
#Region './Classes/1.DatumProvider.ps1' 0
class DatumProvider
    hidden [bool]$IsDatumProvider = $true

        $result = ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $this
        return $result

        $result = ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $this
        return $result
#EndRegion './Classes/1.DatumProvider.ps1' 17
#Region './Classes/FileProvider.ps1' 0
class FileProvider : DatumProvider
    hidden [string]$Path
    hidden [hashtable] $Store
    hidden [hashtable] $DatumHierarchyDefinition
    hidden [hashtable] $StoreOptions
    hidden [hashtable] $DatumHandlers
    hidden [string] $Encoding

    FileProvider ($Path, $Store, $DatumHierarchyDefinition, $Encoding)
        $this.Store = $Store
        $this.DatumHierarchyDefinition = $DatumHierarchyDefinition
        $this.StoreOptions = $Store.StoreOptions
        $this.Path = Get-Item $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $this.DatumHandlers = $DatumHierarchyDefinition.DatumHandlers
        $this.Encoding = $Encoding

        $result = Get-ChildItem -Path $path | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_.PSIsContainer)
                $val = [scriptblock]::Create("New-DatumFileProvider -Path `"$($_.FullName)`" -Store `$this.DataOptions -DatumHierarchyDefinition `$this.DatumHierarchyDefinition -Encoding `$this.Encoding")
                $this | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name $_.BaseName -Value $val
                $val = [scriptblock]::Create("Get-FileProviderData -Path `"$($_.FullName)`" -DatumHandlers `$this.DatumHandlers -Encoding `$this.Encoding")
                $this | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name $_.BaseName -Value $val
#EndRegion './Classes/FileProvider.ps1' 33
#Region './Classes/Node.ps1' 0
class Node : hashtable
        $NodeData.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            $this[$_] = $NodeData[$_]

        $this | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name Roles -Value {
            $pathArray = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript('Get-PSCallStack')[2].Position.Text -split '\.'
            $propertyPath = $pathArray[2..($pathArray.Count - 1)] -join '\'
            Write-Warning -Message "Resolve $propertyPath"

            $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{}
            $currentNode = $obj
            if ($pathArray.Count -gt 3)
                foreach ($property in $pathArray[2..($pathArray.count - 2)])
                    Write-Debug -Message "Adding $Property property"
                    $currentNode | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $property -Value ([PSCustomObject]@{})
                    $currentNode = $currentNode.$property
            Write-Debug -Message "Adding Resolved property to last object's property $($pathArray[-1])"
            $currentNode | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $pathArray[-1] -Value $propertyPath

            return $obj
    static ResolveDscProperty($Path)
        "Resolve-DscProperty -DefaultValue $Path"
#EndRegion './Classes/Node.ps1' 36
#Region './Private/Compare-Hashtable.ps1' 0
function Compare-Hashtable
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Property = ($ReferenceHashtable.Keys + $DifferenceHashtable.Keys | Select-Object -Unique)

    Write-Debug -Message "Compare-Hashtable -Ref @{$($ReferenceHashtable.keys -join ';')} -Diff @{$($DifferenceHashtable.keys -join ';')} -Property [$($Property -join ', ')]"
    #Write-Debug -Message "REF:`r`n$($ReferenceHashtable | ConvertTo-Json)"
    #Write-Debug -Message "DIFF:`r`n$($DifferenceHashtable | ConvertTo-Json)"

    foreach ($propertyName in $Property)
        Write-Debug -Message " Testing <$propertyName>'s value"
        if (($inRef = $ReferenceHashtable.Contains($propertyName)) -and
            ($inDiff = $DifferenceHashtable.Contains($propertyName)))
            if ($ReferenceHashtable[$propertyName] -as [hashtable[]] -or $DifferenceHashtable[$propertyName] -as [hashtable[]])
                if ((Compare-Hashtable -ReferenceHashtable $ReferenceHashtable[$propertyName] -DifferenceHashtable $DifferenceHashtable[$propertyName]))
                    Write-Debug -Message " Skipping $propertyName...."
                    # If Compae returns something, they're not the same
                Write-Debug -Message "Comparing: $($ReferenceHashtable[$propertyName]) With $($DifferenceHashtable[$propertyName])"
                if ($ReferenceHashtable[$propertyName] -ne $DifferenceHashtable[$propertyName])
                        SideIndicator = '<='
                        PropertyName  = $propertyName
                        Value         = $ReferenceHashtable[$propertyName]

                        SideIndicator = '=>'
                        PropertyName  = $propertyName
                        Value         = $DifferenceHashtable[$propertyName]
            Write-Debug -Message " Property $propertyName Not in one Side: Ref: [$($ReferenceHashtable.Keys -join ',')] | [$($DifferenceHashtable.Keys -join ',')]"
            if ($inRef)
                Write-Debug -Message "$propertyName found in Reference hashtable"
                    SideIndicator = '<='
                    PropertyName  = $propertyName
                    Value         = $ReferenceHashtable[$propertyName]
                Write-Debug -Message "$propertyName found in Difference hashtable"
                    SideIndicator = '=>'
                    PropertyName  = $propertyName
                    Value         = $DifferenceHashtable[$propertyName]

#EndRegion './Private/Compare-Hashtable.ps1' 81
#Region './Private/Copy-Object.ps1' 0
function Copy-Object
        Creates a real copy of an object recursive including all the referenced objects it points to.


        In .net reference types (classes), cannot be copied easily. If a type implements the IClonable interface it can be copied
        or cloned but the objects it references to will not be cloned. Rather the reference is cloned like shown in this example:

        $a = @{
            k1 = 'v1'
            k2 = @{
                kk1 = 'vv1'
                kk2 = 'vv2'

        $b = @{}
        $validKeys = 'k1', 'k2'
        foreach ($validKey in $validKeys)
            if ($a.ContainsKey($validKey))
                $b.Add($validKey, $a.Item($validKey))

        Write-Host '-------- Before removal of kk2 -------------'
        Write-Host "Key count of a.k2: $($a.k2.Keys.Count)"
        Write-Host "Key count in b.k2: $($b.k2.Keys.Count)"

        Write-Host '-------- After removal of kk2 --------------'
        Write-Host "Key count of a.k2: $($a.k2.Keys.Count)"
        Write-Host "Key count in b.k2: $($b.k2.Keys.Count)"

        PS C:\> $clonedObject = Copy-Object -DeepCopyObject $someObject

        It takes any kind of object as input which will be serialized and deserialized to create a copy.



