
Download a file from url using specified proxy settings.

Helper function to Download a file from a given url
 using specified proxy settings.

URL of the file to download

File path and name to save the downloaded file to.

.PARAMETER ProxyLocation
Proxy uri to use for the download.

.PARAMETER ProxyCredential
Credential to use for authenticating to the proxy.
By default it will try to load cached credentials.

.PARAMETER IgnoreProxy
Bypass the proxy for this request.

Get-RemoteFile -Url -file C:\


function Get-RemoteFile {
    param (




        # To bypass the use of any proxy, please set IgnoreProxy
    Write-Debug "Downloading $url to $file"
    $downloaderParams = @{}
    $KeysForDownloader = $PSBoundParameters.keys | Where-Object { $_ -notin @('file')}
    foreach ($key in $KeysForDownloader ) { 
        Write-Debug "`tWith $key :: $($PSBoundParameters[$key])"
        $null = $downloaderParams.Add($key ,$PSBoundParameters[$key]) 
    $downloader = Get-Downloader @downloaderParams
    $downloader.DownloadFile($url, $file)