
function New-ChatGPTConversation {

        Create a new ChatGPT conversation or get a Chat Completion result.(if you specify the prompt parameter)
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation, You can chat with the openai service just like chat with a human. You can also get the chat completion result if you specify the prompt parameter.
    .PARAMETER api_key
        Your OpenAI API key, you can also set it in environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY or OPENAI_API_KEY_AZURE if you use Azure OpenAI API. If you use multiple environments, you can use OPENAI_API_KEY_AZURE_$environment to define the api key for each environment.
    .PARAMETER engine
        The engine to use for this request, you can also set it in environment variable OPENAI_CHAT_ENGINE or OPENAI_CHAT_ENGINE_AZURE if you use Azure OpenAI API. If you use multiple environments, you can use OPENAI_CHAT_ENGINE_AZURE_$environment to define the engine for each environment. You can use model or deployment as the alias of engine.
    .PARAMETER endpoint
        The endpoint to use for this request, you can also set it in environment variable OPENAI_ENDPOINT or OPENAI_ENDPOINT_AZURE if you use Azure OpenAI API. If you use multiple environments, you can use OPENAI_ENDPOINT_AZURE_$environment to define the endpoint for each environment.
    .PARAMETER azure
        if you use Azure OpenAI API, you can use this switch.
    .PARAMETER system
        The system prompt, this is a string, you can use it to define the role you want it be, for example, "You are a chatbot, please answer the user's question according to the user's language."
        If you provide a file path to this parameter, we will read the file as the system prompt.
        You can also specify a url to this parameter, we will read the url as the system prompt.
    .PARAMETER stream
        If you want to stream the response, you can use this switch. Please note, we only support this feature in new Powershell (6.0+).
    .PARAMETER prompt
        If you want to get result immediately, you can use this parameter to define the prompt. It will not start the chat conversation.
        If you provide a file path to this parameter, we will read the file as the prompt.
        You can also specify a url to this parameter, we will read the url as the prompt.
    .PARAMETER config
        The dynamic settings for the API call, it can meet all the requirement for each model. please pass a custom object to this parameter, like @{temperature=1;max_tokens=1024}
    .PARAMETER environment
        The environment name, if you use Azure OpenAI API, you can use this parameter to define the environment name, it will be used to get the api key, engine and endpoint from environment variable. If the environment is not exist, it will use the default environment.
    .PARAMETER api_version
        The api version, if you use Azure OpenAI API, you can use this parameter to define the api version, the default value is 2023-09-01-preview.
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation, use openai service with all the default settings.
        New-ChatGPTConverstaion -azure
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation, use Azure openai service with all the default settings.
        New-ChatGPTConverstaion -azure -stream
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation, use Azure openai service and stream the response, with all the default settings.
        chat -azure
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation by cmdlet's alias(chat), use Azure openai service with all the default settings.
        New-ChatGPTConversation -api_key "your api key" -engine "your engine id"
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation, use openai service with your api key and engine id.
        New-ChatGPTConversation -api_key "your api key" -engine "your engine id" -azure
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation, use Azure openai service with your api key and engine id.
        New-ChatGPTConversation -api_key "your api key" -engine "your engine id" -azure -system "You are a chatbot, please answer the user's question according to the user's language."
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation, use Azure openai service with your api key and engine id, and define the system prompt.
        New-ChatGPTConversation -api_key "your api key" -engine "your engine id" -azure -system "You are a chatbot, please answer the user's question according to the user's language." -endpoint ""
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation, use Azure openai service with your api key and engine id, and define the system prompt and endpoint.
        chat -azure -system "You are a chatbot, please answer the user's question according to the user's language." -environment "sweden"
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation by cmdlet's alias(chat), use Azure openai service with the api key, engine and endpoint defined in environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY_AZURE_SWEDEN, OPENAI_CHAT_ENGINE_AZURE_SWEDEN and OPENAI_ENDPOINT_AZURE_SWEDEN.
        chat -azure -api_version "2021-09-01-preview"
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation by cmdlet's alias(chat), use Azure openai service with the api version 2021-09-01-preview.
        chat -azure -prompt "c:\temp\prompt.txt"
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation by cmdlet's alias(chat), use Azure openai service with the prompt from file.
        chat -azure -system "c:\temp\system.txt" -prompt "c:\temp\prompt.txt"
        Create a new ChatGPT conversation by cmdlet's alias(chat), use Azure openai service with the system prompt and prompt from file.
        System.String, the completion result. If you use stream mode, it will not return anything.

