
Function Get-TargetResource
          $Ensure = 'Present',

          [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Enter the PowerShell module name. Enter 'All' to include all modules in the repository.")]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $true,HelpMessage='Enter PowerShell Repository Name')]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $arrModules = @()
    $parms = @{
      Repository = $RepositoryName
    If ($PSModuleName -ine 'all')
      $parms.Add('Name', $PSModuleName)
      If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PSModuleVersion'))
        $parms.Add('RequiredVersion', $PSModuleVersion)
        Write-Verbose ("Getting module '{0}' version '{1}' from repository '{2}'." -f $PSModuleName, $PSModuleVersion, $RepositoryName)
      } else {
        Write-Verbose ("Getting the latest version of module '{0}' from repository '{1}'." -f $PSModuleName, $RepositoryName)
    } else {
      Write-Verbose ("Getting all modules from repository '{0}'." -f $RepositoryName)

    $ModulesInRepo = PowerShellGet\Find-Module @parms -ErrorVariable ev -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Write-Verbose "Modules found in repository: $($ModulesInRepo.Count)"
    Foreach ($ModuleInRepo in $ModulesInRepo)
      Write-Verbose ("Checking module '{0}' version '{1}'." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version.Tostring())
      $localModule = Get-Module -Name $($ModuleInRepo.Name) -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.version -eq $($ModuleInRepo.Version)}
      $objProperties = @{
        Name = $ModuleInRepo.Name
        Version = $ModuleInRepo.Version
      If ($localModule)
        Write-Verbose ("Module '{0}' version '{1}' is Present." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version.Tostring())
        $objProperties.Add('Ensure', 'Present')
      } else {
        Write-Verbose ("Module '{0}' version '{1}' is Absent." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version.Tostring())
        $objProperties.Add('Ensure', 'Absent')
      $objLocalModule = new-object PSObject -Property $objProperties
      $arrModules +=$objLocalModule

Function Set-TargetResource
          $Ensure = 'Present',

          [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Enter the PowerShell module name. Enter 'All' to include all modules in the repository.")]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $true,HelpMessage='Add help message for user')]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Write-Verbose "Getting Install-Module command details."
    $InstallModuleCmdInfo = Get-command Install-Module

    Write-Output ("Getting modules from repository '{0}'." -f $RepositoryName)
    $parms = @{
      Repository = $RepositoryName
    If ($PSModuleName -ine 'all')
      $parms.Add('Name', $PSModuleName)
      If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PSModuleVersion'))
        $parms.Add('RequiredVersion', $PSModuleVersion)
    #check if Installation / Uninstallation can be actioned at this point of time
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaintenanceStartHour') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaintenanceStartMinute') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaintenanceLengthMinute'))
      $bOKtoAction = Validate-MaintenanceWindow -MaintenanceStartHour $MaintenanceStartHour -MaintenanceStartMinute $MaintenanceStartMinute -MaintenanceLengthMinute $MaintenanceLengthMinute
    } else {
      #If maintenance window is not specified, set to true
      Write-Verbose 'Maintenance window is not specified. It will be ignored.'
      $bOKtoAction = $true
    $ModulesInRepo = PowerShellGet\Find-Module @parms -ErrorVariable ev -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Foreach ($ModuleInRepo in $ModulesInRepo)
      $localModule = Get-Module -Name $($ModuleInRepo.Name) -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.version -eq $($ModuleInRepo.Version)}
      If ($localModule)
        Write-Verbose ("Module {0} version '{1}' is already installed." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version)
        If ($Ensure -ieq 'absent')
          If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PSModuleVersion'))
            #Make sure uninstallation is not actioned outside of the maintenance window
            if ($bOKtoAction)
              Write-Verbose ("Uinstalling Module {0} version '{1}'." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version)
              $UninstallModule = PowerShellGet\Uninstall-Module -Name $ModuleInRepo.Name -RequiredVersion $ModuleInRepo.Version -Force -ErrorVariable ev -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            } else {
              Write-Verbose ("Module {0} version '{1}' will not be uninstalled at this time because it is out side of configured maintenance window." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version)
          } else {
            #Make sure uninstallation is not actioned outside of the maintenance window
            if ($bOKtoAction)
              Write-Verbose ("Uinstalling all versions of Module {0}." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name)
              $UninstallModule = PowerShellGet\Uninstall-Module -Name $ModuleInRepo.Name -AllVersions -Force -ErrorVariable ev -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            } else {
              Write-Verbose ("All versions of Module {0} will not be uninstalled at this time because it is outside of configured maintenance window." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name)
      } else {
        Write-Verbose ("Module {0} version '{1}' is not installed." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version)
        if ($Ensure -ieq 'present')
          if ($bOKtoAction)
            Write-Verbose ("Installing Module {0} version '{1}' now." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version)
            If ($InstallModuleCmdInfo.Parameters.containskey("AllowClobber"))
              Write-Verbose "Installing the module using Install-Module cmdlet with -AllowClobber switch."
              $InstallModule = PowerShellGet\Install-Module -Name $($ModuleInRepo.Name) -RequiredVersion $($ModuleInRepo.Version) -Repository $RepositoryName -Force -Scope AllUsers -AllowClobber
            } else {
              Write-Verbose "Installing the module using Install-Module cmdlet without -AllowClobber switch."
              $InstallModule = PowerShellGet\Install-Module -Name $($ModuleInRepo.Name) -RequiredVersion $($ModuleInRepo.Version) -Repository $RepositoryName -Force -Scope AllUsers
          } else {
            Write-Verbose ("Module {0} version '{1}' will not be installed at this time because it is outside of configured maitnenance window." -f $ModuleInRepo.Name, $ModuleInRepo.Version)

    If(!(Test-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters))
        throw 'Set-TargetResouce failed'

Function Test-TargetResource
          $Ensure = 'Present',

          [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Enter the PowerShell module name. Enter 'All' to include all modules in the repository.")]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

          [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $arrModules = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters
    $result = $true
    Foreach ($item in $arrModules)
      Write-Verbose "$($item.Name) is currently $($item.Ensure), desired configuration is $ensure."
      if ($item.Ensure -ine $Ensure)
        $result = $false

Function Validate-MaintenanceWindow
  Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

  $MaintenanceStartTime = Get-Date -Hour $MaintenanceStartHour -Minute $MaintenanceStartMinute
  $now = Get-Date
  $MaintenanceEndTime = $MaintenanceStartTime.AddMinutes($MaintenanceLengthMinute)
  Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window Start Time: $($MaintenanceStartTime.Tostring())"
  Write-Verbose "Maintenance Window End Time: $($MaintenanceEndTime.Tostring())"
  #Check if the current datetime is within the maintenance window.
  If ($MaintenanceStartTime -le $now -and $MaintenanceEndTime -gt $now)
    $bWithinMaintWindow = $true
  } else {
    $bWithinMaintWindow = $false

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource