if (-not ($match))
                Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server"
                $present = $false
        # Return boolean from test method
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTDriver] Get()
        return $this

    [void] ImportDriver($Driver)

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Import the required module MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-PSDrive -Name $($this.PSDriveName) -PSProvider 'MDTProvider' -Root $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose:$($false)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-Item -Path $($this.Path) -enable $($this.Enabled) -Name $($this.Name) -Comments $($this.Comment) -ItemType 'folder' �Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Create path for the driver
        New-Item -Path $this.Path -enable $this.Enabled -Name $this.Name -Comments $this.Comment -ItemType "folder" ï¿½Verbose

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Import-MDTDriver -Path '$($this.path)\$($' -SourcePath $Driver -ImportDuplicates -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTDriver" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Initialize driver import to MDT
        Import-MDTDriver -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -SourcePath $Driver -ImportDuplicates -Verbose

class cMDTMonitorService

    [Ensure] $Ensure

    [String] $IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'




    [void] Set()

        # Check if monitor service is enabled
        $present = $this.MDTMonitorServiceIsEnabled()
        # Should monitor service be enabled
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Present -and $present -eq $false)

            # Enable monitor service
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Absent -and $present -eq $true)

            # Disable monitor service

    [bool] Test()
        # Check if monitor service is enabled
        $present = $this.MDTMonitorServiceIsEnabled()

        # Return boolean from test method
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTMonitorService] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] MDTMonitorServiceIsEnabled()
        # Check if monitor service is started
            $service = Get-Service MDT_Monitor -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($service.Status -ne 'Running')
                return $false
            return $false

        # Check if firewall ports for monitoring is opened
        if (!(Test-NetConnection -Port 9800 -ComputerName localhost -InformationLevel Quiet))
            return $false
        if (!(Test-NetConnection -Port 9801 -ComputerName localhost -InformationLevel Quiet))
            return $false


            # Get firewall rule for monitor service
            $rule = Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName 'MDT Monitor' -ErrorAction Stop

            # Get ports from firewall rule
            $ports = $rule | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter

            # Check if ports are defined in rule
            if (!($ports.LocalPort.Contains('9800') -and $ports.LocalPort.Contains('9801')))
                return $false
            return $false
        return $true

    [void] EnableMDTMonitorService()

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule module

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false

        # Enable monitor service
        Enable-MDTMonitorService -EventPort 9800 -DataPort 9801

        # Define host and ports
        Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDriveName):\" -Name MonitorHost -Value $this.MonitorHost
        Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDriveName):\" -Name MonitorEventPort -Value "9800"
        Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDriveName):\" -Name MonitorDataPort -Value "9801"

    [void] DisableMDTMonitorService()

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule module

        # Enable monitor service

        # Remove host and ports
        Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDriveName):\" -Name MonitorHost -Value ""
        Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDriveName):\" -Name MonitorEventPort -Value ""
        Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDriveName):\" -Name MonitorDataPort -Value ""
class cMDTOperatingSystem










    [void] Set()

        # Determine versioning type; checksum or static version
        [bool]$Hash = $False
        If (-not ($this.version))
        { $Hash = $True }

        # Get string path separator; eg. "/" or "\"
        [string]$separator = Get-Separator -Path $this.SourcePath

        $filename = $null

        # Set file name based on versioning type
        If ($Hash)
            $filename = "$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).wim"
            $filename = "$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator))_$($this.Version).wim"
        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download file: $filename" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }
        # Set folder name as file name without version
        $foldername = (Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator).Split(".")[0]

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Folder name: $foldername" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

        # Determine if file path is an SMB or weblink and should be downloaded
        [bool]$download = $True
        If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.SourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\"))
            $targetdownload = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($filename)"

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download: $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

            $targetdownloadref = "$($this.TempLocation)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).version"

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download reference: $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Hash: $Hash" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }
            If ($Hash)
                $targetdownload = "$($this.SourcePath).wim"
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download: $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                $targetdownloadref = "$($this.SourcePath).version"
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download reference: $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }
                $targetdownload = "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).wim"
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download: $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                $targetdownloadref = "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).version"
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download reference: $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }
            $download = $False

        # Set reference file name to enable versioning
        $referencefile = "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).version"

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Reference file: $referencefile" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

        # Set temporary extraction folder name
        $extractfolder = "$($this.TempLocation)\$($foldername)"

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Extract folder: $extractfolder" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

        # Determine if OS should be present or not
        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

            # Check if OS already exist in MDT
            $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)"

            if ($present)

                # Upgrade existing OS

                If ($Hash)
                    # If checksum automatic update defined

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download: $download" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                    # If file must be downloaded before imported
                    If ($download)
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath).wim' -Target $targetdownload -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Start download of WIM
                        Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath).wim" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Test if download was successfull
                        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # If download was not successfull
                        If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath).version' -Target $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Start download of checksum file
                        Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath).version" -Target $targetdownloadref

