
$commandName = "Import-D365Bacpac"
################################### New Example test ###################################

$exampleRaw = "Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier1 -BacpacFile `"C:\temp\uat.bacpac`" -NewDatabaseName `"ImportedDatabase`""
#Remember to escape any variables names in the line above.
#Remember to you need to output $true to the pester test, otherwise is fails.
#; `$var -eq `$true

#Here you declare any variable(s) you need to complete the test.

$example = $exampleRaw -replace "`n.*" -replace "PS C:\\>"

Describe "Specific example testing for $commandName" {

It "Example - $example" {
# mock the tested command so we don't actually do anything
# because it can be unsafe and we don't have the environment setup
# (so the only thing we are testing is that the code is semantically
# correct and provides all the needed params)
Mock $commandName {
# I am returning true here,
# but some of the examples drill down to the returned object
# so in strict mode we would fail
# here simply invoke the example
$result = Invoke-Expression $example
# and check that we got result from the mock
$result | Should -BeTrue
################################### New Example test ###################################

$exampleRaw = "Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2 -SqlUser `"sqladmin`" -SqlPwd `"XyzXyz`" -BacpacFile `"C:\temp\uat.bacpac`" -AxDeployExtUserPwd `"XxXx`" -AxDbAdminPwd `"XxXx`" -AxRuntimeUserPwd `"XxXx`" -AxMrRuntimeUserPwd `"XxXx`" -AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd `"XxXx`" -AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd `"XxXx`" -AxDbReadonlyUserPwd `"XxXx`" -NewDatabaseName `"ImportedDatabase`""
#Remember to escape any variables names in the line above.
#Remember to you need to output $true to the pester test, otherwise is fails.
#; `$var -eq `$true

#Here you declare any variable(s) you need to complete the test.

$example = $exampleRaw -replace "`n.*" -replace "PS C:\\>"

Describe "Specific example testing for $commandName" {

It "Example - $example" {
# mock the tested command so we don't actually do anything
# because it can be unsafe and we don't have the environment setup
# (so the only thing we are testing is that the code is semantically
# correct and provides all the needed params)
Mock $commandName {
# I am returning true here,
# but some of the examples drill down to the returned object
# so in strict mode we would fail
# here simply invoke the example
$result = Invoke-Expression $example
# and check that we got result from the mock
$result | Should -BeTrue
################################### New Example test ###################################

$exampleRaw = "Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier1 -BacpacFile `"C:\temp\uat.bacpac`" -NewDatabaseName `"ImportedDatabase`" -DiagnosticFile `"C:\temp\ImportLog.txt`""
#Remember to escape any variables names in the line above.
#Remember to you need to output $true to the pester test, otherwise is fails.
#; `$var -eq `$true

#Here you declare any variable(s) you need to complete the test.

$example = $exampleRaw -replace "`n.*" -replace "PS C:\\>"

Describe "Specific example testing for $commandName" {

It "Example - $example" {
# mock the tested command so we don't actually do anything
# because it can be unsafe and we don't have the environment setup
# (so the only thing we are testing is that the code is semantically
# correct and provides all the needed params)
Mock $commandName {
# I am returning true here,
# but some of the examples drill down to the returned object
# so in strict mode we would fail
# here simply invoke the example
$result = Invoke-Expression $example
# and check that we got result from the mock
$result | Should -BeTrue
################################### Entire help loaded ###################################