    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $serialData = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($DeepCopyObject)
#EndRegion './Private/Copy-Object.ps1' 61
#Region './Private/Expand-RsopHashtable.ps1' 0
function Expand-RsopHashtable
    param (





    if ($null -eq $InputObject)
        return $null

    if ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.IDictionary])
        $newObject = @{}
        $keys = [string[]]$InputObject.Keys
        foreach ($key in $keys)
            $newObject.$key = Expand-RsopHashtable -InputObject $InputObject[$key] -Depth $Depth -AddSourceInformation:$AddSourceInformation

        [ordered]@{} + $newObject
    elseif ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.IList])
        $doesUseYamlArraySyntax = [bool]($InputObject.Count - 1)
        if (-not $doesUseYamlArraySyntax)
        $items = foreach ($item in $InputObject)
            Expand-RsopHashtable -InputObject $item -IsArrayValue:$doesUseYamlArraySyntax -Depth $Depth -AddSourceInformation:$AddSourceInformation
    elseif ($InputObject -is [pscredential])
        $cred = $InputObject.GetNetworkCredential()
        $cred = "$($cred.UserName)@$($cred.Domain)$(if($cred.Domain){':'})$('*' * $cred.Password.Length)" | Add-Member -Name __File -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $InputObject.__File -PassThru

        Get-RsopValueString -InputString $cred -Key $key -Depth $depth -IsArrayValue:$IsArrayValue -AddSourceInformation:$AddSourceInformation
        Get-RsopValueString -InputString $InputObject -Key $key -Depth $depth -IsArrayValue:$IsArrayValue -AddSourceInformation:$AddSourceInformation
#EndRegion './Private/Expand-RsopHashtable.ps1' 64
#Region './Private/Get-DatumType.ps1' 0
function Get-DatumType
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($DatumObject -is [hashtable] -or $DatumObject -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])
    elseif ($DatumObject -isnot [string] -and $DatumObject -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable])
        if ($DatumObject -as [hashtable[]])

#EndRegion './Private/Get-DatumType.ps1' 32
#Region './Private/Get-MergeStrategyFromString.ps1' 0
function Get-MergeStrategyFromString
    param (

    MergeStrategy: MostSpecific
            merge_hash: MostSpecific
            merge_baseType_array: MostSpecific
            merge_hash_array: MostSpecific

    MergeStrategy: hash
            merge_hash: hash
            merge_baseType_array: MostSpecific
            merge_hash_array: MostSpecific
            knockout_prefix: --

    MergeStrategy: Deep
            merge_hash: deep
            merge_baseType_array: Unique
            merge_hash_array: DeepTuple
            knockout_prefix: --
                - Name
                - Version

    Write-Debug -Message "Get-MergeStrategyFromString -MergeStrategy <$MergeStrategy>"
    switch -regex ($MergeStrategy)
                merge_hash           = 'MostSpecific'
                merge_baseType_array = 'MostSpecific'
                merge_hash_array     = 'MostSpecific'

                merge_hash           = 'hash'
                merge_baseType_array = 'MostSpecific'
                merge_hash_array     = 'MostSpecific'
                merge_options        = @{
                    knockout_prefix = '--'

                merge_hash           = 'deep'
                merge_baseType_array = 'Unique'
                merge_hash_array     = 'DeepTuple'
                merge_options        = @{
                    knockout_prefix = '--'
                    tuple_keys      = @(
            Write-Debug -Message "Couldn't Match the strategy $MergeStrategy"
                merge_hash           = 'MostSpecific'
                merge_baseType_array = 'MostSpecific'
                merge_hash_array     = 'MostSpecific'

#EndRegion './Private/Get-MergeStrategyFromString.ps1' 86
#Region './Private/Get-RsopValueString.ps1' 0
function Get-RsopValueString
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]




    if (-not $AddSourceInformation)
        $fileInfo = (Get-DatumSourceFile -Path $InputString.__File)

        $i = if ($env:DatumRsopIndentation)

        $i = if ($IsArrayValue)
            $i - ("$InputString".Length)
            $i - ($Key.Length + "$InputString".Length)

        $i -= [System.Math]::Max(0, ($depth) * 2)
        "{0}$(if ($fileInfo) { ""{1, $i}"" })" -f $InputString, $fileInfo
#EndRegion './Private/Get-RsopValueString.ps1' 54
#Region './Private/Invoke-DatumHandler.ps1' 0
function Invoke-DatumHandler
        Invokes the configured datum handlers.

        This function goes through all datum handlers configured in the 'datum.yml'. For all handlers, it calls the test function
        first that identifies if the particular handler should be invoked at all for the given InputString. The test function
        look for a prefix and suffix in orer to know if a handler should be called. For the handler 'Datum.InvokeCommand' the
        prefix is '[x=' and the siffix '=]'.

        Let's assume the handler is defined in a module named 'Datum.InvokeCommand'. The handler is introduced in the 'datum.yml'
        like this:

                SkipDuringLoad: true

        The name of the function that checks if the handler should be called is constructed like this:


        Considering the definition in the 'datum.yml', the actual function name will be:


        Same rule applies for the action function that is actually the handler. Datum searches a function with the name


        which will be in case of the filter module named 'Datum.InvokeCommand' and the filter name 'InvokeCommand':


        This sample calls the handlers defined in the 'Datum.yml' on the value '[x= { Get-Date } =]'. Only a handler will
        be invoked that has the prefix '[x=' and the siffix '=]'.

        PS C:\> $d = New-DatumStructure -DefinitionFile .\tests\Integration\assets\DscWorkshopConfigData\Datum.yml
        PS C:\> $result = $nul
        PS C:\> Invoke-DatumHandler -InputObject '[x= { Get-Date } =]' -DatumHandlers $d.__Definition.DatumHandlers -Result ([ref]$result)
        PS C:\> $result #-> Thursday, March 24, 2022 1:54:51 AM


        Whatever the datum handler returns.



    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    $return = $false

    foreach ($handler in $DatumHandlers.Keys)
        if ($DatumHandlers.$handler.SkipDuringLoad -and (Get-PSCallStack).Command -contains 'Get-FileProviderData')

        $filterModule, $filterName = $handler -split '::'
        if (-not (Get-Module $filterModule))
            Import-Module $filterModule -Force -ErrorAction Stop

        $filterCommand = Get-Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ('{0}\Test-{1}Filter' -f $filterModule, $filterName)
        if ($filterCommand -and ($InputObject | &$filterCommand))
                if ($actionCommand = Get-Command -Name ('{0}\Invoke-{1}Action' -f $filterModule, $filterName) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                    $actionParams = @{}
                    $commandOptions = $DatumHandlers.$handler.CommandOptions.Keys

                    # Populate the Command's params with what's in the Datum.yml, or from variables
                    $variables = Get-Variable
                    foreach ($paramName in $actionCommand.Parameters.Keys)
                        if ($paramName -in $commandOptions)
                            $actionParams.Add($paramName, $DatumHandlers.$handler.CommandOptions[$paramName])
                        elseif ($var = $Variables.Where{ $_.Name -eq $paramName })
                            $actionParams."$paramName" = $var[0].Value
                    $internalResult = (&$actionCommand @actionParams)
                    if ($null -eq $internalResult)
                        $Result.Value = [string]::Empty