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Test if download was successfull
                        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownloadref

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # If download of checksum was not successfull
                        If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownloadref' because it does not exist." ; Return }


                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Test if WIM image can be found on source
                        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # If image can not be found
                        If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }


                    # If versioning update was defined

                    # If file must be downloaded before imported
                    If ($download)

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).wim' -Target $targetdownload -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Start download of WIM
                        Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).wim" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Test if download was successfull
                        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # If download was not successfull
                        If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }


                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)' -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }
                # Remove existing OS file
                Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)" -Verbose

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                # Test if removal was successfull
                $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)"

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                # If removal was unsuccessfull
                If ($present) { Write-Error "Could not remove path '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)'." ; Return }

                # Define new file names for import. Needed to keep names intact in MDT when not performing a new import.
                $oldname = $null
                $newname = $null
                If (-not ($Hash))
                    $oldname = $targetdownload
                    $newname = $targetdownload.Replace("_$($this.Version)","")

                # If file must be downloaded before imported
                If ($download)
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Copy-Item $targetdownload -Destination '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)' -Force -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                    # Copy WIM file to MDT storage location
                    Copy-Item $targetdownload -Destination "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)" -Force -Verbose
                    If (-not ($Hash))
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Rename-Item -Path $oldname -NewName $newname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$($False)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Rename file for import
                        Rename-Item -Path $oldname -NewName $newname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$False
                    If ($Hash)
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Copy-Item $targetdownload -Destination '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)' -Force -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Copy WIM file to MDT storage location
                        Copy-Item $targetdownload -Destination "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)" -Force -Verbose
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Copy-Item $newname -Destination '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)' -Force -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Copy renamed WIM file to MDT storage location
                        Copy-Item $newname -Destination "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$($filename)" -Force -Verbose
                    If (-not ($Hash))
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Rename-Item -Path $newname -NewName $oldname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$($False)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Rename source file to back original name
                        Rename-Item -Path $newname -NewName $oldname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$False

                If ($Hash)

                    # Get versioning from downloaded checksum
                    $this.version = Get-Content -Path $targetdownloadref

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Version: $($this.version)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value '$($this.Version)' -Verbose:$($false)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                # Set versioning content to reference file
                Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)" -Verbose:$false

                # Import new OS

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-CreatePath -Path '$($this.Path)' -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                # Create path for new OS import
                Invoke-CreatePath -Path "$($this.Path)" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose
                # Define new file names for import. Needed to keep names intact in MDT when not performing a new import.
                $oldname = $null
                $newname = $null
                If (-not ($Hash))
                    $oldname = $targetdownload
                    $newname = $targetdownload.Replace("_$($this.Version)","")

                # If file must be downloaded before imported
                If ($download)

                    # If file must be downloaded before imported

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Hash: $Hash" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }
                    If ($Hash)
                        # If checksum update was defined

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath).wim' -Target $targetdownload -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Download WIm file
                        Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath).wim" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Test if download was successfull
                        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # If download was not successfull
                        If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath).version' -Target $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Download checksum file
                        Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath).version" -Target $targetdownloadref

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Test if download was successfull
                        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownloadref

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # If download was not successfull
                        If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownloadref' because it does not exist." ; Return }


                        # If versioning update was defined

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).wim' -Target $targetdownload -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Download WIM file
                        Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath)_$($this.Version).wim" -Target $targetdownload -Verbose

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Test if download was successfull
                        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownload

                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # If download was not successfull
                        If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownload' because it does not exist." ; Return }


                    # Call function to import OS

                    # If file must not be downloaded before imported

                    If (-not ($Hash))
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Rename-Item -Path $oldname -NewName $newname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$($False)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Rename file for import
                        Rename-Item -Path $oldname -NewName $newname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$False
                    If ($Hash)

                        # Call function to import OS

                        # Call function to import OS
                    If (-not ($Hash))
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Rename-Item -Path $newname -NewName $oldname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$($False)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                        # Rename file after import
                        Rename-Item -Path $newname -NewName $oldname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Verbose:$False

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                # Create new reference file for versioning
                New-ReferenceFile -Path $referencefile -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath

                If ($Hash)

                    # Get checksum from downloaded file
                    $this.version = Get-Content -Path $targetdownloadref

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Version: $($this.version)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value '$($this.Version)'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

                # Set versioning file content
                Set-Content -Path $referencefile -Value "$($this.Version)"

            # Remove existing OS

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-RemovePath -Path '$($this.Path)' -Recurse -Levels 4 -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

            # Remove OS recursively from MDT
            Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.Path)" -Recurse -Levels 4 -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

            # Test if renmoval was successfull
            $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)"

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type SET }

            # If removal was not successfull
            If ($present) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)' because it does not exist." }



    [bool] Test()

