
using module ./dClass.psm1

Retrieves items from Dell ME4024
Retrieves items from Dell ME4024 via REST API
.PARAMETER Credential
PSCredential of SAN User and Password. Use $MyCreds = Get-Credential. See Examples.
HTTPS URI for the SAN. Example: https://MySAN.MyDomain.Org
SAN Item to query. Defaults to 'system'. Tab through or type a valid selection if preferred:
maps,network-parameters,ntp-status,service-tag-info,system,vdisks,versions, or volumes.
1. Item 'configuration' returns a large object of multiple properties.
2. Item defaults to 'system'. Tab through or type a valid selection if preferred:
maps,network-parameters,ntp-status,service-tag-info,system,vdisks,versions, or volumes.
3. Limited error handling. A future update will be more robust.
4. HTTPS certificate checking is disabled.
Retrieve default output (system):
$u = https://MySAN.MyDomain.Org
$MyCreds = Get-Credential -UserName SanUser <Enter Password>
$MyVar = Show-SANItem -Credential $MyCreds -Uri $u
Retrieve vdisks output:
$u = https://MySAN.MyDomain.Org
$MyCreds = Get-Credential -UserName SanUser <Enter Password>
$MyVar = Show-SANItem -Credential $MyCreds -Uri $u -Item vdisks
Retrieve configuration output (lots of info):
$u = https://MySAN.MyDomain.Org
$MyCreds = Get-Credential -UserName SanUser <Enter Password>
$MyVar = Show-SANItem -Credential $MyCreds -Uri $u -Item configuration

function Show-SANItem
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Uri] $Uri,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [string] $Item = 'system'

        if ( ([uri] $uri).IsAbsoluteUri -eq $false )
            Write-Output "Terminating. Non-valid URL detected. Submitted URL: $uri"

        $headers = [dSAN]::headers
        $session_key = [dSAN]::GetSessionString($uri, $credential, $headers)

        if ($($session_key.status) -eq "Error")
            Write-Output $([dSAN]::mesg1)`n$($session_key.info.status)
        elseif (-not $(($session_key.status)))
            $mesg3 = [dSAN]::mesg2,$uri.AbsoluteUri -join " "
            Write-Output $mesg3

        $headers.'sessionKey' = $($session_key.info)
        $item_info = [dSAN]::GetItem($uri,$item,$headers)
        if ($item -eq 'configuration')