
# Implement your module commands in this script.
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function Invoke-ConcourseAuth {
    param (
        # Username
        # Password
        # Concourse Base Url
        # Login Type
    try {
        $linkToLogin = "/sky/issuer/auth/$loginType"
        $req = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$concourseUrl/sky/login" -Method Get -SessionVariable ciCookie -SkipCertificateCheck
        $newUri = ($req.Content |  Select-String -Pattern  "$linkToLogin\?req\=\w*").Matches.Value
        $req = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$concourseUrl$newUri" -WebSession $ciCookie -Method Post -Body @{login=$user;password=$pass} -SkipCertificateCheck
        $cookies = $ciCookie.Cookies.GetCookies($concourseUrl)
        $cookies["skymarshal_auth"] ? $(return $cookies) : $(Throw "Unable to authenticate to $concourseUrl with user $user and login type $loginType")
    catch {
        $exception = $PSItem | Select-Object * | Format-Custom -Depth 1 | Out-String
        Throw $exception

        Returns cookies to login Concourse.


        Logins to Concourse and receives. These cookies can be used to call services on Concourse API.

        .PARAMETER User
        Username of the user.

        .PARAMETER Pass
        Password of the user.

        .PARAMETER concourseUrl
        Specifies the base url of Concourse.

        .PARAMETER loginType

        Login method for Concourse. Validation set is "local" or "ldap".




        System.String. Invoke-ConcourseAuth returns cookies in an array list.


        PS> Invoke-ConcourseAuth -user "myUser" -pass "myPass" -concourseUrl "" -loginType "local"

        Comment :
        CommentUri :
        HttpOnly : True
        Discard : False
        Domain :
        Expired : False
        Expires : 03.09.2020 10:53:19
        Name : skymarshal_auth
        Path : /
        Port :
        Secure : False
        TimeStamp : 02.09.2020 10:53:20
        Value : "bearer 1239182319273198hasdklasd0v1lkj1.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vY2kudG9vbC56ZnUuemIvc2t5L2lzc3VlciIsInN1YiI6IkNlkjasd09lk1234092lkndlsfs0d9fsdfklsdlfn2039rlkqa-aisadnVmhaRzFwYmhJRmJHOWpZV3c
        Version : 0

        Comment :
        CommentUri :
        HttpOnly : True
        Discard : False
        Domain :
        Expired : False
        Expires : 03.09.2020 10:53:19
        Name : skymarshal_csrf
        Path : /
        Port :
        Secure : False
        TimeStamp : 02.09.2020 10:53:20
        Value : 8bc676b0d727bc01efd8f664cc8b4844700b556f6a54b9605b90b98f92bb8977
        Version : 0


        PS> Invoke-ConcourseAuth -user "myUser" -pass "myPass" -concourseUrl "" -loginType "ldap"
        Comment :
        CommentUri :
        HttpOnly : True
        Discard : False
        Domain :
        Expired : False
        Expires : 03.09.2020 10:53:19
        Name : skymarshal_auth
        Path : /
        Port :
        Secure : False
        TimeStamp : 02.09.2020 10:53:20
        Value : "bearer 1239182319273198hasdklasd0v1lk"sky
        Version : 0

        Comment :
        CommentUri :
        HttpOnly : True
        Discard : False
        Domain :
        Expired : False
        Expires : 03.09.2020 10:53:19
        Name : skymarshal_csrf
        Path : /
        Port :
        Secure : False
        TimeStamp : 02.09.2020 10:53:20
        Value : 8bc676b0d727bc01efd8f664cc8b4844700b556f6a54b9605b90b98f92bb8977
        Version : 0