        # Get string path separator; eg. "/" or "\"
        [string]$separator = Get-Separator -Path $this.SourcePath

        # Determine if checksum or manual versioning update was defined
        If (-not ($this.version))

            # Determine versioning file must be downloaded
            [bool]$download = $True
            If (($separator -eq "/") -Or ($this.SourcePath.Substring(0,2) -eq "\\"))
                $targetdownloadref = "$($this.TempLocation)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).version"
                $targetdownloadref = "$($this.SourcePath).version"
                $download = $False
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Target download reference: $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Download: $download" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }
            If ($download)
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-WebDownload -Source '$($this.SourcePath).version' -Target $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }

                # Download versioning file
                Invoke-WebDownload -Source "$($this.SourcePath).version" -Target $targetdownloadref

                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownloadref" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }

                # Test if download was successfull
                $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $targetdownloadref
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Return: $present" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }

                # If download was not successfull
                If (-not($present)) { Write-Error "Cannot find path '$targetdownloadref' because it does not exist." ; Exit }

            # Get content from downloaded versioning file
            $this.version = Get-Content -Path $targetdownloadref

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Version: $($this.version)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-TestPath -Path '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).wim'" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }

        # Test if OS file already exist in MDT
        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).wim"

        # If OS exists and should be present
        if (($present) -and ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present))
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Compare-Version -Source '$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).version' -Target $($this.Version)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }

            # Verify content from server side versioning file against local reference file
            $match = Compare-Version -Source "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Operating Systems\$($this.Name)\$((Get-FileNameFromPath -Path $this.SourcePath -Separator $separator)).version" -Target $this.Version

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Match: $match" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type TEST }

            if (-not ($match))

                # If version does not match
                Write-Verbose "$($this.Name) version has been updated on the pull server"
                $present = $false
        # Return boolean from test method
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTOperatingSystem] Get()
        return $this

    [void] ImportOperatingSystem($OperatingSystem)

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Import the MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule module

        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-PSDrive -Name $($this.PSDriveName) -PSProvider 'MDTProvider' -Root $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose:$($false)" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type FUNCTION }

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false

        # Verify that the path for the application import exist
        If (-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path $this.Path -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath))
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Invoke-CreatePath -Path $($this.Path) -PSDriveName $($this.PSDriveName) -PSDrivePath $($this.PSDrivePath) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type FUNCTION }

            # Create folder path to prepare for OS import
            Invoke-CreatePath -Path $this.Path -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

            $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Import-MDTOperatingSystem -Path $($this.Path) -SourceFile $OperatingSystem -DestinationFolder $($this.Name) -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "cMDTOperatingSystem" -Type FUNCTION }

            # Start import of OS file
            Import-MDTOperatingSystem -Path $this.Path -SourceFile $OperatingSystem -DestinationFolder $this.Name -Verbose

            $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
            Catch [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException]
                If ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -notlike "*ItemAlreadyExists*")
                    throw $_
class cMDTPersistentDrive

    [Ensure] $Ensure





    [void] Set()

        # Determine present/absent
        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            # If present create drive

            # If absent remove drive

    [bool] Test()

        # Check if persistent drive exist
        $present = $this.TestDirectoryPath()
        # Return boolean from test method
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTPersistentDrive] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] TestDirectoryPath()
        $present = $false

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule module

        # Check if persistent drive exist
        if (Test-Path -Path $this.Path -PathType Container -ErrorAction Ignore)
            $mdtShares = (GET-MDTPersistentDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            If ($mdtShares)
                ForEach ($share in $mdtShares)
                    If ($share.Name -eq $this.Name)
                        $present = $true

        return $present

    [void] CreateDirectory()

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule module

        $sNetworkPath = $this.NetworkPath
        $sNetworkPath = $sNetworkPath.Replace("\\CLIENT\","\\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\")

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.Name -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.Path -Description $this.Description -NetworkPath $sNetworkPath -Verbose:$false | `

        # Create MDT persistent drive
        Add-MDTPersistentDrive -Verbose


    [void] RemoveDirectory()
        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule module

        Write-Verbose -Message "Removing MDTPersistentDrive $($this.Name)"

        $sNetworkPath = $this.NetworkPath
        $sNetworkPath = $sNetworkPath.Replace("\\CLIENT\","\\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\")

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.Name -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.Path -Description $this.Description -NetworkPath $sNetworkPath -Verbose:$false | `

        # Remove MDT persistent drive
        Remove-MDTPersistentDrive -Verbose
class cMDTPreReqs




    [void] Set()

        Write-Verbose "Starting set for $($this.Name)..."