        [Alias("model", "deployment")]
        [string]$system = "You are a chatbot, please answer the user's question according to the user's language.",
        [string]$prompt = "",
        [string]$api_version = "2023-09-01-preview"
    BEGIN {

        Write-Verbose "Parameter received`n$($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"
        Write-Verbose "Environment variable detected.`n$(Get-ChildItem Env:OPENAI_* | Out-String)"

        if ($azure) {
            $api_key = if ($api_key) { $api_key } else { Get-FirstNonNullItemInArray("OPENAI_API_KEY_AZURE_$environment", "OPENAI_API_KEY_AZURE") }
            $engine = if ($engine) { $engine } else { Get-FirstNonNullItemInArray("OPENAI_CHAT_ENGINE_AZURE_$environment", "OPENAI_CHAT_ENGINE_AZURE") }
            $endpoint = if ($endpoint) { $endpoint } else { "{0}openai/deployments/$engine/chat/completions?api-version=$api_version" -f (Get-FirstNonNullItemInArray("OPENAI_ENDPOINT_AZURE_$environment", "OPENAI_ENDPOINT_AZURE")) }
        else {
            $api_key = if ($api_key) { $api_key } else { $env:OPENAI_API_KEY }
            $engine = if ($engine) { $engine } else { if ($env:OPENAI_CHAT_ENGINE) { $env:OPENAI_CHAT_ENGINE }else { "gpt-3.5-turbo" } }
            $endpoint = if ($endpoint) { $endpoint } else { "" }

        Write-Verbose "Parameter parsed. api_key: $api_key, engine: $engine, endpoint: $endpoint"

        $hasError = $false

        if ((!$azure) -and ((Test-OpenAIConnectivity) -eq $False)) {
            Write-Error $resources.openai_unavaliable
            $hasError = $true

        if (!$api_key) {
            Write-Error $resources.error_missing_api_key
            $hasError = $true

        if (!$engine) {
            Write-Error $resources.error_missing_engine
            $hasError = $true

        if (($PSVersionTable['PSVersion'].Major -le 5) -and $stream) {
            # only new powershell support stream
            Write-Error $resources.powershell_version_unsupported
            $hasError = $true


        if ($hasError) {

        # collect the telemetry data
        Submit-Telemetry -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -innovationName $MyInvocation.InvocationName -useAzure $azure

        # if prompt is not empty and it is a file, then read the file as the prompt
        $prompt = Get-PromptContent($prompt)

        # if system is not empty and it is a file, then read the file as the system prompt
        $system = Get-PromptContent($system)

        if ($prompt.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-Verbose "Prompt received: $prompt, so it is in prompt mode, not in chat mode."
            $messages = @(
                    role    = "system"
                    content = $system
                    role    = "user"
                    content = $prompt

            $params = @{
                Uri         = $endpoint
                Method      = "POST"
                Body        = @{model = "$engine"; messages = $messages }
                Headers     = if ($azure) { @{"api-key" = "$api_key" } } else { @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $api_key" } }
                ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"

            if ($config) {
                Merge-Hashtable -table1 $params.Body -table2 $config

            $params.Body = ($params.Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)

            Write-Verbose "Prepare the params for Invoke-WebRequest: $($params|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"

            $response = Invoke-RestMethod @params

            if ($PSVersionTable['PSVersion'].Major -eq 5) {
                Write-Verbose "Powershell 5.0 detected, convert the response to UTF8"

                $dstEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
                $srcEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

                $response.choices | ForEach-Object {
                    $_.message.content = $srcEncoding.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::Convert($srcEncoding, $dstEncoding, $srcEncoding.GetBytes($_.message.content)))

            Write-Verbose "Response converted to UTF8: $($response | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"

            $result = $response.choices[0].message.content
            Write-Verbose "Response parsed to plain text: $result"
            Write-Output $result 

        else {
            Write-Verbose "Prompt not received, so it is in chat mode."

            $index = 1; 
            $welcome = "`n{0}`n{1}" -f ($resources.welcome_chatgpt -f $(if ($azure) { " $($resources.azure_version) " } else { "" }), $engine), $resources.shortcuts
            Write-Host $welcome -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host $system -ForegroundColor Cyan
            $messages = @()
            $systemPrompt = @(
                    role    = "system"
                    content = $system

            Write-Verbose "Prepare the system prompt: $($systemPrompt|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"
            while ($true) {
                Write-Verbose "Start a new loop - let's chat!"

