
[DSCResource(RunAsCredential = "NotSupported")]
class cWINSClient
        This method is equivalent of the Get-TargetResource script function.
        The implementation should use the keys to find appropriate resources.
        This method returns an instance of this class with the updated key

    [cWINSClient] Get()
        $AddressVariable = (Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration | Where IPEnabled -eq $true | Select WINSPrimaryServer).WinsPrimaryServer
        if($AddressVariable -ne $null)
            $AddressVariable = $AddressVariable[1]            
            $AddressVariable = $null
        #Instantiate a new object of class cWINSClient
        $cWINSClient = [cWINSClient]::new()
        #Assign the variables to properties of the class
        $cWINSClient.Address = $AddressVariable
        $cWINSClient.InterfaceAlias = $this.InterfaceAlias
        #Return the completed object
        return $cWINSClient

        This method is equivalent of the Set-TargetResource script function.
        It sets the resource to the desired state.

    [void] Set()
        netsh interface ip set wins name="$($this.InterfaceAlias)" source=static addr=$($this.Address);

        This method is equivalent of the Test-TargetResource script function.
        It should return True or False, showing whether the resource
        is in a desired state.

    [bool] Test()
        return $this.Get().Address -eq $this.Address
