
        Cmdlet used to get authentication details about a user
        The cmdlet will take the e-mail parameter and use it to lookup all the needed details for configuring authentication against Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
    .PARAMETER Email
        The e-mail address / login name of the user that the cmdlet must gather details about
        PS C:\> Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail -Email ""
        This will get all the authentication details for the user account with the email address ""
        Author : Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author : Mötz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)]

    $instanceProvider = Get-InstanceIdentityProvider

    [string]$identityProvider = Get-CanonicalIdentityProvider
    $networkDomain = get-NetworkDomain $Email

    $instanceProviderName = $instanceProvider.TrimEnd('/')
    $instanceProviderName = $instanceProviderName.Substring($instanceProviderName.LastIndexOf('/')+1)
    $instanceProviderIdentityProvider = Get-IdentityProvider "sample@$instanceProviderName"
    $emailIdentityProvider = Get-IdentityProvider $Email

    if ($instanceProviderIdentityProvider -ne $emailIdentityProvider) {
        $identityProvider = $emailIdentityProvider

    $SID = Get-UserSIDFromAad $Email $identityProvider

    @{"SID"                = $SID
        "NetworkDomain"    = $networkDomain
        "IdentityProvider" = $identityProvider
        "InstanceProvider" = $instanceProvider