
# load all of the assertion functions
(Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot/../../internal/assertions/).ForEach{. $Psitem.FullName}

Describe "Checking Instance.Tests.ps1 checks" -Tag UnitTest {
    Context "Checking Backup Compression" {
        # Mock the version check for running tests
        Mock Connect-DbaInstance {@{Version = @{Major = 14}}}
        # Define test cases for the results to fail test and fill expected message
        # So the results of SPConfigure is 1, we expect $false but the result is true and the results of SPConfigure is 0, we expect $true but the result is false
        $TestCases = @{spconfig = 1; expected = $false; actual = $true}, @{spconfig = 0; expected = $true; actual = $false}
        It "Fails Check Correctly for Config <spconfig> and expected value <expected>" -TestCases $TestCases {
            Param($spconfig, $actual, $expected)
            Mock Get-DbaSpConfigure {@{"ConfiguredValue" = $spconfig}}
            {Assert-BackupCompression -Instance 'Dummy' -defaultbackupcompression $expected} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected `$$expected, because The default backup compression should be set correctly, but got `$$actual"
        $TestCases = @{spconfig = 0; expected = $false}, @{spconfig = 1; expected = $true; }
        It "Passes Check Correctly for Config <spconfig> and expected value <expected>" -TestCases $TestCases {
            Param($spconfig, $expected)
            Mock Get-DbaSpConfigure {@{"ConfiguredValue" = $spconfig}}
            Assert-BackupCompression -Instance 'Dummy' -defaultbackupcompression $expected
        # Validate we have called the mock the correct number of times
        It "Should call the mocks" {
            $assertMockParams = @{
                'CommandName' = 'Get-DbaSpConfigure'
                'Times'       = 4
                'Exactly'     = $true
            Assert-MockCalled @assertMockParams
                It "Should not run for SQL 2005 and below"{
                    # Mock Get-Version
                    function Get-Version {}
                    Mock Get-Version {9}
                # Mock the version check for not running the tests
                Mock Get-DbaSpConfigure {@{"ConfiguredValue" = 1}}
                $Pester = Invoke-DbcCheck -SQLInstance Dummy -Check DefaultBackupCompression -PassThru -Show None
               # $Pester.TotalCount | Should -Be 1
               # $Pester.SkippedCount | Should -Be 1
                $assertMockParams = @{
                    'CommandName' = 'Get-Version'
                    'Times' = 1
                    'Exactly' = $true
                    Assert-MockCalled @assertMockParams

    Context "Checking Instance MaxDop" {
        # if Userecommended it should pass if CurrentInstanceMaxDop property returned from Test-DbaMaxDop matches the RecommendedMaxDop property
        It "Passes Check Correctly with the use recommended parameter set to true" {
            # Mock to pass
            Mock Test-DbaMaxDop {@{"CurrentInstanceMaxDop" = 0; "RecommendedMaxDop" = 0}}
            Assert-InstanceMaxDop  -Instance 'Dummy' -UseRecommended
        # if Userecommended it should fail if CurrentInstanceMaxDop property returned from Test-DbaMaxDop does not match the RecommendedMaxDop property
        It "Fails Check Correctly with the use recommended parameter set to true" {
            # Mock to fail
            Mock Test-DbaMaxDop {@{"CurrentInstanceMaxDop" = 0; "RecommendedMaxDop" = 5}}
            {Assert-InstanceMaxDop -Instance 'Dummy' -UseRecommended} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected 5, because We expect the MaxDop Setting 0 to be the recommended value 5"
        $TestCases = @{"MaxDopValue" = 5}
        # if not UseRecommended - it should pass if the CurrentInstanceMaxDop property returned from Test-DbaMaxDop matches the MaxDopValue parameter
        It "Passes Check Correctly with a specified value <MaxDopValue>" -TestCases $TestCases {
            # Mock to pass
            Mock Test-DbaMaxDop {@{"CurrentInstanceMaxDop" = 5; "RecommendedMaxDop" = $MaxDopValue}}
            Assert-InstanceMaxDop -Instance 'Dummy' -MaxDopValue $MaxDopValue
        $TestCases = @{"MaxDopValue" = 5}, @{"MaxDopValue" = 0}
        # if not UseRecommended - it should fail if the CurrentInstanceMaxDop property returned from Test-DbaMaxDop does not match the MaxDopValue parameter
        It "Fails Check Correctly with with a specified value <MaxDopValue>" -TestCases $TestCases {
            # Mock to fail
            Mock Test-DbaMaxDop {@{"CurrentInstanceMaxDop" = 4; "RecommendedMaxDop" = 73}}
            {Assert-InstanceMaxDop -Instance 'Dummy' -MaxDopValue $MaxDopValue} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected $MaxDopValue, because We expect the MaxDop Setting 4 to be $MaxDopValue"
        # Validate we have called the mock the correct number of times
        It "Should call the mocks" {
            $assertMockParams = @{
                'CommandName' = 'Test-DbaMaxDop'
                'Times'       = 5
                'Exactly'     = $true
            Assert-MockCalled @assertMockParams
    Context "Checking tempdb size" {
        Mock Get-DbaDbFile {@(
                    Type = 0
                    Size = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Megabyte = 8
                    Type = 0
                    Size = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Megabyte = 8
                    Type = 0
                    Size = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Megabyte = 8
                    Type = 0
                    Size = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Megabyte = 8

