
Retrieve the version of the Chocolatey available in $Env:Path

Get the version of the Chocolatey currently installed.

Get-ChocolateyVersion #This command does not accept parameter

This does not specify the SKU (C4B or Community)

function Get-ChocolateyVersion {

    if (-not ($chocoCmd = Get-Command 'choco.exe' -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        Throw "Chocolatey Software not found"
    $ChocoArguments = @('-v')
    Write-Verbose "choco $($ChocoArguments -join ' ')"

    $CHOCO_OLD_MESSAGE = "Please run chocolatey /? or chocolatey help - chocolatey v"
    $versionOutput = (&$chocoCmd $ChocoArguments) -replace ([regex]::escape($CHOCO_OLD_MESSAGE))
    #remove other text to keep only the last line which should have the version
    $versionOutput = ($versionOutput -split '\r\n|\n|\r')[-1]
    Write-Verbose $versionOutput