
    Validate MECM/ConfigMgr site systems and configuration.
    Validate MECM/ConfigMgr site systems and configuration.
    NetBIOS or FQDN of site server (primary, CAS, secondary). Default is localhost
.PARAMETER SqlInstance
    NetBIOS or FQDN of site database SQL instance. Default is localhost
    Name of site database. Default is "CM_P01"
    ConfigMgr site code. Default is "P01"
.PARAMETER TestingScope
    Scope of tests to execute: All (default), Host, AD, SQL, CM, WSUS, Select
    The Select option displays a gridview to select the individual tests to perform
.PARAMETER Remediate
    Attempt remediation when possible
    Alternate source path for WinSXS referencing. Used only for Test-HostServerFeatures
    Default is C:\Windows\WinSxS
    Number of days to go back for checking status messages, errors, warnings, etc. Default is 7
.PARAMETER Credential
    PS Credential object for authenticating under alternate context
    Test-CmHealth -SiteServer "CM01" -SqlInstance "CM01" -Database "CM_P01" -SiteCode "P01" -TestingScope "ALL"
    Runs all tests
    Test-CmHealth -SiteServer "CM01" -SqlInstance "CM01" -Database "CM_P01" -SiteCode "P01" -TestingScope "Host"
    Runs only the site server host tests
    Test-CmHealth -SiteServer "CM01" -SqlInstance "CM01" -Database "CM_P01" -SiteCode "P01" -TestingScope "Host" -Remediate -Credential $cred
    Runs only the site server host tests and attempts to remediate identified deficiences using alternate user credentials
    Test-CmHealth -SiteServer "CM01" -SqlInstance "CM01" -Database "CM_P01" -SiteCode "P01" -TestingScope "Host" -Remediate -Source "\\server3\sources\ws2019\WinSxS"
    Runs only the site server host tests and attempts to remediate identified deficiences with WinSXS source path provided
    Thank you!

function Test-CmHealth {
    param (
        [parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $SiteServer = "localhost",
        [parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $SqlInstance = "localhost",
        [parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $Database = "CM_P01",
        [parameter()][ValidateLength(3,3)][string] $SiteCode = "",
        [parameter()][ValidateSet('All','Host','AD','SQL','CM','WSUS','Select')][string] $TestingScope = 'All',
        [parameter()][bool] $Remediate = $False,
        [parameter()][string] $Source = "c:\windows\winsxs",
        [parameter()][int] $DaysBack = 7,
        [parameter()][pscredential] $Credential
    $startTime = (Get-Date)
    $params = [ordered]@{
        ComputerName = $SiteServer
        SqlInstance  = $SqlInstance
        SiteCode     = $SiteCode
        Database     = $Database
        Source       = $Source
        Remediate    = $Remediate
        BackDays     = $DaysBack
        Credential   = $Credential
        Verbose      = $VerbosePreference
    $mpath = $(Split-Path (Get-Module cmhealth).Path)
    $tpath = "$($mpath)\tests"
    $tests = Get-ChildItem -Path $tpath -Filter "*.ps1"
    Write-Verbose "$($tests.Count) tests found in library"
    switch ($TestingScope) {
        'All' {
            $testset = @($tests.BaseName)
        'Select' {
            $testset = @($tests.BaseName | Out-GridView -Title "Select Test to Execute" -OutputMode Multiple)
        Default {
            $testset = @($tests.BaseName | Where-Object {$_ -match "Test-$($TestingScope)"})
    Write-Verbose "$($testset.Count) tests were selected"
    foreach ($test in $testset) {
        $testname = $test += ' -ScriptParams $params'
        Invoke-Expression -Command $testname
    $runTime = New-TimeSpan -Start $startTime -End (Get-Date)
    Write-Host "completed $($testset.Count) tests in: $($runTime.Hours) hrs $($runTime.Minutes) min $($runTime.Seconds) sec"