param (



    [Bool]$UpdateDocs = $false,

    [Bool]$NewRelease = $false

# Synopsis: Initiate the build process
task . ImportBuildModule,

# Synopsis: Install dependent build modules
task InstallDependencies {
    $Modules = "PlatyPS","ChangelogManagement"
    if ($Script:ModuleName -ne "") {
        $Modules += ""
    Install-Module -Name $Modules -Scope CurrentUser

# Synopsis: Set build platform specific environment variables
task SetGitHubActionEnvironmentVariables {
    New-BuildEnvironmentVariable -Platform "GitHubActions" -Variable @{
        "GH_USERNAME"    = $Author
        "GH_PROJECTNAME" = $ModuleName

# Synopsis: Publish module to the PowerShell Gallery
task PublishModule {
    Publish-Module -Path $BuildRoot\build\$ModuleName -NuGetApiKey $env:PSGALLERY_API_KEY -ErrorAction "Stop" -Force

# Synopsis: Import the module
task ImportBuildModule {
    if ($Script:ModuleName -eq "") {
        # This is to use module for building itself
        Import-Module .\\
    else {
        Import-Module ""

# Synopsis: Create fresh build directories and initalise it with content from the project
task InitaliseBuildDirectory {
    Invoke-BuildClean -Path @(
        "{0}\build\{1}" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName
        "{0}\release" -f $BuildRoot

    if (Test-Path -Path $BuildRoot\$Script:ModuleName\* -Include "*format.ps1xml") {
        $Script:FormatFiles = Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\$Script:ModuleName\* -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName -Filter "*format.ps1xml" -PassThru

    if (Test-Path -Path $BuildRoot\$Script:ModuleName\Files\*) {
        $Script:FileList = Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\$Script:ModuleName\Files\* -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName -Recurse -PassThru

    Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\LICENSE -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\LICENSE
    Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\$Script:ModuleName\en-US -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName -Recurse
    $Script:ManifestFile = Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\$Script:ModuleName\$Script:ModuleName.psd1 -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\$Script:ModuleName.psd1 -PassThru

<# Synopsis: Determine version number to build with
task GetVersionToBuild {
    $Params = @{
        NewRelease = $Script:NewRelease

    if ($Script:CommitMessage -match 'Version to build:') {
        if ($Script:CommitMessage -match '^Version to build: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$') {
            $Params["VersionToBuild"] = $Matches[1]
        else {
            throw "Unable to parse version number from commit message '$Script:CommitMessage'"
    else {
        $Params["ModuleName"] = $Script:ModuleName
        $Params["ManifestData"] = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path ("{0}\{1}\{1}.psd1" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName)
        $Params["ChangeLogData"] = $Script:ChangeLogData

    $Script:VersionToBuild = Get-BuildVersionNumber @Params

    New-BuildEnvironmentVariable -Platform "GitHubActions" -Variable @{
        "VersionToBuild" = $Script:VersionToBuild.ToString()

# Synopsis: Get change log data, copy it to the build directory, and create releasenotes.txt
task CopyChangeLog {
    Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\ -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\
    $Script:ChangeLogData = Get-ChangeLogData -Path $BuildRoot\
    Export-UnreleasedNotes -Path $BuildRoot\release\releasenotes.txt -ChangeLogData $Script:ChangeLogData -NewRelease $Script:NewRelease

# Synopsis: Update (if building a new release with -NewRelease)
task UpdateChangeLog -If ($Script:NewRelease) {
    $LinkPattern   = @{
        FirstRelease  = "{0}/{1}/tree/{{CUR}}" -f $Script:Author, $Script:ModuleName
        NormalRelease = "{0}/{1}/compare/{{PREV}}..{{CUR}}" -f $Script:Author, $Script:ModuleName
        Unreleased    = "{0}/{1}/compare/{{CUR}}..HEAD" -f $Script:Author, $Script:ModuleName

    Update-Changelog -Path $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\ -ReleaseVersion $Script:Version -LinkMode Automatic -LinkPattern $LinkPattern

# Synopsis: Creates a single .psm1 file of all private and public functions of the to-be-built module
task CreateRootModule {
    $Script:RootModule = "{0}\build\{1}\{1}.psm1" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName
    $DevModulePath = "{0}\{1}" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName
    Export-RootModule -DevModulePath $DevModulePath -RootModule $Script:RootModule