        It "Should pass the test when all tempdb files are the same size" {
            Assert-TempDBSize -Instance Dummy

        Mock Get-DbaDbFile {@(
                    Type = 0
                    Size = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Megabyte = 8
                    Type = 0
                    Size = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Megabyte = 6
                    Type = 0
                    Size = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Megabyte = 8
                    Type = 0
                    Size = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Megabyte = 7

        It "Should fail when all of the tempdb files are not the same size" {
            {Assert-TempDBSize -Instance Dummy} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "We want all the tempdb data files to be the same size - See https://blogs.sentryone.com/aaronbertrand/sql-server-2016-tempdb-fixes/ and https://www.brentozar.com/blitz/tempdb-data-files/ for more information"
    Context "Checking Supported Build" {
        [DateTime]$Date = Get-Date -Format O

        $TestCases = @{"Date" = $Date; "BuildBehind" = "1SP"; }, 
        @{"Date" = $Date; "BuildBehind" = "1CU"; }
        #if BuildBehind it should pass if build is >= SP/CU specified & Support Dates are valid
        It "Passed check correctly when the current build is not behind the BuildBehind value of <BuildBehind>" -TestCases $TestCases {
            Param($BuildBehind, $Date)
            #Mock to pass
            Mock Test-DbaBuild {@{"SPLevel" = "{SP4, LATEST}"; "CULevel" = "CU4"; "Compliant" = $true; "SupportedUntil" = $Date.AddMonths(1)}}
            Assert-InstanceSupportedBuild -Instance 'Dummy' -BuildBehind $BuildBehind -Date $Date
        $TestCases = @{"Date" = $Date; "BuildBehind" = "1SP"; "BuildWarning" = 6; "expected" = $true; "actual" = $false},
        @{"Date" = $Date; "BuildBehind" = "1CU"; "BuildWarning" = 6; "expected" = $true; "actual" = $false}
        #if BuildBehind it should fail if build is <= SP/CU specified & Support dates are valid
        It "Failed check correctly when the current build is behind the BuildBehind value of <BuildBehind>" -TestCases $TestCases {
            Param($BuildBehind, $Date, $expected, $actual)
            #Mock to fail
            Mock Test-DbaSqlBuild {@{"SPLevel" = "{SP2}"; "CULevel" = "CU2"; "SPTarget" = "SP4"; "CUTarget" = "CU4"; "Compliant" = $false; "SupportedUntil" = $Date.AddMonths(1); "Build" = 42}}
            { Assert-InstanceSupportedBuild -Instance 'Dummy' -BuildBehind $BuildBehind -Date $Date} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected `$$expected, because this build 42 should not be behind the required build, but got `$$actual"
        $TestCases = @{"Date" = $Date}
        #if neither BuildBehind nor BuildWarning it should pass if support dates are valid
        It "Passed check correctly with a SupportedUntil date > today" -TestCases $TestCases {
            #Mock to pass
            Mock Test-DbaSqlBuild {@{"SupportedUntil" = $Date.AddMonths(1)}}
            Assert-InstanceSupportedBuild -Instance 'Dummy' -Date $Date
        $TestCases = @{"Date" = $Date}
        #if neither BuildBehind nor BuildWarning it should fail if support date is out of the support window
        It "Failed check correctly with a SupportedUntil date < today" -TestCases $TestCases {
            #Mock to fail
            Mock Test-DbaBuild {@{"SupportedUntil" = $Date.AddMonths(-1); "Build" = 42}}
            $SupportedUntil = Get-Date $Date.AddMonths(-1) -Format O
            $Date = Get-Date $Date -Format O
            { Assert-InstanceSupportedBuild -Instance 'Dummy' -Date $Date } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected the actual value to be greater than $Date, because this build 42 is now unsupported by Microsoft, but got $SupportedUntil"
        $TestCases = @{"Date" = $Date; "BuildWarning" = 6}
        #if BuildWarning it should fail if support date is in the warning window
        It "Passed check correctly with the BuildWarning window > today" -TestCases $TestCases {
            Param($Date, $BuildWarning)
            #Mock to pass
            Mock Test-DbaSqlBuild {@{"SupportedUntil" = $Date.AddMonths(9); "Build" = 42}}
            { Assert-InstanceSupportedBuild -Instance 'Dummy' -Date $Date -BuildWarning $BuildWarning }
        $TestCases = @{"Date" = $Date; "BuildWarning" = 6}
        #if BuildWarning it should fail if support date is in the warning window
        It "Failed check correctly with the BuildWarning window < today" -TestCases $TestCases {
            Param($Date, $BuildWarning)
            #Mock to fail
            Mock Test-DbaBuild {@{"SupportedUntil" = $Date.AddMonths(3); "Build" = 42}}
            $SupportedUntil = Get-Date $Date.AddMonths(3) -Format O
            $expected = Get-Date $Date.AddMonths($BuildWarning) -Format O
            { Assert-InstanceSupportedBuild -Instance 'Dummy' -Date $Date -BuildWarning $BuildWarning } | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected the actual value to be greater than $expected, because this build 42 will be unsupported by Microsoft on $SupportedUntil which is less than $BuildWarning months away, but got $SupportedUntil"

