
function Test-CmUpdateErrorSolutions {
    param (
        [parameter()][string] $TestName = "Software Update Error Solutions",
        [parameter()][string] $TestGroup = "operations",
        [parameter()][string] $TestCategory = "CM",
        [parameter()][string] $Description = "Update Error Solution Details",
        [parameter()][hashtable] $ScriptParams
    try {
        $startTime = (Get-Date)
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$tempdata = @() # for detailed test output to return if needed
        $stat   = "PASS" # do not change this
        $except = "WARNING"
        $msg    = "No issues found" # do not change this either
        $query = "SELECT DISTINCT
assc.LastEnforcementErrorCode as ErrorCode,
assc.LastEnforcementMessageID as Message
FROM v_CIAssignment cia WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN v_UpdateAssignmentStatus_Live assc WITH (NOLOCK) on assc.AssignmentID = cia.AssignmentID
JOIN v_R_System sys WITH (NOLOCK) on assc.ResourceID=sys.ResourceID AND ISNULL(sys.Obsolete0,0) <> 1
JOIN v_FullCollectionMembership_Valid fcm WITH (NOLOCK) on assc.ResourceID = fcm.ResourceID
WHERE assc.LastEnforcementErrorID <> 0
AND assc.LastEnforcementMessageID in (6,9)
AND assc.IsCompliant=0
AND fcm.CollectionID = 'SMS00001'"

        $res = Get-CmSqlQueryResult -Query $query -Params $ScriptParams
        if ($null -ne $res -and $res.Count -gt 0) {
            $stat = $except
            $msg  = "$($res.Count) items were found"
            $res | Foreach-Object {
                        Error   = $($_.ErrorCode)
                        Message = $($_.Message)
    catch {
        $stat = 'ERROR'
        $msg = $_.Exception.Message -join ';'
    finally {