
$filename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")

Describe "SQL Agent Account" -Tags AgentServiceAccount, ServiceAccount, $filename {
        Context "Testing SQL Agent is running on $psitem" {
            @(Get-DbaSqlService -ComputerName $psitem -Type Agent).ForEach{
                It "SQL Agent Should Be running on $psitem" {
                    $psitem.State | Should -Be "Running" -Because 'The agent service is required to run SQL Agent jobs'
                It "SQL Agent service should have a start mode of Automatic on $psitem" {
                    $psitem.StartMode | Should -Be "Automatic" -Because 'Otherwise the Agent Jobs wont run if the server is restarted'

Describe "DBA Operators" -Tags DbaOperator, Operator, $filename {
        Context "Testing DBA Operators exists on $psitem" {
            $operatorname = Get-DbcConfigValue agent.dbaoperatorname
            $operatoremail = Get-DbcConfigValue agent.dbaoperatoremail
            $results = Get-DbaAgentOperator -SqlInstance $psitem -Operator $operatorname
                It "operator name $psitem exists" {
                    $psitem | Should -BeIn $Results.Name -Because 'This Operator is expected to exist'
                if ($operatoremail) {
                    It "operator email $operatoremail is correct" {
                        $psitem | Should -Bein $results.EmailAddress -Because 'This operator email is expected to exist'

Describe "Failsafe Operator" -Tags FailsafeOperator, Operator, $filename {
        Context "Testing failsafe operator exists on $psitem" {
            $failsafeoperator = Get-DbcConfigValue agent.failsafeoperator
            It "failsafe operator on $psitem exists" {
                (Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $psitem).JobServer.AlertSystem.FailSafeOperator | Should -Be $failsafeoperator -Because 'The failsafe operator will ensure that any job failures will be notifed to someone if not set explicitly'

Describe "Database Mail Profile" -Tags DatabaseMailProfile, $filename {
        Context "Testing database mail profile is set on $psitem" {
            $databasemailprofile = Get-DbcConfigValue  agent.databasemailprofile
            It "database mail profile on $psitem is $databasemailprofile" {
                (Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $psitem).JobServer.DatabaseMailProfile | Should -Be $databasemailprofile -Because 'The database mail profile is required to send emails'

Describe "Failed Jobs" -Tags FailedJob, $filename {
        Context "Checking for failed enabled jobs on $psitem" {
            @(Get-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance $psitem | Where-Object IsEnabled).ForEach{
                if ($psitem.LastRunOutcome -eq "Unknown") {
                    It -Skip "$psitem's last run outcome on $($psitem.SqlInstance) is unknown" {
                        $psitem.LastRunOutcome | Should -Be "Succeeded" -Because 'All Agent Jobs should have succeed this one is unknown - you need to investigate the failed jobs'
                else {
                    It "$psitem's last run outcome on $($psitem.SqlInstance) is $($psitem.LastRunOutcome)" {
                        $psitem.LastRunOutcome | Should -Be "Succeeded" -Because 'All Agent Jobs should have succeed - you need to investigate the failed jobs'

Describe "Valid Job Owner" -Tags ValidJobOwner, $filename {
    $targetowner = Get-DbcConfigValue
        Context "Testing job owners on $psitem" {
            @(Test-DbaJobOwner -SqlInstance $psitem -Login $targetowner -EnableException:$false).ForEach{
                It "$($psitem.Job) owner Should Be $targetowner on $($psitem.Server)" {
                    $psitem.CurrentOwner | Should -Be $psitem.TargetOwner -Because "The account that is the job owner is not what was expected"