                    $Result.Value = $internalResult
                    return $true
                #If true, datum handlers throwing errors will stop the whole compilation process. This is usually wanted to make sure
                #that the datum handlers are working as expected and your data / RSOP does not contain invalid or incomplete data.
                $throwOnError = [bool]$datum.__Definition.DatumHandlersThrowOnError

                if ($throwOnError)
                    Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Warning "Error using Datum Handler '$Handler', the error was: '$($_.Exception.Message)'. Returning InputObject ($InputObject)."
                    $Result = $InputObject
                    return $false

    return $return
#EndRegion './Private/Invoke-DatumHandler.ps1' 139
#Region './Private/Merge-DatumArray.ps1' 0
function Merge-DatumArray
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Strategy = @{},

        $ChildStrategies = @{
            '^.*' = $Strategy

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Debug -Message "`tMerge-DatumArray -StartingPath <$StartingPath>"
    $knockout_prefix = [regex]::Escape($Strategy.merge_options.knockout_prefix).Insert(0, '^')
    $hashArrayStrategy = $Strategy.merge_hash_array
    Write-Debug -Message "`t`tHash Array Strategy: $hashArrayStrategy"
    $mergeBasetypeArraysStrategy = $Strategy.merge_basetype_array
    $mergedArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

    $sortParams = @{}
    if ($propertyNames = [string[]]$Strategy.merge_options.tuple_keys)
        $sortParams.Add('Property', $propertyNames)

    if ($ReferenceArray -as [hashtable[]])
        Write-Debug -Message "`t`tMERGING Array of Hashtables"
        if (-not $hashArrayStrategy -or $hashArrayStrategy -match 'MostSpecific')
            Write-Debug -Message "`t`tMerge_hash_arrays Disabled. value: $hashArrayStrategy"
            $mergedArray = $ReferenceArray
            if ($Strategy.sort_merged_arrays)
                $mergedArray = $mergedArray | Sort-Object @sortParams
            return $mergedArray

        switch -Regex ($hashArrayStrategy)
                (@($DifferenceArray) + @($ReferenceArray)) | ForEach-Object {
                    $null = $mergedArray.Add(([ordered]@{} + $_))

            # MergeHashesByProperties
                Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`tStrategy for Array Items: Merge Hash By tuple`r`n"
                # look at each $RefItems in $RefArray
                # if no PropertyNames defined, use all Properties of $RefItem
                # else use defined propertyNames
                # Search for DiffItem that has the same Property/Value pairs
                # if found, Merge-Datum (or MergeHashtable?)
                # if not found, add $DiffItem to $RefArray

                # look at each $RefItems in $RefArray
                $usedDiffItems = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                foreach ($referenceItem in $ReferenceArray)
                    $referenceItem = [ordered]@{} + $referenceItem
                    Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`t .. Working on Merged Element $($mergedArray.Count)`r`n"
                    # if no PropertyNames defined, use all Properties of $RefItem
                    if (-not $propertyNames)
                        Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`t ..No PropertyName defined: Use ReferenceItem Keys"
                        $propertyNames = $referenceItem.Keys
                    $mergedItem = @{} + $referenceItem
                    $diffItemsToMerge = $DifferenceArray.Where{
                        $differenceItem = [ordered]@{} + $_
                        # Search for DiffItem that has the same Property/Value pairs than RefItem
                        $compareHashParams = @{
                            ReferenceHashtable  = [ordered]@{} + $referenceItem
                            DifferenceHashtable = $differenceItem
                            Property            = $propertyNames
                        (-not (Compare-Hashtable @compareHashParams))
                    Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`t ..Items to merge: $($diffItemsToMerge.Count)"
                    $diffItemsToMerge | ForEach-Object {
                        $mergeItemsParams = @{
                            ParentPath          = $StartingPath
                            Strategy            = $Strategy
                            ReferenceHashtable  = $mergedItem
                            DifferenceHashtable = $_
                            ChildStrategies     = $ChildStrategies
                        $mergedItem = Merge-Hashtable @mergeItemsParams
                    # If a diff Item has been used, save it to find the unused ones
                    $null = $usedDiffItems.AddRange($diffItemsToMerge)
                    $null = $mergedArray.Add($mergedItem)
                $unMergedItems = $DifferenceArray | ForEach-Object {
                    if (-not $usedDiffItems.Contains($_))
                        ([ordered]@{} + $_)
                if ($null -ne $unMergedItems)
                    if ($unMergedItems -is [System.Array])
                        $null = $mergedArray.AddRange($unMergedItems)
                        $null = $mergedArray.Add($unMergedItems)

            # UniqueByProperties
                Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`tSelecting Unique Hashes accross both arrays based on Property tuples"
                # look at each $DiffItems in $DiffArray
                # if no PropertyNames defined, use all Properties of $DiffItem
                # else use defined PropertyNames
                # Search for a RefItem that has the same Property/Value pairs
                # if Nothing is found
                # add current DiffItem to RefArray

                if (-not $propertyNames)
                    Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`t ..No PropertyName defined: Use ReferenceItem Keys"
                    $propertyNames = $referenceItem.Keys

                $mergedArray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                $ReferenceArray | ForEach-Object {
                    $currentRefItem = $_
                    if (-not ($mergedArray.Where{ -not (Compare-Hashtable -Property $propertyNames -ReferenceHashtable $currentRefItem -DifferenceHashtable $_ ) }))
                        $null = $mergedArray.Add(([ordered]@{} + $_))

                $DifferenceArray | ForEach-Object {
                    $currentDiffItem = $_
                    if (-not ($mergedArray.Where{ -not (Compare-Hashtable -Property $propertyNames -ReferenceHashtable $currentDiffItem -DifferenceHashtable $_ ) }))
                        $null = $mergedArray.Add(([ordered]@{} + $_))

#EndRegion './Private/Merge-DatumArray.ps1' 172
#Region './Private/Merge-Hashtable.ps1' 0
function Merge-Hashtable
    param (
        # [hashtable] These should stay ordered
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # [hashtable] These should stay ordered
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Strategy = @{
            merge_hash           = 'hash'
            merge_baseType_array = 'MostSpecific'
            merge_hash_array     = 'MostSpecific'
            merge_options        = @{
                knockout_prefix = '--'

        $ChildStrategies = @{},


    Write-Debug -Message "`tMerge-Hashtable -ParentPath <$ParentPath>"