                $current = $index++
                $prompt = Read-Host -Prompt "`n[$current] $($resources.prompt)"
                Write-Verbose "Prompt received: $prompt"
                if ($prompt -eq "q") {
                    Write-Verbose "User pressed q, so we will quit the chat."
                if ($prompt -eq "m") {
                    Write-Verbose "User pressed m, so we will prompt a window to collect user input in multi-lines mode."

                    $prompt = Read-MultiLineInputBoxDialog -Message $resources.multi_line_prompt -WindowTitle $resources.multi_line_prompt -DefaultText ""

                    Write-Verbose "Prompt received: $prompt"

                    if ($null -eq $prompt) {
                        Write-Host $resources.cancel_button_message
                    else {
                        Write-Host "$($resources.multi_line_message)`n$prompt"
                if ($prompt -eq "f") {

                    Write-Verbose "User pressed f, so we will prompt a window to collect user input from a file."
                    $file = Read-OpenFileDialog -WindowTitle $resources.file_prompt

                    Write-Verbose "File received: $file"
                    if (!($file)) {
                        Write-Host $resources.cancel_button_message
                    else {
                        $prompt = Get-Content $file -Encoding utf8
                        Write-Host "$($resources.multi_line_message)`n$prompt"
                $messages += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    role    = "user"
                    content = $prompt

                Write-Verbose "Prepare the messages: $($messages|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"
                $params = @{
                    Uri         = $endpoint
                    Method      = "POST"
                    Body        = @{model = "$engine"; messages = ($systemPrompt + $messages[-5..-1]); stream = if ($stream) { $true }else { $false } } 
                    Headers     = if ($azure) { @{"api-key" = "$api_key" } } else { @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $api_key" } }
                    ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"

                if ($config) {
                    Merge-Hashtable -table1 $params.Body -table2 $config
                $params.Body = ($params.Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)

                Write-Verbose "Prepare the params for Invoke-WebRequest: $($params|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"
                try {
                    if ($stream) {
                        Write-Verbose "Stream mode detected, so we will use Invoke-WebRequest to stream the response."
                        $client = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient
                        $body = $params.Body
                        Write-Verbose "body: $body"
                        $request = [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage]::new()
                        $request.Method = "POST"
                        $request.RequestUri = $params.Uri
                        $request.Content = [System.Net.Http.StringContent]::new(($body), [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)
                        $request.Content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")

                        if ($azure) {
                            $request.Headers.Add("api-key", $api_key)
                        else {
                            $request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $api_key")

                        Write-Verbose "Prepared the client"
                        $task = $client.Send($request)
                        Write-Verbose "Got task result: $task"
                        $response = $task.Content.ReadAsStream()
                        $reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($response)
                        Write-Verbose "Got task stream response and reader: $response, $reader"
                        $result = "" # message from the api
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`n[$current] " -NoNewline
                        while ($true) {
                            $line = $reader.ReadLine()
                            Write-Verbose "Read line from stream: $line"
                            if (($line -eq $null) -or ($line -eq "data: [DONE]")) { break }
                            $chunk = ($line -replace "data: ", "" | ConvertFrom-Json)
                            Write-Host $chunk -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green
                            Write-Verbose "Chunk received: $chunk"
                            $result += $chunk
                            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
                        $messages += [PSCustomObject]@{
                            role    = "assistant"
                            content = $result

                        Write-Verbose "Message combined. $($messages|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"
                        Write-Host ""
                    else {

                        Write-Verbose "It is not in stream mode."
                        $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
                        $response = Invoke-RestMethod @params
                        Write-Verbose "Response received: $($response| ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"

                        $result = $response.choices[0].message.content
                        $total_tokens = $response.usage.total_tokens
                        $prompt_tokens = $response.usage.prompt_tokens
                        $completion_tokens = $response.usage.completion_tokens
                        Write-Verbose "Response parsed to plain text: $result, total_tokens: $total_tokens, prompt_tokens: $prompt_tokens, completion_tokens: $completion_tokens"
                        if ($PSVersionTable['PSVersion'].Major -le 5) {

                            Write-Verbose "Powershell 5.0 detected, convert the response to UTF8"

                            $dstEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
                            $srcEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
                            $result = $srcEncoding.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::Convert($srcEncoding, $dstEncoding, $srcEncoding.GetBytes($result)))

                            Write-Verbose "Response converted to UTF8: $result"
                        $messages += [PSCustomObject]@{
                            role    = "assistant"
                            content = $result

                        Write-Verbose "Message combined. $($messages|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10)"
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ("`n[$current] $($resources.response)" -f $total_tokens, $prompt_tokens, $completion_tokens )
                        Write-Host $result -ForegroundColor Green
                catch {
                    Write-Error $_