function Get-ConcoursePipeline {
    param (
        # Name of the pipeline
        # Name of the team
        # Cookie
        # Auth
    $cookieObject = New-Object System.Net.Cookie
    $ciCookies = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
    $ciCookie | ForEach-Object {
        $cookieObject.Domain = $_.Domain
        $cookieObject.Name = $_.Name
        $cookieObject.HttpOnly = $_.HttpOnly
        $cookieObject.Discard = $_.Discard
        $cookieObject.Expired = $_.Expired
        $cookieObject.Expires = $_.Expires
        $cookieObject.Path = $_.Path
        $cookieObject.Value = $_.Value
        $cookieObject.Secure = $_.Secure
        $cookieObject.Version = $_.Version
    $pipelines = $null
    try {
        $pipelines = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$concourseUrl/api/v1/pipelines" -Method Get -WebSession $ciCookies -SkipCertificateCheck
        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($pipeline)) {
            $pipelines = $pipelines | Where-Object {$ -eq $pipeline}
        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($team)) {
            $pipelines = $pipelines | Where-Object {$_.team_name -eq $team}
        return $pipelines
    catch {
        $exception = $PSItem | Select-Object * | Format-Custom -Depth 1 | Out-String
        Throw $exception
        Fetches pipelines that fit parameters.

        Fetches pipelines that fit parameters. Parameters can be pipeline name or a team. If no parameters specified, returns all pipelines that user has access.

        .PARAMETER pipeline
        Name of the pipeline.

        .PARAMETER team
        Name of the team.

        .PARAMETER concourseUrl
        Specifies the base url of Concourse.

        .PARAMETER ciCookie
        ciCookie is used to authenticate Concourse APIs.


        System.Collections.ArrayList. Get-ConcoursePipeline fetches pipelines that fit parameters.

        PS> $auth = Invoke-ConcourseAuth -user "myUser" -pass "myPass" -concourseUrl "" -loginType "local"
        PS> Get-ConcoursePipeline -pipeline "myPipeline" -concourseUrl "" -ciCookie $auth

        id : 380
        name : myPipeline
        paused : False
        public : False
        archived : False
        team_name : myTeam
        last_updated : 1598513097

        PS> Get-ConcoursePipeline -team "main" -concourseUrl "" -ciCookie $auth
        name : concourse-pin-resource
        paused : False
        public : False
        archived : False
        team_name : main
        last_updated : 1590748896

        id : 2447
        name : restart-omnichannel-api-prod
        paused : False
        public : False
        archived : False
        team_name : main
        last_updated : 1592465707



function Invoke-ConcourseJob {
    param (
        # Name of the pipeline
        # Name of the team
        # Name of the team
        # Cookie
        # Auth
    $cookieObject = New-Object System.Net.Cookie
    $ciCookies = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
    $build = $null

    try {
        $ciCookie | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding cookie $($_.Name) : $($_.Value)"
            $cookieObject.Domain = $_.Domain
            $cookieObject.Name = $_.Name
            $cookieObject.HttpOnly = $_.HttpOnly
            $cookieObject.Discard = $_.Discard
            $cookieObject.Expired = $_.Expired
            $cookieObject.Expires = $_.Expires
            $cookieObject.Path = $_.Path
            $cookieObject.Value = $_.Value
            $cookieObject.Secure = $_.Secure
            $cookieObject.Version = $_.Version

        $request = @{
            Headers = @{
                "X-Csrf-Token" = ($ciCookie | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq "skymarshal_csrf"}).Value
            Uri = "$concourseUrl/api/v1/teams/$team/pipelines/$pipeline/jobs/$job/builds"
            Method = "Post"
            WebSession = $ciCookies
            SkipCertificateCheck = $true
        Write-Verbose -Message "Created request parameters: $($request | ConvertTo-Json)"
        $build = Invoke-RestMethod  @request
        Write-Verbose -Message "Build triggered: $($build | out-string)"
        return $build
    catch {
        $exception = $PSItem | Select-Object * | Format-Custom -Depth 1 | Out-String
        Write-Error $exception
        Triggers a new Concourse job build.

        Using given team, pipeline and job parameters, triggers a new build.

        .PARAMETER pipeline
        Name of the pipeline.

        .PARAMETER team
        Name of the team.

        .PARAMETER job
        Name of the job.

        .PARAMETER concourseUrl
        Specifies the base url of Concourse.

        .PARAMETER ciCookie
        ciCookie is used to authenticate Concourse APIs.


        System.Collections.Hashtable. Build-ConcourseJob returns the details of newly triggered job.