    # Removing Case Sensitivity while keeping ordering
    $ReferenceHashtable = [ordered]@{} + $ReferenceHashtable
    $DifferenceHashtable = [ordered]@{} + $DifferenceHashtable
    $clonedReference = [ordered]@{} + $ReferenceHashtable

    if ($Strategy.merge_options.knockout_prefix)
        $knockoutPrefix = $Strategy.merge_options.knockout_prefix
        $knockoutPrefixMatcher = [regex]::Escape($knockoutPrefix).Insert(0, '^')
        $knockoutPrefixMatcher = [regex]::Escape('--').insert(0, '^')
    Write-Debug -Message "`t Knockout Prefix Matcher: $knockoutPrefixMatcher"

    $knockedOutKeys = $ReferenceHashtable.Keys.Where{ $_ -match $knockoutPrefixMatcher }.ForEach{ $_ -replace $knockoutPrefixMatcher }
    Write-Debug -Message "`t Knockedout Keys: [$($knockedOutKeys -join ', ')] from reference Hashtable Keys [$($ReferenceHashtable.keys -join ', ')]"

    foreach ($currentKey in $DifferenceHashtable.keys)
        Write-Debug -Message "`t CurrentKey: $currentKey"
        if ($currentKey -in $knockedOutKeys)
            Write-Debug -Message "`t`tThe Key $currentkey is knocked out from the reference Hashtable."
        elseif ($currentKey -match $knockoutPrefixMatcher -and -not $ReferenceHashtable.Contains(($currentKey -replace $knockoutPrefixMatcher)))
            # it's a knockout coming from a lower level key, it should only apply down from here
            Write-Debug -Message "`t`tKnockout prefix found for $currentKey in Difference hashtable, and key not set in Reference hashtable"
            if (-not $ReferenceHashtable.Contains($currentKey))
                Write-Debug -Message "`t`t..adding knockout prefixed key for $curretKey to block further merges"
                $clonedReference.Add($currentKey, $null)
        elseif (-not $ReferenceHashtable.Contains($currentKey) )
            #if the key does not exist in reference ht, create it using the DiffHt's value
            Write-Debug -Message "`t Added Missing Key $currentKey of value: $($DifferenceHashtable[$currentKey]) from difference HT"
            $clonedReference.Add($currentKey, $DifferenceHashtable[$currentKey])
            #the key exists, and it's not a knockout entry
            $refHashItemValueType = Get-DatumType -DatumObject $ReferenceHashtable[$currentKey]
            $diffHashItemValueType = Get-DatumType -DatumObject $DifferenceHashtable[$currentKey]
            Write-Debug -Message "for Key $currentKey REF:[$refHashItemValueType] | DIFF:[$diffHashItemValueType]"
            if ($ParentPath)
                $childPath = Join-Path -Path $ParentPath -ChildPath $currentKey
                $childPath = $currentKey

            switch ($refHashItemValueType)
                    if ($Strategy.merge_hash -eq 'deep')
                        Write-Debug -Message "`t`t .. Merging Datums at current path $childPath"
                        # if there's no Merge override for the subkey's path in the (not subkeys),
                        # merge HASHTABLE with same strategy
                        # otherwise, merge Datum
                        $childStrategy = Get-MergeStrategyFromPath -Strategies $ChildStrategies -PropertyPath $childPath

                        if ($childStrategy.Default)
                            Write-Debug -Message "`t`t ..Merging using the current Deep Strategy, Bypassing default"
                            $MergePerDefault = @{
                                ParentPath          = $childPath
                                Strategy            = $Strategy
                                ReferenceHashtable  = $ReferenceHashtable[$currentKey]
                                DifferenceHashtable = $DifferenceHashtable[$currentKey]
                                ChildStrategies     = $ChildStrategies
                            $subMerge = Merge-Hashtable @MergePerDefault
                            Write-Debug -Message "`t`t ..Merging using Override Strategy $($childStrategy | ConvertTo-Json)"
                            $MergeDatumParam = @{
                                StartingPath    = $childPath
                                ReferenceDatum  = $ReferenceHashtable[$currentKey]
                                DifferenceDatum = $DifferenceHashtable[$currentKey]
                                Strategies      = $ChildStrategies
                            $subMerge = Merge-Datum @MergeDatumParam
                        Write-Debug -Message "`t # Submerge $($submerge|ConvertTo-Json)."
                        $clonedReference[$currentKey] = $subMerge

                    #do nothing to use most specific value (quicker than default)

                # Default used for hash_array, baseType_array
                    Write-Debug -Message "`t .. Merging Datums at current path $childPath`r`n$($Strategy | ConvertTo-Json)"
                    $MergeDatumParams = @{
                        StartingPath    = $childPath
                        Strategies      = $ChildStrategies
                        ReferenceDatum  = $ReferenceHashtable[$currentKey]
                        DifferenceDatum = $DifferenceHashtable[$currentKey]

                    if ($clonedReference.$currentKey -is [System.Array])
                        [System.Array]$clonedReference[$currentKey] = Merge-Datum @MergeDatumParams
                        $clonedReference[$currentKey] = Merge-Datum @MergeDatumParams
                    Write-Debug -Message "`t .. Datum Merged for path $childPath"

    return $clonedReference
#EndRegion './Private/Merge-Hashtable.ps1' 166
#Region './Public/Clear-DatumRsopCache.ps1' 0
function Clear-DatumRsopCache

    param ()

    if ($script:rsopCache.Count)
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Datum RSOP Cache cleared'
#EndRegion './Public/Clear-DatumRsopCache.ps1' 13
#Region './Public/ConvertTo-Datum.ps1' 0
function ConvertTo-Datum
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $DatumHandlers = @{}

        $result = $null

        if ($null -eq $InputObject)
            return $null

        if ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.IDictionary])
            if (-not $file -and $InputObject.__File)
                $file = $InputObject.__File

            $hashKeys = [string[]]$InputObject.Keys
            foreach ($key in $hashKeys)
                $InputObject[$key] = ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $InputObject[$key] -DatumHandlers $DatumHandlers
            # Making the Ordered Dict Case Insensitive
            ([ordered]@{} + $InputObject) | Add-Member -Name __File -MemberType NoteProperty -Value "$file" -PassThru -Force
        elseif ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable] -and $InputObject -isnot [string])
            $collection = @(
                foreach ($object in $InputObject)
                    if (-not $file -and $object.__File)
                        $file = $object.__File
                    ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $object -DatumHandlers $DatumHandlers

            , $collection
        elseif (($InputObject -is [DatumProvider]) -and $InputObject -isnot [pscredential])
            if (-not $file -and $InputObject.__File)
                $file = $InputObject.__File

            $hash = [ordered]@{}

            foreach ($property in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties)
                $hash[$property.Name] = ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $property.Value -DatumHandlers $DatumHandlers | Add-Member -Name __File -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $File.FullName -PassThru -Force