        $file = ($this.DownloadPath).split("\")[-1]
        $path = ($this.DownloadPath).Replace("\$($file)","")

        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)

            $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $path

            if (-not($present)) { New-Item -Path $this.DownloadPath -ItemType Directory -Force }

            $fileName = $null
            $fileExist = Invoke-TestPath -Path $this.DownloadPath
            If (-not($fileExist)) { $fileName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter "$($file.split("_")[0])*.$($file.split(".")[-1])" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Name}
            Else { $fileName = $file }

            If ($fileName -and (Test-Path -Path "$($path)\$($fileName)")) { Remove-Item -Path "$($path)\$($fileName)" -Force }
            If (-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path $path)) { New-Item -Path $path -ItemType Directory -Force }

            Invoke-WebDownload -Source $this.SourcePath -Target $this.DownloadPath -Verbose

            if($this.Name -eq "modelalias"){
                Invoke-ExpandArchive -Source $this.DownloadPath -Target $path
                Invoke-RemovePath -Path $this.DownloadPath
            Invoke-RemovePath -Path $path


    [bool] Test()

        Write-Verbose "Testing for $($this.Name)..."

        $file = ($this.DownloadPath).split("\")[-1]
        $path = ($this.DownloadPath).Replace("\$($file)","")

        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path $path

        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)

            if (-not($present)) { Write-Verbose " Download path not found" ; return $present }
            $fileExist = (Invoke-TestPath -Path $this.DownloadPath)
            If (-not($fileExist))
                $fileName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter "$($file.split("_")[0])*.$($file.split(".")[-1])" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Name
                If ($fileName -and (Invoke-TestPath -Path $fileName)) { $file = $fileName ; $present = $true }
            If ($file.split(".")[-1].ToLower() -eq "msi")
                [string]$msiProductCode = Get-MsiProperty -Path "$($path)\$($file)" -Property ProductCode
                Try { $msiProductCode = $msiProductCode -split '\s+' -match '\S' }
                catch {
                    Write-Verbose " Failed to find product code!"
                If ($msiProductCode -ne $this.ProductId)
                    Write-Verbose " ProductCode mismatch. Upgrade detected."
                    $Present = $false

            if ($Present){
               $present = $false 
               $present = $true 

        return $present


    [cMDTPreReqs] Get()
        return $this

class cMDTTaskSequence

    [Ensure] $Ensure








    [void] Set()

        # Determine present/absent
        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)

            # Call function to import task sequence

            # Remove path recursively
            Invoke-RemovePath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -Recurse -Levels 3 -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

    [bool] Test()

        # Test if path exist
        $present = Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.path)\$($" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath 
        # Return boolean from test method
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDTTaskSequence] Get()
        return $this

    [void] ImportTaskSequence()

        # Import MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule module

        # Create PSDrive
        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false

        $OperatingSystemFile = $null

        If ($this.OperatingSystemPath)

            # Get OS file name
            $OperatingSystemFile = $this.OperatingSystemPath

        # Get existing OS file name
        If ($this.WIMFileName)
            $Directory = $this.Name.Replace(" x64","")
            $Directory = $Directory.Replace(" x32","")

            $OperatingSystemFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($this.PSDriveName):\Operating Systems\$($this.Path.Split("\")[-1])")
            ForEach ($OSFile in $OperatingSystemFiles)
                If ($OSFile.Name -like "*$($this.WIMFileName)*")
                    $OperatingSystemFile = "$($this.PSDriveName):\Operating Systems\$($this.Path.Split("\")[-1])\$($OSFile.Name)"

        If ($OperatingSystemFile)

            # Create path for task sequence
            Invoke-CreatePath -Path "$($this.PSDriveName):\Task Sequences\$($this.Path.Split("\")[-1])" -PSDriveName $this.PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $this.PSDrivePath -Verbose

            # Import task sequence
            Import-MDTTaskSequence -path $this.Path -Name $this.Name -Template "Client.xml" -Comments "" -ID $this.ID -Version "1.0" -OperatingSystemPath $OperatingSystemFile -FullName "Windows User" -OrgName "Addlevel" -HomePage "about:blank" -Verbose
class cMDT_TS_Step_SetVariable












    [void] Set()
        [xml]$xml = $this.ReadTaskSequenceXML()
        $present         = $this.TaskSequenceStepExists()
        $stepNeedsUpdate = $this.TaskSequenceStepNeedsUpdate()
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Present -and $present -eq $false)
            if ($stepNeedsUpdate)
        elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Absent -and $present -eq $true)

    [bool] Test()
        $present = $this.TaskSequenceStepExists()

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [cMDT_TS_Step_SetVariable] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] TaskSequenceStepExists()
        [xml]$xml = $this.ReadTaskSequenceXML()
        #Select parent group by name
        $parentGroup = $xml.SelectSingleNode("sequence/group[@name='$($this.TaskSequenceParentGroupName)']")
        #Select parent node by name
        $insertAfterNode = $parentGroup.SelectSingleNode("step[@name='$($this.InsertAfterStep)']")

        #Next sibling should be the same name as the task sequence step name if it exists.
        if ($ -eq $($this.TaskSequenceStepName))
            if ($this.TaskSequenceStepNeedsUpdate())
                return $false
            return $true
        return $false