    Import a bacpac file
    Import-D365Bacpac [-ImportModeTier1] [[-DatabaseServer] <String>] [[-DatabaseName] <String>] [[-SqlUser] <String>]
    [[-SqlPwd] <String>] [-BacpacFile] <String> [-NewDatabaseName] <String> [[-CustomSqlFile] <String>]
    [-DiagnosticFile <String>] [-ImportOnly] [-EnableException] [<CommonParameters>]
    Import-D365Bacpac [-ImportModeTier2] [[-DatabaseServer] <String>] [[-DatabaseName] <String>] [-SqlUser] <String>
    [-SqlPwd] <String> [-BacpacFile] <String> [-NewDatabaseName] <String> [[-AxDeployExtUserPwd] <String>]
    [[-AxDbAdminPwd] <String>] [[-AxRuntimeUserPwd] <String>] [[-AxMrRuntimeUserPwd] <String>]
    [[-AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd] <String>] [[-AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd] <String>] [[-AxDbReadonlyUserPwd] <String>]
    [[-CustomSqlFile] <String>] [-DiagnosticFile <String>] -ImportOnly [-EnableException] [<CommonParameters>]
    Import-D365Bacpac [-ImportModeTier2] [[-DatabaseServer] <String>] [[-DatabaseName] <String>] [-SqlUser] <String>
    [-SqlPwd] <String> [-BacpacFile] <String> [-NewDatabaseName] <String> [-AxDeployExtUserPwd] <String>
    [-AxDbAdminPwd] <String> [-AxRuntimeUserPwd] <String> [-AxMrRuntimeUserPwd] <String> [-AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd]
    <String> [-AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd] <String> [-AxDbReadonlyUserPwd] <String> [[-CustomSqlFile] <String>]
    [-DiagnosticFile <String>] [-EnableException] [<CommonParameters>]
    Import a bacpac file to either a Tier1 or Tier2 environment
    -ImportModeTier1 [<SwitchParameter>]
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet that it will import into a Tier1 environment
        The cmdlet will expect to work against a SQL Server instance
        Required? true
        Position? 1
        Default value False
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -ImportModeTier2 [<SwitchParameter>]
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet that it will import into a Tier2 environment
        The cmdlet will expect to work against an Azure DB instance
        Required? true
        Position? 1
        Default value False
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -DatabaseServer <String>
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g. server.database.windows.net
        Required? false
        Position? 2
        Default value $Script:DatabaseServer
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -DatabaseName <String>
        The name of the database
        Required? false
        Position? 3
        Default value $Script:DatabaseName
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -SqlUser <String>
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        Required? false
        Position? 4
        Default value $Script:DatabaseUserName
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -SqlPwd <String>
        The password for the SQL Server user
        Required? false
        Position? 5
        Default value $Script:DatabaseUserPassword
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -BacpacFile <String>
        Path to the bacpac file you want to import into the database server
        Required? true
        Position? 6
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -NewDatabaseName <String>
        Name of the new database that will be created while importing the bacpac file
        This will create a new database on the database server and import the content of the bacpac into
        Required? true
        Position? 7
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -AxDeployExtUserPwd <String>
        Password that is obtained from LCS
        Required? false
        Position? 8
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -AxDbAdminPwd <String>
        Password that is obtained from LCS
        Required? false
        Position? 9
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -AxRuntimeUserPwd <String>
        Password that is obtained from LCS
        Required? false
        Position? 10
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -AxMrRuntimeUserPwd <String>
        Password that is obtained from LCS
        Required? false
        Position? 11
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd <String>
        Password that is obtained from LCS
        Required? false
        Position? 12
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd <String>
        Password that is obtained from LCS
        Required? false
        Position? 13
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -AxDbReadonlyUserPwd <String>
        Password that is obtained from LCS
        Required? false
        Position? 14
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -CustomSqlFile <String>
        Path to the sql script file that you want the cmdlet to execute against your data after it has been imported
        Required? false
        Position? 15
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -DiagnosticFile <String>
        Path to where you want the import to output a diagnostics file to assist you in troubleshooting the import
        Required? false
        Position? named
        Default value
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -ImportOnly [<SwitchParameter>]
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to only import the bacpac into the new database
        The cmdlet will create a new database and import the content of the bacpac file into this
        Nothing else will be executed
        Required? false
        Position? named
        Default value False
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
    -EnableException [<SwitchParameter>]
        This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions
        This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts
        Required? false
        Position? named
        Default value False
        Accept pipeline input? false
        Accept wildcard characters? false
        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
        about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
        Tags: Database, Bacpac, Tier1, Tier2, Golden Config, Config, Configuration
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier1 -BacpacFile "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" -NewDatabaseName "ImportedDatabase"
    PS C:\> Switch-D365ActiveDatabase -NewDatabaseName "ImportedDatabase"
    This will instruct the cmdlet that the import will be working against a SQL Server instance.
    It will import the "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" file into a new database named "ImportedDatabase".
    The next thing to do is to switch the active database out with the new one you just imported.
    "ImportedDatabase" will be switched in as the active database, while the old one will be named "AXDB_original".
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2 -SqlUser "sqladmin" -SqlPwd "XyzXyz" -BacpacFile "C:\temp\uat.bacpac"
    -AxDeployExtUserPwd "XxXx" -AxDbAdminPwd "XxXx" -AxRuntimeUserPwd "XxXx" -AxMrRuntimeUserPwd "XxXx"
    -AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd "XxXx" -AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd "XxXx" -AxDbReadonlyUserPwd "XxXx" -NewDatabaseName
    PS C:\> Switch-D365ActiveDatabase -NewDatabaseName "ImportedDatabase" -SqlUser "sqladmin" -SqlPwd "XyzXyz"
    This will instruct the cmdlet that the import will be working against an Azure DB instance.
    It requires all relevant passwords from LCS for all the builtin user accounts used in a Tier 2 environment.
    It will import the "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" file into a new database named "ImportedDatabase".
    The next thing to do is to switch the active database out with the new one you just imported.
    "ImportedDatabase" will be switched in as the active database, while the old one will be named "AXDB_original".
    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
    PS C:\>Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier1 -BacpacFile "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" -NewDatabaseName "ImportedDatabase"
    -DiagnosticFile "C:\temp\ImportLog.txt"
    This will instruct the cmdlet that the import will be working against a SQL Server instance.
    It will import the "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" file into a new database named "ImportedDatabase".
    It will output a diagnostic file to "C:\temp\ImportLog.txt".