
function CompletePaths {
    [Switch] $dirsOnly,
    [Switch] $filesOnly,
    $boundParameters = @{ }

    Given a full path, $_, return a fully formed completion result.
    Logic: use a relative path if the supplied word isn't rooted
    (like /temp/... or ~/... or C:\...) *and* the resolved path is a
    descendant of the current directory or its parent.
    For absolute paths, replace home dir location with tilde.

  filter Colourise {
    if (
      ($cde.ColorCompletion) -and
      ($_.PSProvider.Name -eq 'FileSystem') -and
      (Test-Path Function:\Format-ColorizedFilename)) {
      Format-ColorizedFilename $_
    else {
  filter CompletionResult {

    $fullPath = $_ | Convert-Path

    $completionText = if ($wordToComplete -match '^\.{1,2}$') {
    elseif (!($wordToComplete | IsRooted) -and ($fullPath | IsDescendedFrom ..)) {
      $fullPath | Resolve-Path -Relative
    else {
      $fullPath -replace "^$($HOME | NormaliseAndEscape)", "~"

    # add normalised trailing directory separator; quote if contains spaces
    $trailChar = if ($_.PSIsContainer) { ${/} }

    $completionText = $completionText |
    RemoveTrailingSeparator |
    SurroundAndTerminate $trailChar |

    # hack to support registry provider
    if ($_.PSProvider.Name -eq 'Registry') {
      $completionText = $completionText -replace $_.PSDrive.Root, "$($_.PSDrive.Name):"

      ($_ | Colourise | Truncate),

  $switches = @{
    File      = $boundParameters['File'] -or $filesOnly
    Directory = $boundParameters['Directory'] -or $dirsOnly
    Force     = $true

  $wordToExpand = if ($wordToComplete) { $wordToComplete | RemoveSurroundingQuotes } else { './' }

  $completions = Expand-Path @switches $wordToExpand -MaxResults ($cde.MaxCompletions + 1)

  #replace cdable_vars
  $variCompletions = if (
    $cde.CDABLE_VARS -and
    $wordToComplete -match '[^/\\]+' -and # separate variable from slashes before or after it
    ($maybeVar = Get-Variable "$($Matches[0])*" -ValueOnly | where { Test-Path $_ -PathType Container })
  ) {
    Expand-Path @switches ($wordToExpand -replace $Matches[0], $maybeVar) -MaxResults $cde.MaxCompletions

  $allCompletions = @($completions) + @($variCompletions)
  if ($allCompletions.Length -gt $cde.MaxCompletions) {
    [System.Console]::Beep() # audible warning if list of completions has been truncated

  $allCompletions |
  select -Unique |
  select -First $cde.MaxCompletions |
  CompletionResult |
  DefaultIfEmpty { $null }