    [bool] TaskSequenceStepNeedsUpdate()
        [xml]$xml        = $this.ReadTaskSequenceXML()
        $parentGroup     = $xml.SelectSingleNode("sequence/group[@name='$($this.TaskSequenceParentGroupName)']")
        $insertAfterNode = $parentGroup.SelectSingleNode("step[@name='$($this.InsertAfterStep)']")
        if ($ -ne $($this.TaskSequenceStepName))
            return $false

        $node      = $insertAfterNode.NextSibling
        $varName   = $node.defaultVarList.SelectSingleNode("variable[@name='VariableName']").InnerText
        $varValue  = $node.defaultVarList.SelectSingleNode("variable[@name='VariableValue']").InnerText

        if ($varName              -ne $this.TaskSequenceVariableName)    {return $true}
        if ($varValue             -ne $this.TaskSequenceVariableValue)   {return $true}
        if ($node.description     -ne $this.TaskSequenceStepDescription) {return $true}
        if ($node.disable         -ne $this.Disable)                     {return $true}
        if ($node.continueOnError -ne $this.ContinueOnError)             {return $true}
        if ($node.successCodeList -ne $this.SuccessCodeList)             {return $true}
        return $false        

    [void] CreateTaskSequenceStep($xml)
        $parentGroup = $xml.SelectSingleNode("sequence/group[@name='$($this.TaskSequenceParentGroupName)']")
        $insertAfterNode = $parentGroup.SelectSingleNode("step[@name='$($this.InsertAfterStep)']")
        $stepNode = $xml.CreateElement("step")
            $defaultVarListNode = $xml.CreateElement("defaultVarList")
                $variableNode1 = $xml.CreateElement("variable")
                $variableNode1.InnerText = "$($this.TaskSequenceVariableName)"
                $defaultVarListNode.AppendChild($variableNode1) > $null

                $variableNode2 = $xml.CreateElement("variable")
                $variableNode2.InnerText = "$($this.TaskSequenceVariableValue)"
                $defaultVarListNode.AppendChild($variableNode2) > $null

            $stepNode.AppendChild($defaultVarListNode) > $null
            $actionNode = $xml.CreateElement("action")
            $actionNode.InnerText = "cscript.exe `"%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTISetVariable.wsf`""
        $stepNode.AppendChild($actionNode) > $null

    [void] UpdateTaskSequenceStep($xml)
        $parentGroup     = $xml.SelectSingleNode("sequence/group[@name='$($this.TaskSequenceParentGroupName)']")
        $insertAfterNode = $parentGroup.SelectSingleNode("step[@name='$($this.InsertAfterStep)']")
        $node            = $insertAfterNode.NextSibling


        $node.defaultVarList.SelectSingleNode("variable[@name='VariableName']").InnerText  = $this.TaskSequenceVariableName
        $node.defaultVarList.SelectSingleNode("variable[@name='VariableValue']").InnerText = $this.TaskSequenceVariableValue

    [void] RemoveTaskSequenceStep($xml)
        $parentGroup = $xml.SelectSingleNode("sequence/group[@name='$($this.TaskSequenceParentGroupName)']")
        #Select parent node by name
        $insertAfterNode = $parentGroup.SelectSingleNode("step[@name='$($this.InsertAfterStep)']")

        #Next sibling should be the same name as the task sequence step name if it exists.
        if ($ -eq $($this.TaskSequenceStepName))
            $node = $insertAfterNode.NextSibling
            $node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($node) > $null
    [xml] ReadTaskSequenceXML()
        return [xml](Get-Content -Path "$($this.PSDrivePath)\Control\$($this.TaskSequenceId)\ts.xml")
    [void] SaveTaskSequenceXML($xml)
class cMDTUpdateBootImage








    [void] Set()

    [bool] Test()
        Return ($this.VerifyVersion())

    [cMDTUpdateBootImage] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] VerifyVersion()
        [bool]$match = $false

        if ((Get-Content -Path "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\Boot\CurrentBootImage.version" -ErrorAction Ignore) -eq $this.Version)
            $match = $true
        return $match

    [void] UpdateBootImage()


        New-PSDrive -Name $this.PSDeploymentShare -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $this.DeploymentSharePath -Verbose:$false

        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($this.ExtraDirectory)))
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.ExtraDirectory -Value ""
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.ExtraDirectory -Value ""
        ElseIf (Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.ExtraDirectory)")

            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.ExtraDirectory -Value "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.ExtraDirectory)"                        
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.ExtraDirectory -Value "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.ExtraDirectory)"                       

        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($this.BackgroundFile)))
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.BackgroundFile -Value ""
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.BackgroundFile -Value ""

        ElseIf(Invoke-TestPath -Path "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.BackgroundFile)")
             Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.BackgroundFile -Value "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.BackgroundFile)"
             Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.BackgroundFile -Value "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\$($this.BackgroundFile)"