        # if there's a matching filter, process associated command and return result
        elseif ($DatumHandlers.Count -and (Invoke-DatumHandler -InputObject $InputObject -DatumHandlers $DatumHandlers -Result ([ref]$result)))
            if (-not $file -and $InputObject.__File)
                $file = $InputObject.__File

            if ($result)
                if (-not $result.__File -and $InputObject.__File)
                    $result | Add-Member -Name __File -Value "$($InputObject.__File)" -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru -Force
                elseif (-not $result.__File -and $file)
                    $result | Add-Member -Name __File -Value "$($file)" -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru -Force
                Write-Verbose "Datum handlers for '$InputObject' returned '$null'"
            if (-not $file -and $InputObject.__File)
                $file = $InputObject.__File

            if ($file -and -not $InputObject.__File)
                $InputObject | Add-Member -Name __File -Value "$file" -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru -Force
#EndRegion './Public/ConvertTo-Datum.ps1' 116
#Region './Public/Get-DatumRsop.ps1' 0
function Get-DatumRsop
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $CompositionKey = 'Configurations',

        $Filter = {},




    if (-not $script:rsopCache)
        $script:rsopCache = @{}

    if ($Filter.ToString() -ne ([System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]::Create( {})).ToString())
        Write-Verbose "Filter: $($Filter.ToString())"
        $AllNodes = [System.Collections.Hashtable[]]$AllNodes.Where($Filter)
        Write-Verbose "Node count after applying filter: $($AllNodes.Count)"

    foreach ($node in $AllNodes)
        if (-not $node.Name)
            $node.Name = $node.NodeName

        $null = $node | ConvertTo-Datum -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers

        if (-not $script:rsopCache.ContainsKey($node.Name) -or $IgnoreCache)
            Write-Verbose "Key not found in the cache: '$($node.Name)'. Creating RSOP..."
            $rsopNode = $node.Clone()

            $configurations = Resolve-NodeProperty -PropertyPath $CompositionKey -Node $node -DatumTree $Datum -DefaultValue @()
            $rsopNode."$CompositionKey" = $configurations

                $value = Resolve-NodeProperty -PropertyPath $_ -DefaultValue @{} -Node $node -DatumTree $Datum
                $rsopNode."$_" = $value

            $lcmConfigKeyName = $datum.__Definition.DscLocalConfigurationManagerKeyName
            if ($lcmConfigKeyName)
                $lcmConfig = Resolve-NodeProperty -PropertyPath $lcmConfigKeyName -DefaultValue $null
                if ($lcmConfig)
                    $rsopNode.LcmConfig = $lcmConfig
                    Write-Host -Object "`tWARNING: 'DscLocalConfigurationManagerKeyName' is defined in the 'datum.yml' but did not return a result for node '$($node.Name)'" -ForegroundColor Yellow

            $clonedRsopNode = Copy-Object -DeepCopyObject $rsopNode
            $clonedRsopNode = ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $clonedRsopNode -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers
            $script:rsopCache."$($node.Name)" = $clonedRsopNode
            Write-Verbose "Key found in the cache: '$($node.Name)'. Retrieving RSOP from cache."

        if ($IncludeSource)
            Expand-RsopHashtable -InputObject $script:rsopCache."$($node.Name)" -Depth 0 -AddSourceInformation
        elseif ($RemoveSource)
            Expand-RsopHashtable -InputObject $script:rsopCache."$($node.Name)" -Depth 0
#EndRegion './Public/Get-DatumRsop.ps1' 105
#Region './Public/Get-DatumRsopCache.ps1' 0
function Get-DatumRsopCache

    param ()

    if ($script:rsopCache.Count)
        $script:rsopCache = @{}
        Write-Verbose 'The Datum RSOP Cache is empty.'
#EndRegion './Public/Get-DatumRsopCache.ps1' 17
#Region './Public/Get-DatumSourceFile.ps1' 0
function Get-DatumSourceFile
        Gets the source file for the given datum.

        This command gets the relative source file for the given datum. The source file path
        is relative to the current directory and skips the first directory in the path.

        PS C:\> Get-DatumSourceFile -Path D:\git\datum\tests\Integration\assets\DscWorkshopConfigData\Roles\DomainController.yml

        This command returns the source file path like this:



    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (-not $Path)
        return [string]::Empty

        $p = Resolve-Path -Path $Path -Relative -ErrorAction Stop
        $p = $p -split '\\'
        $p[-1] = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($p[-1])
        $p[2..($p.Length - 1)] -join '\'
        Write-Verbose 'Get-DatumSourceFile: nothing to catch here'
#EndRegion './Public/Get-DatumSourceFile.ps1' 48
#Region './Public/Get-FileProviderData.ps1' 0
function Get-FileProviderData
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $DatumHandlers = @{},

        [ValidateSet('Ascii', 'BigEndianUnicode', 'Default', 'Unicode', 'UTF32', 'UTF7', 'UTF8')]
        $Encoding = 'Default'

    if (-not $script:FileProviderDataCache)
        $script:FileProviderDataCache = @{}

    $file = Get-Item -Path $Path
    if ($script:FileProviderDataCache.ContainsKey($file.FullName) -and
        $file.LastWriteTime -eq $script:FileProviderDataCache[$file.FullName].Metadata.LastWriteTime)
        Write-Verbose -Message "Getting File Provider Cache for Path: $Path"
        , $script:FileProviderDataCache[$file.FullName].Value
        Write-Verbose -Message "Getting File Provider Data for Path: $Path"
        $data = switch ($file.Extension)
                Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $file | ConvertTo-Datum -DatumHandlers $DatumHandlers
                ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding $Encoding -Raw) | ConvertTo-Datum -DatumHandlers $DatumHandlers
                ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding $Encoding -Raw) -Ordered | ConvertTo-Datum -DatumHandlers $DatumHandlers
                ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding $Encoding -Raw) -Ordered | ConvertTo-Datum -DatumHandlers $DatumHandlers
                Write-Verbose -Message "File extension $($file.Extension) not supported. Defaulting on RAW."
                Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding $Encoding -Raw

        $script:FileProviderDataCache[$file.FullName] = @{
            Metadata = $file
            Value    = $data
        , $data
#EndRegion './Public/Get-FileProviderData.ps1' 68
#Region './Public/Get-MergeStrategyFromPath.ps1' 0
function Get-MergeStrategyFromPath
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Debug -Message "`tGet-MergeStrategyFromPath -PropertyPath <$PropertyPath> -Strategies [$($Strategies.Keys -join ', ')], count $($Strategies.Count)"
    # Select Relevant strategy
    # Use exact path match first
    # or try Regex in order
    if ($Strategies.($PropertyPath))
        $strategyKey = $PropertyPath
        Write-Debug -Message "`t Strategy found for exact key $strategyKey"
    elseif ($Strategies.Keys -and
        ($strategyKey = [string]($Strategies.Keys.Where{ $_.StartsWith('^') -and $_ -as [regex] -and $PropertyPath -match $_ } | Select-Object -First 1))
        Write-Debug -Message "`t Strategy matching regex $strategyKey"
        Write-Debug -Message "`t No Strategy found"