    Context "Checking Trace Flags" {
        ## Mock for one trace flag
        Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                'Global'       = 1
                'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                'Session'      = 0
                'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                'Status'       = 1
                'TraceFlag'    = 118
        It "Should pass correctly when the trace flag exists and it is the only one" {
            Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag 118
        It "Should fail correctly when the trace flag does not exist but there is a different trace flag" {
            {Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag 117} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage  "Expected 117 to be found in collection 118, because We expect that Trace Flag 117 will be set on Dummy, but it was not found."
        It "Should fail correctly when the trace flag does not exist and there is no trace flag" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
            {Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag 117} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage  "Expected 117 to be found in collection 118, because We expect that Trace Flag 117 will be set on Dummy, but it was not found."
        It "Should Pass Correctly for more than one trace flag when they all exist" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 117
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 3604
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 3605
            Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag 118, 117, 3604, 3605
        It "Should Pass Correctly for more than one trace flag when they exist but there are extra trace flags" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 117
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 3604
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 3605
            Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag 118, 117, 3604
        It "Should Fail Correctly when checking more than one trace flag when 1 is missing" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 117
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 3604
            {Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag 118, 117, 3604, 3605} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected 3605 to be found in collection @(117, 118, 3604), because We expect that Trace Flag 3605 will be set on Dummy, but it was not found."
        It "Should Fail Correctly when checking more than one trace flag when 2 are missing" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 117
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
            {Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag 118, 117, 3604, 3605} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected 3604 to be found in collection @(117, 118), because We expect that Trace Flag 3604 will be set on Dummy, but it was not found"
        It "Should pass correctly when no trace flag exists and none expected" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
            Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag $null
        It "Should fail correctly when a trace flag exists and none expected" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 117
            {Assert-TraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -ExpectedTraceFlag $null} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected `$null or empty, because We expect that there will be no Trace Flags set on Dummy, but got 117"
    Context "Checking Trace Flags Not Expected" {
        ## Mock for one trace flag
        Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {            
                'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                'Global'       = 1
                'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                'Session'      = 0
                'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                'Status'       = 1
                'TraceFlag'    = 118
        It "Should pass correctly when the trace flag exists and it is not the one expected to be running" {
            Assert-NotTraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -NotExpectedTraceFlag 117
        It "Should pass correctly when no trace flag is runnign" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {}
            Assert-NotTraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -NotExpectedTraceFlag 117
        It "Should fail correctly when the trace flag is running and is the only one" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {            
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
            {Assert-NotTraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -NotExpectedTraceFlag 118} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage "Expected 118 to not be found in collection 118, because We expect that Trace Flag 118 will not be set on Dummy, but it was found."
        It "Should fail correctly for one trace flag when the trace flag is running but there is another one running as well" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {    
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 117
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
            {Assert-NotTraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -NotExpectedTraceFlag 117} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage  "Expected 117 to not be found in collection @(117, 118), because We expect that Trace Flag 117 will not be set on Dummy, but it was found."
        It "Should Pass Correctly for more than one trace flag when no trace flag is set" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {}
            Assert-NotTraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -NotExpectedTraceFlag 118, 117, 3604, 3605
        It "Should Pass Correctly for more than one trace flag when a different one is running" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 117
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
            Assert-NotTraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -NotExpectedTraceFlag  3604, 3605
        It "Should Fail Correctly for more than one trace flag when one is running" {
            Mock Get-DbaTraceFlag {
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 117
                    'ComputerName' = 'ComputerName'
                    'Global'       = 1
                    'InstanceName' = 'MSSQLSERVER'
                    'Session'      = 0
                    'SqlInstance'  = 'SQLInstance'
                    'Status'       = 1
                    'TraceFlag'    = 118
            {Assert-NotTraceFlag -SQLInstance Dummy -NotExpectedTraceFlag  117,3604, 3605} | Should -Throw -ExpectedMessage  "Expected 117 to not be found in collection @(117, 118), because We expect that Trace Flag 117 will not be set on Dummy, but it was found."
# SIG # Begin signature block
# Kr6p3q3SNOPh+SUZH+SyY8EA2I3wR7BMoT7rnZNolTwGjUXn7bRC6vISWg16N202
# 1RBWdTGW2rVPBVLF4HA46jle4hcpEVquXdj3yGYa99ko1w2FOWzLjKvtLqj4tzOh
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# SIG # End signature block