        If($this.LiteTouchWIMDescription) { Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.LiteTouchWIMDescription -Value "$($this.LiteTouchWIMDescription) x64 $($this.Version)" }
        Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.GenerateLiteTouchISO -Value $false

        If($this.LiteTouchWIMDescription) { Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.LiteTouchWIMDescription -Value "$($this.LiteTouchWIMDescription) x86 $($this.Version)" }
        Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.GenerateLiteTouchISO -Value $false

        If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($($this.FeaturePacks)))
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.FeaturePacks -Value ""
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.FeaturePacks -Value ""
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x64.FeaturePacks -Value $($this.FeaturePacks)
            Set-ItemProperty "$($this.PSDeploymentShare):" -Name Boot.x86.FeaturePacks -Value $($this.FeaturePacks)

        #The Update-MDTDeploymentShare command crashes WMI when run from inside DSC. This section is a work around.
        $aPSDeploymentShare = $this.PSDeploymentShare
        $aDeploymentSharePath = $this.DeploymentSharePath
        $aForce = $this.Force
        $aCompress = $this.Compress
        $jobArgs = @($aPSDeploymentShare,$aDeploymentSharePath,$aForce,$aCompress)

        $job = Start-Job -Name UpdateMDTDeploymentShare -Scriptblock {
            Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
            New-PSDrive -Name $args[0] -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $args[1] -Verbose:$false
            Update-MDTDeploymentShare -Path "$($args[0]):" -Force:$args[2] -Compress:$args[3]
        } -ArgumentList $jobArgs

        $job | Wait-Job -Timeout 1800 
        $timedOutJobs = Get-Job -Name UpdateMDTDeploymentShare | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Running'} | Stop-Job -PassThru

        If ($timedOutJobs)
            Write-Error "Update-MDTDeploymentShare job exceeded timeout limit of 900 seconds and was aborted"
            Set-Content -Path "$($this.DeploymentSharePath)\Boot\CurrentBootImage.version" -Value "$($this.Version)"
class cWDSBootImage





    [void] Set()

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)

    [bool] Test()
        Return ($this.VerifyVersion())

    [cWDSBootImage] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] VerifyVersion()
        [bool]$match = $false

        $foldername = $this.Path.Replace("\$($this.Path.Split("\")[-1])","")

        if ((Get-Content -Path "$($foldername)\WSDBootImage.version" -ErrorAction Ignore) -eq $this.Version)
            $match = $true
        return $match

    [bool] DoesBootImageExist()
       return ($null -ne (Get-WdsBootImage -ImageName $this.ImageName))

    [void] AddBootImage()
        If ($this.DoesBootImageExist()) { $this.RemoveBootImage() }

        Import-WdsBootImage -Path $this.Path -NewImageName $this.ImageName ï¿½SkipVerify | Out-Null

        $foldername = $this.Path.Replace("\$($this.Path.Split("\")[-1])","")

        if (-not (Get-Content -Path "$($foldername)\WSDBootImage.version" -ErrorAction Ignore))
            New-ReferenceFile -Path "$($foldername)\WSDBootImage.version"

        Set-Content -Path "$($foldername)\WSDBootImage.version" -Value "$($this.Version)"
    [void] RemoveBootImage()
        Get-WdsBootImage -ImageName $this.ImageName | Remove-WdsBootImage
class cWDSConfiguration



    [void] Set()

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)

    [bool] Test()
        $present = $this.DoesRemoteInstallFolderExist()
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

    [bool] IsPartOfDomain()
        return (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).PartOfDomain

    [cWDSConfiguration] Get()
        return $this

    [bool] DoesRemoteInstallFolderExist()
        return (Test-Path $this.RemoteInstallPath -ErrorAction Ignore)

    [void] InitializeServer()
        if ($this.IsPartOfDomain())
            & WDSUTIL /Initialize-Server /RemInst:"$($this.RemoteInstallPath)" /Authorize
            & WDSUTIL /Initialize-Server /RemInst:"$($this.RemoteInstallPath)" /Standalone
        & WDSUTIL /Set-Server /AnswerClients:All

    [void] UninitializeServer()
       & WDSUTIL /Uninitialize-Server
Function Compare-Version