    Write-Debug -Message "`t StrategyKey: $strategyKey"
    if ($Strategies[$strategyKey] -is [string])
        Write-Debug -Message "`t Returning Strategy $strategyKey from String '$($Strategies[$strategyKey])'"
        Get-MergeStrategyFromString -MergeStrategy $Strategies[$strategyKey]
        Write-Debug -Message "`t Returning Strategy $strategyKey of type '$($Strategies[$strategyKey].Strategy)'"
#EndRegion './Public/Get-MergeStrategyFromPath.ps1' 48
#Region './Public/Invoke-TestHandlerAction.ps1' 0
function Invoke-TestHandlerAction
    param (



Action: $handler
Node: $($Node|fl *|Out-String)
$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-Json)

#EndRegion './Public/Invoke-TestHandlerAction.ps1' 27
#Region './Public/Merge-Datum.ps1' 0
function Merge-Datum
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Strategies = @{
            '^.*' = 'MostSpecific'

    Write-Debug -Message "Merge-Datum -StartingPath <$StartingPath>"
    $strategy = Get-MergeStrategyFromPath -Strategies $Strategies -PropertyPath $startingPath -Verbose

    Write-Verbose -Message " Merge Strategy: @$($strategy | ConvertTo-Json)"

    $result = $null
    if ($ReferenceDatum -is [array])
        $datumItems = @()
        foreach ($item in $ReferenceDatum)
            if (Invoke-DatumHandler -InputObject $item -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers -Result ([ref]$result))
                $datumItems += ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $result -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers
                $datumItems += $item
        $ReferenceDatum = $datumItems
        if (Invoke-DatumHandler -InputObject $ReferenceDatum -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers -Result ([ref]$result))
            $ReferenceDatum = ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $result -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers

    if ($DifferenceDatum -is [array])
        $datumItems = @()
        foreach ($item in $DifferenceDatum)
            if (Invoke-DatumHandler -InputObject $item -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers -Result ([ref]$result))
                $datumItems += ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $result -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers
                $datumItems += $item
        $DifferenceDatum = $datumItems
        if (Invoke-DatumHandler -InputObject $DifferenceDatum -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers -Result ([ref]$result))
            $DifferenceDatum = ConvertTo-Datum -InputObject $result -DatumHandlers $Datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers

    $referenceDatumType = Get-DatumType -DatumObject $ReferenceDatum
    $differenceDatumType = Get-DatumType -DatumObject $DifferenceDatum

    if ($referenceDatumType -ne $differenceDatumType)
        Write-Warning -Message "Cannot merge different types in path '$StartingPath' REF:[$referenceDatumType] | DIFF:[$differenceDatumType]$($DifferenceDatum.GetType()) , returning most specific Datum."
        return $ReferenceDatum

    if ($strategy -is [string])
        $strategy = Get-MergeStrategyFromString -MergeStrategy $strategy

    switch ($referenceDatumType)
            return $ReferenceDatum

            $mergeParams = @{
                ReferenceHashtable  = $ReferenceDatum
                DifferenceHashtable = $DifferenceDatum
                Strategy            = $strategy
                ParentPath          = $StartingPath
                ChildStrategies     = $Strategies

            if ($strategy.merge_hash -match '^MostSpecific$|^First')
                return $ReferenceDatum
                Merge-Hashtable @mergeParams

            switch -Regex ($strategy.merge_baseType_array)
                    return $ReferenceDatum

                    if ($regexPattern = $strategy.merge_options.knockout_prefix)
                        $regexPattern = $regexPattern.insert(0, '^')
                        $result = @(($ReferenceDatum + $DifferenceDatum).Where{ $_ -notmatch $regexPattern } | Select-Object -Unique)
                        , $result
                        $result = @(($ReferenceDatum + $DifferenceDatum) | Select-Object -Unique)
                        , $result


                    #--> $ref + $diff -$kop
                    if ($regexPattern = $strategy.merge_options.knockout_prefix)
                        $regexPattern = $regexPattern.insert(0, '^')
                        , (($ReferenceDatum + $DifferenceDatum).Where{ $_ -notMatch $regexPattern })
                        , ($ReferenceDatum + $DifferenceDatum)

                    return (, $ReferenceDatum)

            $MergeDatumArrayParams = @{
                ReferenceArray  = $ReferenceDatum
                DifferenceArray = $DifferenceDatum
                Strategy        = $strategy
                ChildStrategies = $Strategies
                StartingPath    = $StartingPath

            switch -Regex ($strategy.merge_hash_array)
                    return $ReferenceDatum

                    #--> $ref + $diff | ? % key in Tuple_Keys -> $ref[Key] -eq $diff[key] is not already int output
                    , (Merge-DatumArray @MergeDatumArrayParams)

                    #--> $ref + $diff | ? % key in Tuple_Keys -> $ref[Key] -eq $diff[key] is merged up
                    , (Merge-DatumArray @MergeDatumArrayParams)

                    #--> $ref + $diff
                    (@($DifferenceArray) + @($ReferenceArray)).Foreach{
                        $null = $MergedArray.Add(([ordered]@{} + $_))
                    , $MergedArray

                    return , $ReferenceDatum
#EndRegion './Public/Merge-Datum.ps1' 213
#Region './Public/New-DatumFileProvider.ps1' 0
function New-DatumFileProvider
    param (

        $DatumHierarchyDefinition = @{},

        $Path = $Store.StoreOptions.Path,

        [ValidateSet('Ascii', 'BigEndianUnicode', 'Default', 'Unicode', 'UTF32', 'UTF7', 'UTF8')]
        $Encoding = 'Default'

    if (-not $DatumHierarchyDefinition)
        $DatumHierarchyDefinition = @{}

    [FileProvider]::new($Path, $Store, $DatumHierarchyDefinition, $Encoding)
#EndRegion './Public/New-DatumFileProvider.ps1' 33
#Region './Public/New-DatumStructure.ps1' 0
function New-DatumStructure
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'FromConfigFile')]

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'DatumHierarchyDefinition')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'FromConfigFile')]

        [ValidateSet('Ascii', 'BigEndianUnicode', 'Default', 'Unicode', 'UTF32', 'UTF7', 'UTF8')]
        $Encoding = 'Default'

