
Test if the Chocolatey Software is installed.

To test whether the Chocolatey Software is installed, it first look for the Command choco.exe.
It then check if it's installed in the InstallDir path, if provided.

To ensure the software is installed in the given directory. If not specified,
 it will only test if the commadn choco.exe is available.

Test-ChocolateyInstall #Test whether the Chocolatey Software is installed

General notes

function Test-ChocolateyInstall
            Mandatory = $false

    Write-Verbose "Loading machine Path Environment variable into session"
    $envPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path','Machine')
    if($InstallDir) {
        $InstallDir = (Resolve-Path $InstallDir -ErrorAction Stop).Path

    if ($chocoCmd = get-command choco.exe -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
        if (
            !$InstallDir -or
            $chocoCmd.Path -match [regex]::Escape($InstallDir)
            Write-Verbose ('Chocolatey Software found in {0}' -f $chocoCmd.Path)
            return $true
            Write-Verbose (
                'Chocolatey Software not installed in {0}`n but in {1}' -f $InstallDir,$chocoCmd.Path
            return $false
    else {
        Write-Verbose "Chocolatey Software not found."
        return $false