    [bool]$match = $false

    if ((Get-Content -Path $Source) -eq $Target)
        $match = $true

    return $match
Function Get-FileNameFromPath


    [string]$fileName = $Path.Split($Separator)[-1]

    return $fileName

Function Get-FileTypeFromPath


    [string]$fileType = ($Path.Split($Separator)[-1]).Split(".")[-1]

    return $fileType

Function Get-FolderNameFromPath


    [string]$folderName = $Path.Replace("\$($Path.Split($Separator)[-1])","")

    return $folderName

Function Get-MsiProperty
        [ValidateSet("ProductCode", "ProductVersion", "ProductName", "Manufacturer", "ProductLanguage", "FullVersion")]
    Process {
        try {
            # Read property from MSI database
            $WindowsInstaller = New-Object -ComObject WindowsInstaller.Installer
            $MSIDatabase = $WindowsInstaller.GetType().InvokeMember("OpenDatabase", "InvokeMethod", $null, $WindowsInstaller, @($Path.FullName, 0))
            $Query = "SELECT Value FROM Property WHERE Property = '$($Property)'"
            $View = $MSIDatabase.GetType().InvokeMember("OpenView", "InvokeMethod", $null, $MSIDatabase, ($Query))
            $View.GetType().InvokeMember("Execute", "InvokeMethod", $null, $View, $null)
            $Record = $View.GetType().InvokeMember("Fetch", "InvokeMethod", $null, $View, $null)
            $Value = $Record.GetType().InvokeMember("StringData", "GetProperty", $null, $Record, 1)
            # Commit database and close view
            $MSIDatabase.GetType().InvokeMember("Commit", "InvokeMethod", $null, $MSIDatabase, $null)
            $View.GetType().InvokeMember("Close", "InvokeMethod", $null, $View, $null)           
            $MSIDatabase = $null
            $View = $null

            # Return the value
            return $Value -replace "{","" -replace "}",""

        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Failed in Get-MSIProperties with error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    End {
        # Run garbage collection and release ComObject
        [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($WindowsInstaller) | Out-Null
Function Get-Separator

    [string]$separator = ""
    If ($Path -like "*/*")
    { $separator = "/" }
    { $separator = "\" }

    return $separator

Function Get-Separator

    [string]$separator = ""
    If ($Path -like "*/*")
    { $separator = "/" }
    { $separator = "\" }

    return $separator

Function Import-MicrosoftDeploymentToolkitModule
    If (-Not(Get-Module MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit))
        Import-Module "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop -Global -Verbose:$False
Function Invoke-CreatePath



    [bool]$present = $false

    if (($PSDrivePath) -and ($PSDriveName))


        New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false

        $Script:Directory = $($($Path.Split("\"))[0])
        For ($i=1; $i -le $($Path.Split("\").Count-1); $i++) {
            $Script:Directory += "\$($($Path.Split("\"))[$i])"
            If(-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path $Script:Directory -PSDriveName $PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $PSDrivePath -Verbose))
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Script:Directory  -Verbose
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Successfully created: $Directory" -Severity D -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "CREATE" }
                    $present = $true

                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Severity E -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "CREATE" -Error $Error[0] }

        $Script:Directory = $($($Path.Split("\"))[0])
        For ($i=1; $i -le $($Path.Split("\").Count-1); $i++) {
            $Script:Directory += "\$($($Path.Split("\"))[$i])"
            If(-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path $Script:Directory -Verbose))
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Script:Directory -Verbose
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Successfully created: $Directory" -Severity D -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "CREATE" }
                    $present = $true
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Severity E -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "CREATE" -Error $Error[0] }

    return $present
Function Invoke-ExpandArchive

    { $Verbosity = $True }
    { $Verbosity = $False }

    Write-Verbose "Expanding archive $($Source) to $($Target)"
    Expand-Archive $Source -DestinationPath $Target -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity
Function Invoke-Logger





    Switch ($Severity) 
        "I"     { $Severity = "INFO" }
        "D"     { $Severity = "DEBUG" }
        "W"     { $Severity = "WARNING" }
        "E"     { $Severity = "ERROR"}
        default { $Severity = "INFO" }

    $date = [datetime]::UtcNow
    For ($x=$Severity.Length; $x -le 6; $x++)  { $Severity = $Severity+" " }
    For ($x=$Category.Length; $x -le 7; $x++) { $Category = $Category+" " }
    For ($x=$Type.Length;     $x -le 7; $x++) { $Type     = $Type+" " }

    If ($Error)
        ForEach ($Line in $Message)
            Write-Log -Message "[$(Get-Date $date -UFormat '%Y-%m-%dT%T%Z')] [$($Severity)] [$($Category)] [$($Type)] [$($Line)]"
        If ($Error.Exception.Message) { Write-Log -Message "[$(Get-Date $date -UFormat '%Y-%m-%dT%T%Z')] [$($Severity)] [$($Category)] [$($Type)] [$($Error.Exception.Message)]" }
        If ($Error.Exception.Innerexception) { Write-Log -Message "[$(Get-Date $date -UFormat '%Y-%m-%dT%T%Z')] [$($Severity)] [$($Category)] [$($Type)] [$($Error.Exception.Innerexception)]" }
        If ($Error.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage) {
            ForEach ($Line in $Error.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage.Split("`n"))
                Write-Log -Message "[$(Get-Date $date -UFormat '%Y-%m-%dT%T%Z')] [$($Severity)] [$($Category)] [$($Type)] [$($Line)]"
        If ($Message)
            If (($Message.GetType()).Name -eq "Hashtable")
                Get-RecursiveProperties -Value $Message
                ForEach ($Line in $Message)
                    Write-Log -Message "[$(Get-Date $date -UFormat '%Y-%m-%dT%T%Z')] [$($Severity)] [$($Category)] [$($Type)] [$($Line)]"