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            if ($DatumHierarchyDefinition.Contains('DatumStructure'))
                Write-Debug -Message 'Loading Datum from Parameter'
            elseif ($DatumHierarchyDefinition.Path)
                $datumHierarchyFolder = $DatumHierarchyDefinition.Path
                Write-Debug -Message "Loading default Datum from given path $datumHierarchyFolder"
                Write-Warning -Message 'Desperate attempt to load Datum from Invocation origin...'
                $callStack = Get-PSCallStack
                $datumHierarchyFolder = $callStack[-1].PSScriptRoot
                Write-Warning -Message " ---> $datumHierarchyFolder"

            if ((Test-Path -Path $DefinitionFile))
                $DefinitionFile = (Get-Item -Path $DefinitionFile -ErrorAction Stop)
                Write-Debug -Message "File $DefinitionFile found. Loading..."
                $DatumHierarchyDefinition = Get-FileProviderData -Path $DefinitionFile.FullName -Encoding $Encoding
                if (-not $DatumHierarchyDefinition.Contains('ResolutionPrecedence'))
                    throw 'Invalid Datum Hierarchy Definition'
                $datumHierarchyFolder = $DefinitionFile.Directory.FullName
                $DatumHierarchyDefinition.DatumDefinitionFile = $DefinitionFile
                Write-Debug -Message "Datum Hierachy Parent folder: $datumHierarchyFolder"
                throw 'Datum Hierarchy Configuration not found'

    $root = @{}
    if ($datumHierarchyFolder -and -not $DatumHierarchyDefinition.DatumStructure)
        $structures = foreach ($store in (Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path $datumHierarchyFolder))
                StoreName     = $store.BaseName
                StoreProvider = 'Datum::File'
                StoreOptions  = @{
                    Path = $store.FullName

        if ($DatumHierarchyDefinition.Contains('DatumStructure'))
            $DatumHierarchyDefinition['DatumStructure'] = $structures
            $DatumHierarchyDefinition.Add('DatumStructure', $structures)

    # Define the default hierachy to be the StoreNames, when nothing is specified
    if ($datumHierarchyFolder -and -not $DatumHierarchyDefinition.ResolutionPrecedence)
        if ($DatumHierarchyDefinition.Contains('ResolutionPrecedence'))
            $DatumHierarchyDefinition['ResolutionPrecedence'] = $structures.StoreName
            $DatumHierarchyDefinition.Add('ResolutionPrecedence', $structures.StoreName)
    # Adding the Datum Definition to Root object
    $root.Add('__Definition', $DatumHierarchyDefinition)

    foreach ($store in $DatumHierarchyDefinition.DatumStructure)
        $storeParams = @{
            Store    = (ConvertTo-Datum ([hashtable]$store).Clone())
            Path     = $store.StoreOptions.Path
            Encoding = $Encoding

        # Accept Module Specification for Store Provider as String (unversioned) or Hashtable
        if ($store.StoreProvider -is [string])
            $storeProviderModule, $storeProviderName = $store.StoreProvider -split '::'
            $storeProviderModule = $store.StoreProvider.ModuleName
            $storeProviderName = $store.StoreProvider.ProviderName
            if ($store.StoreProvider.ModuleVersion)
                $storeProviderModule = @{
                    ModuleName    = $storeProviderModule
                    ModuleVersion = $store.StoreProvider.ModuleVersion

        if (-not ($module = Get-Module -Name $storeProviderModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
            $module = Import-Module $storeProviderModule -Force -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru
        $moduleName = ($module | Where-Object { $_.ExportedCommands.Keys -match 'New-Datum(\w+)Provider' }).Name

        $newProviderCmd = Get-Command ('{0}\New-Datum{1}Provider' -f $moduleName, $storeProviderName)

        if ($storeParams.Path -and -not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($storeParams.Path) -and $datumHierarchyFolder)
            Write-Debug -Message 'Replacing Store Path with AbsolutePath'
            $storePath = Join-Path -Path $datumHierarchyFolder -ChildPath $storeParams.Path -Resolve -ErrorAction Stop
            $storeParams['Path'] = $storePath

        if ($newProviderCmd.Parameters.Keys -contains 'DatumHierarchyDefinition')
            Write-Debug -Message 'Adding DatumHierarchyDefinition to Store Params'
            $storeParams.Add('DatumHierarchyDefinition', $DatumHierarchyDefinition)

        $storeObject = &$newProviderCmd @storeParams
        Write-Debug -Message "Adding key $($store.StoreName) to Datum root object"
        $root.Add($store.StoreName, $storeObject)

    #return the Root Datum hashtable
#EndRegion './Public/New-DatumStructure.ps1' 160
#Region './Public/Resolve-Datum.ps1' 0
function Resolve-Datum
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        $Variable = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript('$Node'),

        $VariableName = 'Node',

        $DatumTree = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript('$ConfigurationData.Datum'),

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UseMergeOptions')]

        $PathPrefixes = $DatumTree.__Definition.ResolutionPrecedence,

        $MaxDepth = $(
            if ($mxdDpth = $DatumTree.__Definition.default_lookup_options.MaxDepth)

    # Manage lookup options:
    default_lookup_options Lookup_options options (argument) Behaviour
                MostSpecific for ^.*
    Present default_lookup_options + most Specific if not ^.*
        Present lookup_options + Default to most Specific if not ^.*
            Present options + Default to Most Specific if not ^.*
    Present Present Lookup_options + Default for ^.* if !Exists
    Present Present options + Default for ^.* if !Exists
        Present Present options override lookup options + Most Specific if !Exists
    Present Present Present options override lookup options + default for ^.*

    | default_lookup_options | Lookup_options | options (argument) | Behaviour |
    | | | | MostSpecific for ^.* |
    | Present | | | default_lookup_options + most Specific if not ^.* |
    | | Present | | lookup_options + Default to most Specific if not ^.* |
    | | | Present | options + Default to Most Specific if not ^.* |
    | Present | Present | | Lookup_options + Default for ^.* if !Exists |
    | Present | | Present | options + Default for ^.* if !Exists |
    | | Present | Present | options override lookup options + Most Specific if !Exists |
    | Present | Present | Present | options override lookup options + default for ^.* |

    If there's no default options, auto-add default options of mostSpecific merge, and tag as 'default'
    if there's a default options, use that strategy and tag as 'default'
    if the options implements ^.*, do not add Default_options, and do not tag

    1. Defaults to Most Specific
    2. Allow setting your own default, with precedence for non-default options
    3. Overriding ^.* without tagging it as default (always match unless)


