
Retrieves a list of your most recently used locations.
The number of locations to return ($cde.MaxRecentCompletions by default).
Terms to match, separated with spaces or commas. The last term must match the leaf name of a directory
in order to be considered a match.
PS C:\temp> # get the entire list
PS C:\temp> Get-RecentLocation
 n Name Path
 - ---- ----
 1 cd-extras C:\Users\Nick\projects\cd-extras
 2 C:\ C:\
 3 thread C:\Temp\thread
 4 PowerShell C:\Temp\PowerShell
 5 two C:\Temp\two
PS C:\temp> # get locations matching the given terms
PS C:\temp> Get-RecentLocation temp abc
n Name Path
- ---- ----
1 abc def C:\Temp\abc def
2 abc_app C:\Temp\abc_app
3 abc-infra C:\Temp\abc-infra
PS C:\temp> # get the first (most recent) location matching the given terms
PS C:\temp> Get-FrecentLocation temp abc -f 1
n Name Path
- ---- ----
1 abc def C:\Temp\abc def

function Get-RecentLocation {

  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = '')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'First')] [uint16] $First = $cde.MaxRecentCompletions,
    [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] [string[]] $Terms

  $recents = @(GetRecent $First $Terms)

  if ($recents.Count) { IndexPaths $recents }