
Create a single Black Duck connector
Adds a single Black Duck connector using the tool connector config API endpoints
Add-BlackDuckConnector "My Code Dx Project" "Black Duck Connector 1" "My Black Duck Project" "1.0.0" mypw1234 "15:00"
Output (entry ID)

Function Add-BlackDuckConnector
    # Get the Code Dx project ID from the name
    $projects = Get-Projects
    $ProjectHash = @{}
    $projects.projects | ForEach-Object {
        $ProjectHash[$] = $
    $ProjectID = $ProjectHash.$ProjectName
    # Create a blank tool connector
    $ConnectorInfo = Add-BlankConnector $ProjectID "Black Duck Hub" $NewConnectorName
    $ConnectorID = $
    # Get the Black Duck tool project ID
    $ToolProjectID = Get-ToolProject "project" $ToolProjectName $ConnectorID $HostURL $UserName $Password

    # Get the Black Duck tool version ID
    $ToolVersionID = Get-ToolVersion "version" $ToolProjectID $ToolProjectVersion $ConnectorID $HostURL $UserName $Password

    # Update the blank tool connector with the proper configuration info
    $uri = $CDXSERVER + "/x/tool-connector-config/values/" + $ConnectorID

    If($RefreshTime -ne "") {
        $RefreshInterval = @{ daily = $RefreshTime }
    }else {
        $RefreshInterval = $false
    $body = Convertto-Json @{
        project = $ToolProjectID
        version = $ToolProjectVersion
        "auto-refresh-interval" = $RefreshInterval
        server_url = $HostURL
        username = $UserName
        password = $Password
    $CreateBlackDuck = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Put -Body $body -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json" 
    Write-Verbose ( $CreateBlackDuck | Format-Table | Out-String )
