
function Update-Table

#inialize variables
$rows_updated = 0
$rows_added = 0
$rows_deleted = 0
$rows_not_updated = 0
$rows_not_added = 0
$rows_not_deleted = 0
#$date = Get-Date

#get cloudTable context
$StorageKey=(Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $storageAccount).Value[0]
$ctx = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccount -StorageAccountKey $StorageKey
$cloudTable = (Get-AzStorageTable –Name $tableName –Context $ctx).CloudTable

#get all rows from confUpdate table
[array]$v_confUpdate = Get-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -partitionKey $SafeName
$v_confUpdate_verify = $v_confUpdate | Where-Object verified -eq $false
if(($null -ne $v_confUpdate_verify) -and ($null -ne $v_confUpdate)){
    Foreach($account in $v_confUpdate_verify){
            #pull new password from vault
                [SecureString]$newPW = Get-PWVCred -credential $credential -SafeName $SafeName -Account $account.userID -BaseURI $BaseURI
                #verify process is able to run
                $Permission_Check = Get-Authorization -Computer $account.MTR -Account $account.userID -password_secure $newPW -remote_access_creds $credential
            Write-Error $_
                $account.verified = $true
            $current = Get-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -partitionKey $SafeName -RowKey ($account.userID)
            $current.verified = $account.verified
            $updaterow = $current | Update-AzTableRow -Table $cloudTable

[array]$v_confUpdate = Get-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -partitionKey $SafeName

#This will delete any row that matches via rowkey and then recreate with the new data. While updating storage it is checking keys to find if the password changed.
$Password_Change_List = Foreach($account in $AD_Account_list){
    $pwchanged_key = $account.pwchanged_key
    $s = Get-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -partitionKey $SafeName -RowKey $account.userID
    if($null -eq $s) {
        #If record does not exist on table add to table.
        $add_row = Add-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -partitionKey $SafeName -RowKey ($account.userID) -property @{"userID"=$account.userID;"safeName"=$account.safeName;"userID_employeeType"=$account.userID_employeeType;"userID_Enabled"=$account.userID_Enabled;"userID_Locked"=$account.userID_Locked;"userID_LastLogonDate"=$account.userID_LastLogonDate;"userID_PasswordLastSet"=$account.userID_PasswordLastSet;"pwchanged_key"=$account.pwchanged_key;"verified"=$account.verified;"MTR"=$account.MTR}
        if($add_row.HttpStatusCode -eq 204){
        $rows_added += 1
        } else {
            $rows_not_added +=1
    } Else {
        #check if password changed on each account and store the results in Password_Change_List
            $pw_changed = $true
                account = $account.userID
                password_changed = $true
                MTR = $account.MTR
        } else {
            $pw_changed = $false
                account = $account.userID
                password_changed = $false
                MTR = $account.MTR
        #Update data
        $AD_Object = $AD_Account_list | Where-Object userID -eq $account.userID

        $update = Get-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable -partitionKey $safeName -RowKey ($account.userID)
            $update.verified = $false
        } Else {
            $update.verified = ($v_confUpdate | Where-Object userID -eq $account.userID).verified
        $update.userID_Enabled = $AD_Object.userID_Enabled
        $update.userID_Locked = $AD_Object.userID_Locked
        $update.userID_LastLogonDate = $AD_Object.userID_LastLogonDate
        $update.userID_PasswordLastSet = $AD_Object.userID_PasswordLastSet
        $update.pwchanged_key = $AD_Object.pwchanged_key

        $update_data = $update | Update-AzTableRow -table $cloudTable
        if($update_data.HttpStatusCode -eq 204){
            $rows_updated += 1
            } else {
                $rows_not_updated +=1
        } catch {Write-Error "Error updating data for $account.userID"}

#Verifies that all all records were updated in table storage - will return true/false based on if $upload_count = $rows_updated + $rows_added
$total_updates = $rows_updated + $rows_added
$table_update_successfull = $total_updates -eq $AD_Account_list.count

#will return the Password_Change_List if table_update_sucessfull is true.
    return $Password_Change_List
} else {
    $returnObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
        table_update_successfull = $false
        rows_updated = $rows_updated
        rows_added = $rows_added
        rows_deleted = $rows_deleted
        rows_not_updated = $rows_not_updated
        rows_not_added = $rows_not_added
        rows_not_deleted = $rows_not_deleted
    return $returnObject