
$filename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")

Describe "Active Directory Domain Name" -Tags DomainName, $filename {
    $domain = Get-DbcConfigValue -Name
        Context "Testing Active Directory Domain Name on $psitem" {
            It "$psitem Should Be on the Domain $domain" {
                (Get-DbaCmObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $psitem -Credential $credential).Domain | Should -Be $domain -Because 'The machine needs to be on the domain'

# Skipping this for now until we get AdsiPS command equiv
Describe "Active Directory OU" -Tags OrganizationalUnit, $filename {
    $dc = Get-DbcConfigValue -Name domain.domaincontroller
        Context "Testing Active Directory OU on $psitem" {
            if (-not $value) {
                # Can be passed by Invoke-DbcCheck -Value
                $value = Get-DbcConfigValue -Name domain.organizationalunit
            It -Skip "$psitem Should Be in the right OU ($value)" {
                (Get-ADComputer $psitem -Properties CanonicalName -Server $dc).CanonicalName | Should -Be $value -Because 'The SQL Server should be in the correct OU'