
Unregister a Chocolatey source from the Chocolatey Configuration.

Chocolatey will allow you to interact with sources.
You can unregister an existing source.

Name - the name of the source to be delete.

Source - The source. This can be a folder/file share or an http location.
If it is a url, it will be a location you can go to in a browser and
it returns OData with something that says Packages in the browser,
similar to what you see when you go to

The source to be unregistered is disabled.

.PARAMETER BypassProxy
Bypass Proxy - Should this source explicitly bypass any explicitly or
system configured proxies? Defaults to false. Available in 0.10.4+.

.PARAMETER SelfService
Allow Self-Service - The source to be delete is allowed to be used with self-
service. Requires business edition (v1.10.0+) with feature
'useBackgroundServiceWithSelfServiceSourcesOnly' turned on.
Available in 0.10.4+.

Priority - The priority order of this source as compared to other
sources, lower is better. Defaults to 0 (no priority). All priorities
above 0 will be evaluated first, then zero-based values will be
evaluated in config file order. Available in

.PARAMETER Credential
Credential used with authenticated feeds. Defaults to empty.

Force - force the behavior. Do not use force during normal operation -
it subverts some of the smart behavior for commands.

.PARAMETER CacheLocation
CacheLocation - Location for download cache, defaults to %TEMP% or value
in chocolatey.config file.

Do Not Show Progress - Do not show download progress percentages.
Available in 0.10.4+.

Unregister-ChocolateySource -Name MyProgetFeed


function Unregister-ChocolateySource {





        $Priority = 0,






    Process {
        if (-not ($chocoCmd = Get-Command 'choco.exe' -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            Throw "Chocolatey Software not found"

        if (!(Get-ChocolateySource -Name $Name)) {
            Throw "Chocolatey Source $Name cannot be found. You can Register it using Register-ChocolateySource."
        $ChocoArguments = @('source','remove')
        $ChocoArguments += Get-ChocolateyDefaultArgument @PSBoundParameters
        Write-Verbose "choco $($ChocoArguments -join ' ')"
        &$chocoCmd $ChocoArguments | Write-Verbose