
function Convert-PackagesToProjectJson {
# Script to generate project.json for all packages.config file in the solution.
# Run from root solution folder
# execute this script with powershell:
# powershell -File <filepath>
# [-f <targetframework] net4
    $Path = ".",
    [string] $TargetFramework = "net451",


$ScriptPath = $path
$ScriptDir  = Split-Path -Parent $ScriptPath
$PackagesConfigFileName = 'packages.config'
    $PackagesConfigFileName = 'packages_old.config'

#Create project.json from packages.config
Get-ChildItem -path '.' -Recurse -Include $PackagesConfigFileName |
    ForEach {
        $PackageFilePath = $_.FullName
        $ProjectFilePath = $_.Directory.FullName + '\project.json'
        Write-Output $PackageFilePath
        Write-Output $ProjectFilePath
  "dependencies": {'
 | Out-File  $ProjectFilePath

      (Select-xml -xpath '//package' -Path $PackageFilePath | % { """{0}"": ""{1}""" -f $,$_.Node.version }) -join ",`n" | Out-File $ProjectFilePath -Append
    ' },
  "frameworks": {
 + $TargetFramework + '": {}
    "runtimes": {
        "win-anycpu": {},
        "win": {}
 | Out-File $ProjectFilePath -Append
        Rename-Item -Path $PackageFilePath -NewName 'packages_old.config'


$MsbNS = @{msb = ''}
Get-ChildItem -path '.' -Recurse -Include '*.csproj' | ForEach {
    $CsProjFilePath = $_.FullName
    $ProjectFilePath = $_.Directory.FullName + '\project.json'
    $proj = [xml] (Get-Content $CsProjFilePath)
    #Remove all references to ..packages files
    $xpath = "//msb:Reference/msb:HintPath[contains(.,'..\packages')]"
    $nodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath $xpath $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
    if (!$nodes) { Write-Verbose "RemoveElement: XPath $XPath not found" }
    Write-Output 'Reference Nodes found: ' $nodes.Count
    foreach($node in $nodes) {
        $referenceNode = $node.ParentNode
        $itemGroupNode = $referenceNode.ParentNode
    [System.XML.XMLElement] $itemGroupNoneNode = $null
    #Find itemgroup with None Elements, if not found add.
    $itemGroupNoneNodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath "//msb:ItemGroup/msb:None" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
    Write-Output '$itemGroupNoneNode found: ' $itemGroupNoneNodes.Count
    if($itemGroupNoneNodes.Count -eq 0){
        # create itemgroup element for None nodes.
        Write-Output 'Adding ItemGroup for None Nodes'
        $itemGroupNoneNode =  $proj.CreateElement('ItemGroup',$proj.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
        $itemGroupNodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath "//msb:ItemGroup" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
        $itemGroupNoneNode = $itemGroupNoneNodes[0].ParentNode

    #Remove packages.config from ItemGroup
    $nodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath "//msb:ItemGroup/msb:None[@Include='packages.config']" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
    Write-Output 'packages.config Nodes found: ' $nodes.Count
    foreach($node in $nodes) {
        $itemGroupNode = $node.ParentNode
    #Remove build target EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports from csproj
    $nodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath "//msb:Target[@Name='EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports']" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
    Write-Output 'EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports target found: ' $nodes.CountAd
    foreach($node in $nodes) {
        $itemGroupNode = $node.ParentNode
    #Add project.json to itemGroup
    if( Test-Path $ProjectFilePath){
        $nodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath "//msb:ItemGroup/msb:None[@Include='project.json']" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
        if($nodes.Count -eq 0){
            $projectJsonNoneNode = $proj.CreateElement("None", $proj.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
            Write-Output 'Adding None node for project.json'

    #add PropertyGroup nodes targetFrameworkProfile, CopyNuGetImplementations, PlatformTarget
    # Find the TargetFrameworkVersion to be used to find the parent PropertyGroup node
    $xpath = "//msb:PropertyGroup/msb:TargetFrameworkVersion"
    $nodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath $xpath $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
    if ($nodes.Count -gt 0) {
        [System.XML.XMLElement] $node = $nodes[0]
        $propertyGroupNode = $node.ParentNode
        $nodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath "//msb:PropertyGroup/msb:TargetFrameworkProfile" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
        if($nodes.Count -eq 0){
            $node = $proj.CreateElement("TargetFrameworkProfile", $proj.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
            Write-Output 'Adding TargetFrameworkProfile node for PropertyGroup'
        #$nodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath "//msb:PropertyGroup/msb:CopyNuGetImplementations" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
        #if($nodes.Count -eq 0){
        # $node = $proj.CreateElement("CopyNuGetImplementations", $proj.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
        # $textnode = $proj.CreateTextNode("true")
        # $node.AppendChild($textnode)
        # [void]$propertyGroupNode.AppendChild($node)
        # Write-Output 'Adding CopyNuGetImplementations node for PropertyGroup'
        $nodes = @(Select-Xml -xpath "//msb:PropertyGroup/msb:PlatformTarget[not(@*)]" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS | foreach {$_.Node})
        if($nodes.Count -eq 0){
            $node = $proj.CreateElement("PlatformTarget", $proj.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
            $textnode = $proj.CreateTextNode("AnyCPU")
            Write-Output 'Adding PlatformTarget node for PropertyGroup'
    # replace ToolsVersion with 14.0
    $attibutes = Select-Xml -xpath "//@ToolsVersion" $proj -Namespace $MsbNS
    foreach ($attribute in $attibutes){
        $attribute.Node.value = "14.0"
        Write-Output 'Setting ToolsVersion to 14.0'

 function repair-ProjectJSonProjectReferences
 param($path = ".") 
    if ((get-item $path).psiscontainer) {
        $path = "$path/project.json"
  $p = get-content $path | out-string | ConvertFrom-JsonNewtonsoft
  $p.dependencies = $p.dependencies.GetEnumerator() | % { $r = @{} }{ if ($_.value -eq "") { 
    $_.value = @{ target = "project" } 
    write-verbose "fixing dependency '$($_.key)'"
  }; $r += @{"$($_.Key)" = $_.Value}}{$r}
  $p | ConvertTo-JsonNewtonsoft | out-file $path
 new-alias fix-ProjectJSon repair-ProjectJSonProjectReferences