Function Invoke-RemovePath





    { $Verbosity = $True }
    { $Verbosity = $False }

    if (($PSDrivePath) -and ($PSDriveName))


        New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $PSDrivePath -Verbose:$False

            Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Successfully removed: $Path" -Severity D -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "REMOVE" }
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Severity E -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "CREATE" -Error $Error[0] }

        If ($Recurse)
            $Script:Dir = $Path
            For ($i=$($Path.Split("\").Count-1); $i -ge $Levels; $i--) {
                $Script:Dir = $Script:Dir.Replace("\$($($Path.Split("\"))[$i])","")
                If(-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path "$Dir\*" -PSDriveName $PSDriveName -PSDrivePath $PSDrivePath -Verbose))
                        Remove-Item -Path $Dir -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Successfully removed: $Dir" -Severity D -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "REMOVE" }
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Severity E -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "CREATE" -Error $Error[0] }



            Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Successfully removed: $Path" -Severity D -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "REMOVE" }
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Severity E -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "CREATE" -Error $Error[0] }

        If ($Recurse)
            $Script:Dir = $Path
            For ($i=$($Path.Split("\").Count-1); $i -ge 4; $i--) {
                $Script:Dir = $Script:Dir.Replace("\$($($Path.Split("\"))[$i])","")
                If(-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path "$Dir\*" -Verbose))
                        Remove-Item -Path $Dir -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity
                        If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Successfully removed: $Dir" -Severity D -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "REMOVE" }
                        Invoke-Logger -Severity "E" -Category "DIRECTORY" -Type "CREATE" -Error $Error[0]

Function Invoke-TestPath



    [bool]$present = $false

    if (($PSDrivePath) -and ($PSDriveName))
            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-PSDrive -Name $($PSDriveName) -PSProvider 'MDTProvider' -Root $($PSDrivePath) -Verbose:false -ErrorAction Stop" -Severity D -Category "TestPath" -Type TestPath }
            $PSDrive = New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction Stop

            If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "Test-Path -Path $($Path) -ErrorAction Stop" -Severity D -Category "TestPath" -Type TestPath }
            $present = $PSDrive | Test-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
            If ($_[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "UpgradeRequired,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewPSDriveCommand")
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "UpgradeRequired,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewPSDriveCommand" -Severity E -Category "TestPath" -Type TestPath }
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message "New-PSDrive -Name $($PSDriveName) -PSProvider 'MDTProvider' -Root $($PSDrivePath) -Description 'MDT Deployment Share' -Force -Verbose | add-MDTPersistentDrive -Verbose" -Severity D -Category "TestPath" -Type TestPath }
                    New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $PSDrivePath -Description "MDT Deployment Share" -Force -Verbose | add-MDTPersistentDrive -Verbose
                    If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message $_ -Severity E -Category "TestPath" -Type TestPath }
                If ($this.Debug) { Invoke-Logger -Message $_ -Severity E -Category "TestPath" -Type TestPath }
        If (Test-Path -Path $Path -ErrorAction Ignore)
            $present = $true

    return $present
Function Invoke-WebDownload

    { $Verbosity = $True }
    { $Verbosity = $False }

    #If(-not(Invoke-TestPath -Path $Target))
        If ($Source -like "*/*")
            If (Get-Service BITS | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "running"})

                If ($Verbosity) { Write-Verbose "Downloading file $($Source) via Background Intelligent Transfer Service" }
                Import-Module BitsTransfer -Verbose:$false
                Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Source -Destination $Target -Verbose:$Verbosity
                Remove-Module BitsTransfer -Verbose:$false

                If ($Verbosity) { Write-Verbose "Downloading file $($Source) via System.Net.WebClient" }
                $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
                $WebClient.DownloadFile($Source, $Target)
            If (Get-Service BITS | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "running"})
                If ($Verbosity) { Write-Verbose "Downloading file $($Source) via Background Intelligent Transfer Service" }
                Import-Module BitsTransfer -Verbose:$false
                Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Source -Destination $Target -Verbose:$Verbosity
                Copy-Item $Source -Destination $Target -Force -Verbose:$Verbosity
Function New-ReferenceFile
    if (($PSDrivePath) -and ($PSDriveName))

        New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "MDTProvider" -Root $PSDrivePath -Verbose:$false | `
        New-Item -Type File -Path $Path -Force -Verbose:$False     

        New-Item -Type File -Path $Path -Force -Verbose:$False  
Function Write-Log
    [String]$LogFile = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd")_cMDT.log"
    Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -InputObject $Message -Encoding utf8 -Append -NoClobber
    #Write-Verbose $Message