
        Invoke the ModelUtil.exe
        A cmdlet that wraps some of the cumbersome work into a streamlined process
    .PARAMETER Command
        Instruct the cmdlet to what process you want to execute against the ModelUtil tool
        Valid options:
        Used for import to point where to import from
        Used for export to point where to export the model to
        The cmdlet only supports an already extracted ".axmodel" file
    .PARAMETER Model
        Name of the model that you want to work against
        Used for export to select the model that you want to export
        Used for delete to select the model that you want to delete
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        PS C:\> Invoke-ModelUtil -Command Import -Path "c:\temp\\CustomModel.axmodel"
        This will execute the import functionality of ModelUtil.exe and have it import the "CustomModel.axmodel" file.
        PS C:\> Invoke-ModelUtil -Command Export -Path "c:\temp\" -Model CustomModel
        This will execute the export functionality of ModelUtil.exe and have it export the "CustomModel" model.
        The file will be placed in "c:\temp\".
        PS C:\> Invoke-ModelUtil -Command Delete -Model CustomModel
        This will execute the delete functionality of ModelUtil.exe and have it delete the "CustomModel" model.
        The folders in PackagesLocalDirectory for the "CustomModel" will NOT be deleted
        PS C:\> Invoke-ModelUtil -Command Replace -Path "c:\temp\\CustomModel.axmodel"
        This will execute the replace functionality of ModelUtil.exe and have it replace the "CustomModel" model.
        Tags: AXModel, Model, ModelUtil, Servicing, Import, Export, Delete, Replace
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-ModelUtil {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [ValidateSet('Import', 'Export', 'Delete', 'Replace')]
        [string] $Command,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Import', Position = 1 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Export', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Export', Position = 2 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Delete', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Model,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:PackageDirectory\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir, $BinDir -Type Container)) {
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1

    $executable = Join-Path $BinDir "ModelUtil.exe"
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1

    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $params = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Building the parameter options."
    switch ($Command.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'import' {
            if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) {
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1

            $null = $params.Add("-import")
            $null = $params.Add("-metadatastorepath=`"$MetaDataDir`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-file=`"$Path`"")
        'export' {
            $null = $params.Add("-export")
            $null = $params.Add("-metadatastorepath=`"$MetaDataDir`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-outputpath=`"$Path`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-modelname=`"$Model`"")
        'delete' {
            $null = $params.Add("-delete")
            $null = $params.Add("-metadatastorepath=`"$MetaDataDir`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-modelname=`"$Model`"")
        'replace' {
            if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) {
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1

            $null = $params.Add("-replace")
            $null = $params.Add("-metadatastorepath=`"$MetaDataDir`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-file=`"$Path`"")

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Starting the $executable with the parameter options." -Target $($params.ToArray() -join " ")

    #! We should consider to redirect the standard output & error like this:
    #Invoke-Process -Executable $executable -Params $params -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress -OutputCommandOnly:$OutputCommandOnly
    Start-Process -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList ($($params.ToArray() -join " ")) -NoNewWindow -Wait

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End