
function Format-Chronometer
        Generates a report from a Chronometer

        $script = ls C:\workspace\PSGraph\PSGraph -Recurse -Filter *.ps1
        $resultes = Get-Chronometer -Path $script.fullname -ScriptBlock {Invoke-Pester C:\workspace\PSGraph}
        $results | Format-Chronometer -WarnAt 20 -ErrorAt 200

        # This is a MonitoredScript object from Get-Chronometer

        # If the average time of a command is more than this, the output is yellow
        $WarningAt = 20,

        #If the average time of a comamand is more than this, the output is red
        $ErrorAt = 200

    begin {
        $green = @{ForgroundColor='green'}
        $grey = @{ForgroundColor='grey'}
        $yellow = @{ForgroundColor='grey'}
        $yellow = @{ForgroundColor='grey'}
        $yellow = @{ForgroundColor='grey'}
        foreach($script in $InputObject)
            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host "Script: $($script.Path)" -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "Execution Time: $($script.ExecutionTime)" -ForegroundColor Green
            foreach($line in $script.line)
                 Write-ScriptLine $line -WarningAt $WarningAt -ErrorAt $ErrorAt