    Write-Debug -Message "Resolve-Datum -PropertyPath <$PropertyPath> -Node $($Node.Name)"
    # Make options an ordered case insensitive variable
    if ($Options)
        $Options = [ordered]@{} + $Options

    if (-not $DatumTree.__Definition.default_lookup_options)
        $default_options = Get-MergeStrategyFromString
        Write-Verbose -Message ' Default option not found in Datum Tree'
        if ($DatumTree.__Definition.default_lookup_options -is [string])
            $default_options = Get-MergeStrategyFromString -MergeStrategy $DatumTree.__Definition.default_lookup_options
            $default_options = $DatumTree.__Definition.default_lookup_options
        #TODO: Add default_option input validation
        Write-Verbose -Message " Found default options in Datum Tree of type $($default_options.Strategy)."

    if ($DatumTree.__Definition.lookup_options)
        Write-Debug -Message ' Lookup options found.'
        $lookup_options = @{} + $DatumTree.__Definition.lookup_options
        $lookup_options = @{}

    # Transform options from string to strategy hashtable
    foreach ($optKey in ([string[]]$lookup_options.Keys))
        if ($lookup_options[$optKey] -is [string])
            $lookup_options[$optKey] = Get-MergeStrategyFromString -MergeStrategy $lookup_options[$optKey]

    foreach ($optKey in ([string[]]$Options.Keys))
        if ($Options[$optKey] -is [string])
            $Options[$optKey] = Get-MergeStrategyFromString -MergeStrategy $Options[$optKey]

    # using options if specified or lookup_options otherwise
    if (-not $Options)
        $Options = $lookup_options

    # Add default strategy for ^.* if not present, at the end
    if (([string[]]$Options.Keys) -notcontains '^.*')
        # Adding Default flag
        $default_options['Default'] = $true
        $Options.Add('^.*', $default_options)

    # Create the variable to be used as Pivot in prefix path
    if ($Variable -and $VariableName)
        Set-Variable -Name $VariableName -Value $Variable -Force

    # Scriptblock in path detection patterns
    $pattern = '(?<opening><%=)(?<sb>.*?)(?<closure>%>)'
    $propertySeparator = [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
    $splitPattern = [regex]::Escape($propertySeparator)

    $depth = 0
    $mergeResult = $null

    # Get the strategy for this path, to be used for merging
    $startingMergeStrategy = Get-MergeStrategyFromPath -PropertyPath $PropertyPath -Strategies $Options

    #Invoke datum handlers
    $PathPrefixes = $PathPrefixes | ConvertTo-Datum -DatumHandlers $datum.__Definition.DatumHandlers

    # Walk every search path in listed order, and return datum when found at end of path
    foreach ($searchPrefix in $PathPrefixes)
        #through the hierarchy
        $arraySb = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
        $currentSearch = Join-Path -Path $searchPrefix -ChildPath $PropertyPath
        Write-Verbose -Message ''
        Write-Verbose -Message " Lookup <$currentSearch> $($Node.Name)"
        #extract script block for execution into array, replace by substition strings {0},{1}...
        $newSearch = [regex]::Replace($currentSearch, $pattern, {
                param (

                $expr = $match.Groups['sb'].value
                $index = $arraySb.Add($expr)
            }, @('IgnoreCase', 'SingleLine', 'MultiLine'))

        $pathStack = $newSearch -split $splitPattern
        # Get value for this property path
        $datumFound = Resolve-DatumPath -Node $Node -DatumTree $DatumTree -PathStack $pathStack -PathVariables $arraySb

        if ($datumFound -is [DatumProvider])
            $datumFound = $datumFound.ToOrderedHashTable()

        Write-Debug -Message " Depth: $depth; Merge options = $($Options.count)"

        #Stop processing further path at first value in 'MostSpecific' mode (called 'first' in Puppet hiera)
        if ($null -ne $datumFound -and ($startingMergeStrategy.Strategy -match '^MostSpecific|^First'))
            return $datumFound
        elseif ($null -ne $datumFound)

            if ($null -eq $mergeResult)
                $mergeResult = $datumFound
                $mergeParams = @{
                    StartingPath    = $PropertyPath
                    ReferenceDatum  = $mergeResult
                    DifferenceDatum = $datumFound
                    Strategies      = $Options
                $mergeResult = Merge-Datum @mergeParams

        #if we've reached the Maximum Depth allowed, return current result and stop further execution
        if ($depth -eq $MaxDepth)
            Write-Debug " Max depth of $MaxDepth reached. Stopping."
            , $mergeResult
    , $mergeResult
#EndRegion './Public/Resolve-Datum.ps1' 242
#Region './Public/Resolve-DatumPath.ps1' 0
function Resolve-DatumPath
    param (




    $currentNode = $DatumTree
    $propertySeparator = '.' #[System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
    $index = -1
    Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`t"

    foreach ($stackItem in $PathStack)
        $relativePath = $PathStack[0..$index]
        Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`tCurrent Path: `$Datum$propertySeparator$($relativePath -join $propertySeparator)"
        $remainingStack = $PathStack[$index..($PathStack.Count - 1)]
        Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`t`tbranch of path Left to walk: $propertySeparator$($remainingStack[1..$remainingStack.Length] -join $propertySeparator)"

        if ($stackItem -match '\{\d+\}')
            Write-Debug -Message "`t`t`t`t`tReplacing expression $stackItem"
            $stackItem = [scriptblock]::Create(($stackItem -f ([string[]]$PathVariables)) ).Invoke()
            Write-Debug -Message ($stackItem | Format-List * | Out-String)
            $pathItem = $stackItem
            $pathItem = $currentNode.($ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($stackItem))

        # if $pathItem is $null, it won't have subkeys, stop execution for this Prefix
        if ($null -eq $pathItem)
            Write-Verbose -Message " NULL FOUND at `$Datum.$($ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(($relativePath -join $propertySeparator) -f [string[]]$PathVariables))`t`t <`$Datum$propertySeparator$(($relativePath -join $propertySeparator) -f [string[]]$PathVariables)>"
            if ($remainingStack.Count -gt 1)
                Write-Verbose -Message "`t`t----> before: $propertySeparator$($ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(($remainingStack[1..($remainingStack.Count-1)] -join $propertySeparator)))`t`t <$(($remainingStack[1..($remainingStack.Count-1)] -join $propertySeparator) -f [string[]]$PathVariables)>"
            return $null
            $currentNode = $pathItem

        if ($remainingStack.Count -eq 1)
            Write-Verbose -Message " VALUE found at `$Datum$propertySeparator$($ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(($relativePath -join $propertySeparator) -f [string[]]$PathVariables))"
            , $currentNode

#EndRegion './Public/Resolve-DatumPath.ps1' 73
#Region './Public/Test-TestHandlerFilter.ps1' 0
function Test-TestHandlerFilter
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    $InputObject -is [string] -and $InputObject -match '^\[TEST=[\w\W]*\]$'
#EndRegion './Public/Test-TestHandlerFilter.ps1' 12