        PS> $auth = Invoke-ConcourseAuth -user "myUser" -pass "myPass" -concourseUrl "" -loginType "local"
        PS> Build-ConcourseJob -team "myTeam" -pipeline "myPipeline" -job "set-params-uat" -concourseUrl "" -ciCookie $auth

        id : 1366609
        team_name : myTeam
        name : 36
        status : pending
        job_name : set-params-uat
        api_url : /api/v1/builds/1366609
        pipeline_name : myPipeline


function Get-ConcourseJobStatus {
    param (
        # ID of the build
        # Name of the job
        # Name of the pipeline
        # Name of the team
        # Cookie
        # Auth
    $cookieObject = New-Object System.Net.Cookie
    $ciCookies = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
    $jobStatus = $null
    try {
        $ciCookie | ForEach-Object {
            $cookieObject.Domain = $_.Domain
            $cookieObject.Name = $_.Name
            $cookieObject.HttpOnly = $_.HttpOnly
            $cookieObject.Discard = $_.Discard
            $cookieObject.Expired = $_.Expired
            $cookieObject.Expires = $_.Expires
            $cookieObject.Path = $_.Path
            $cookieObject.Value = $_.Value
            $cookieObject.Secure = $_.Secure
            $cookieObject.Version = $_.Version
        $url = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($buildID) ? "$concourseUrl/api/v1/teams/$team/pipelines/$pipeline/jobs/$job" : "$concourseUrl/api/v1/teams/$team/pipelines/$pipeline/jobs/$job/builds/$buildID"
        $request = @{
            Uri = $url
            Method = "Get"
            WebSession = $ciCookies
            SkipCertificateCheck = $true
        Write-Verbose -Message "Created request parameters: $($request | ConvertTo-Json)"
        $jobStatus = Invoke-RestMethod @request
        return $jobStatus
    catch {
            $exception = $PSItem | Select-Object * | Format-Custom -Depth 1 | Out-String
            Throw $exception
        Gets the status of given Concourse job.

        Using given team, pipeline and job parameters, gets the status of Concourse job. If buildID is not specified, returns all existing job status.

        .PARAMETER pipeline
        Name of the pipeline.

        .PARAMETER team
        Name of the team.

        .PARAMETER job
        Name of the job.

        .PARAMETER buildID
        Build number of the job.

        .PARAMETER concourseUrl
        Specifies the base url of Concourse.

        .PARAMETER ciCookie
        ciCookie is used to authenticate Concourse APIs.


        System.Collections.Hashtable. Get-ConcourseJobStatus returns the details of given job and build number.

        PS> $auth = Invoke-ConcourseAuth -user "myUser" -pass "myPass" -concourseUrl "" -loginType "local"
        PS> Get-ConcourseJobStatus -job "set-params-uat" -pipeline "myPipeline" -team "myTeam" -ciCookie $auth -concourseUrl ""

        id : 7922
        name : set-params-uat
        pipeline_name : myPipeline
        team_name : myTeam
        first_logged_build_id : 1364252
        next_build : @{id=1366571; team_name=myTeam; name=34; status=started; job_name=set-params-uat; api_url=/api/v1/builds/1366571; pipeline_name=myPipeline; start_time=1599045473}
        finished_build : @{id=1366558; team_name=myTeam; name=33; status=failed; job_name=set-params-uat; api_url=/api/v1/builds/1366558; pipeline_name=myPipeline; start_time=1599045093; end_time=1599045420}
        inputs : {@{name=cf-powershell; resource=cf-powershell; trigger=False}, @{name=myPipelineurations-uat; resource=myPipelineurations-uat; trigger=True}}
        groups :

        PS> Get-ConcourseJobStatus -job "set-params-uat" -pipeline "myPipeline" -team "myTeam" -ciCookie $auth -concourseUrl "" -buildID 34

        id : 1366571
        team_name : myTeam
        name : 34
        status : started
        job_name : set-params-uat
        api_url : /api/v1/builds/1366571
        pipeline_name : myPipeline
        start_time : 1599045473



# Export only the functions using PowerShell standard verb-noun naming.
# Be sure to list each exported functions in the FunctionsToExport field of the module manifest file.
# This improves performance of command discovery in PowerShell.
Export-ModuleMember -Function *-*