
function Test-NoSmsOnDriveFile {
    param (
        [parameter()][string] $TestName = "Confirm NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE file exists",
        [parameter()][string] $TestGroup = "configuration",
        [parameter()][string] $Description = "Confirm NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS file resides on appropriate disks",
        [parameter()][hashtable] $ScriptParams
    try {
        $stat = "PASS"
        $msg  = "All non-CM disks are excluded"
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$tempdata = @() # for detailed test output to return if needed
        $disks = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType=3" -ComputerName $ScriptParams.ComputerName
        $disks | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose "checking disk $($_.DeviceID) to see if distribution point shares are found"
            $fpth = (Join-Path -Path $_.DeviceID -ChildPath "NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS")
            $clib = (Join-Path -Path $_.DeviceID -ChildPath "SMSPKGSIG")
            if (Test-Path $clib) {
                    Test    = $TestName
                    Status  = "PASS"
                    Message = "$($_.DeviceID) appears to be a content library drive (not excluded)"
            } else {
                if (Test-Path $fpth) {
                        Test = $TestName
                        Status = "PASS"
                        Message = "$($_.DeviceID) is excluded from ConfigMgr content storage"
                } else {
                    if ($ScriptParams.Remediate -eq $True) {
                            Test = $TestName
                            Status = "REMEDIATED"
                            Message = "$($_.DeviceID) is now excluded from ConfigMgr content storage"
                    } else {
                            Test = $TestName
                            Status = "FAIL"
                            Message = "$($_.DeviceID) is not excluded from ConfigMgr content storage"
    catch {
        $stat = 'ERROR'
        $msg = $_.Exception.Message -join ';'
    finally {
        Write-Output $([pscustomobject]@{
            TestName    = $TestName
            TestGroup   = $TestGroup
            TestData    = $tempdata
            Description = $Description
            Status      = $stat 
            Message     = $msg