# Synopsis: Create a single Process.ps1 script file for all script files under ScriptsToProcess\* (if any)
task CreateProcessScript -If (Test-Path -Path ("{0}\{1}\ScriptsToProcess" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName) -Include "*.ps1") {
    Export-ScriptsToProcess -Path ("{0}\{1}\ScriptsToProcess" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName)
    $Script:ProcessScript = $true

# Synopsis: Update the module manifest in the build directory
task UpdateModuleManifest {
    $UpdateModuleManifestSplat = @{
        Path              = $Script:ManifestFile
        RootModule        = (Split-Path $Script:RootModule -Leaf)
        FunctionsToExport = Get-PublicFunctions -Path $BuildRoot\$Script:ModuleName\Public
        ReleaseNotes      = (Get-Content $BuildRoot\release\releasenotes.txt) -replace '`'

    # Build with pre-release data from the branch if the -Version parameter is not passed (for local development and testing)
    if ($Script:Version) {
        $UpdateModuleManifestSplat["ModuleVersion"] = $Script:Version
    else {
        $GitVersion = (gitversion.exe | ConvertFrom-Json)
        $UpdateModuleManifestSplat["ModuleVersion"] = $GitVersion.MajorMinorPatch
        $UpdateModuleManifestSplat["Prerelease"] = $GitVersion.NuGetPreReleaseTag

    if ($Script:FormatFiles) {
        $UpdateModuleManifestSplat["FormatsToProcess"] = $Script:FormatFiles.Name

    if ($Script:FileList) {
        # Use this instead of Updatet-ModuleManifest due to
        $Regex = '^# FileList = @\(\)$'
        $ReplaceStr = 'FileList = "{0}"' -f [String]::Join('", "', $Script:FileList.Name)
        (Get-Content -Path $Script:ManifestFile.FullName) -replace $Regex, $ReplaceStr | Set-Content -Path $Script:ManifestFile

    if ($Script:ProcessScript) {
        # Use this instead of Updatet-ModuleManifest due to
        $Regex = '(#? ?ScriptsToProcess.+)'
        $ReplaceStr = 'ScriptsToProcess = "Process.ps1"'
        (Get-Content -Path $Script:ManifestFile.FullName) -replace $Regex, $ReplaceStr | Set-Content -Path $Script:ManifestFile

    Update-ModuleManifest @UpdateModuleManifestSplat

    # Arguably a moot point as Update-MooduleManifest obviously does some testing to ensure a valid manifest is there first before updating it
    # However with the regex replace for ScriptsToProcess, I want to be sure
    $null = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $Script:ManifestFile

# Synopsis: Create archive of the module
task CreateArchive {
    $ReleaseAsset = "{0}_{1}.zip" -f $Script:ModuleName, $Script:Version
    Compress-Archive -Path $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\* -DestinationPath $BuildRoot\release\$ReleaseAsset -Force

# Synopsis: Update documentation (-NewRelease or -UpdateDocs switch parameter)
task UpdateDocs -If ($NewRelease -Or $UpdateDocs) {
    Import-Module -Name $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName -Force
    New-MarkdownHelp -Module $Script:ModuleName -OutputFolder $BuildRoot\docs -Force

# Synopsis: Update the project's repository with files updated by the pipeline e.g. module manifest
task UpdateProjectRepo -If ($NewRelease) {
    Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\ -Destination $BuildRoot\

    $ManifestData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $Script:ManifestFile

    # Instead of copying the manifest from the .\build directory, update it in place
    # This enables me to keep FunctionsToExport = '*' for development. Therefore instead only update the important bits e.g. version and release notes
    $UpdateModuleManifestSplat = @{
        Path          = "{0}\{1}\{1}.psd1" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName
        ModuleVersion = $ManifestData.ModuleVersion
        ReleaseNotes  = $ManifestData.PrivateData.PSData.ReleaseNotes
    Update-ModuleManifest @UpdateModuleManifestSplat
    $null = Test-ModuleManifest -Path ("{0}\{1}\{1}.psd1" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName)