
Various queries for getting information out of the DBA Database
Connect to Server hosting DBA Database
where IL.Inactive = 0
to only get active instances
-- Generic infomration about Servers and locations and environments
Select IL.ServerName,
FROM dbo.InstanceList IL
-- where IL.Environment = 'Prod'
-- Where IL.Location = 'Bolton'
-- Generic infromation about servers and clients
        DISTINCT C.ClientName,
FROM dbo.InstanceList IL
dbo.ClientDatabaseLookup CDL
CDL.InstanceID = IL.InstanceID
JOIN dbo.Clients C
ON c.ClientID = cdl.ClientID
WHERE C.ClientName <> 'DBA-Team' ---- AND C.ClientName = '' -- AND IL.ServerName = ''
group by C.ClientName ,ServerName
-- Generic SQL Instance Information Specifics can be picked from the SQLInfo table as required - The date checked value will show how up to date the data is
Select IL.ServerName,
FROM dbo.InstanceList IL
JOIN info.SQLInfo SI
ON SI.instanceid = IL.InstanceID
--- Use the relevant where clause you require here
order by SI.ServerName
-- Generic Windows Information Specifics can be picked from the ServerOSInfo table as required - The date checked value will show how up to date the data is
FROM info.serverosinfo SOI
-- Pick your required where clause here
-- Generic Database Information Specifics can be picked from the Databases table as required - The date checked value will show how up to date the data is
Select IL.ServerName,
FROM dbo.InstanceList IL
JOIN info.Databases D
ON D.InstanceID = IL.InstanceID
where D.Name = 'Name of Database 175'
-- pick your required where clause here
---- Job Detail INformation is in the AgentJobDetail table this holds infomration about every job that ran
Select IL.ServerName,
FROM dbo.InstanceList IL
JOIN info.AgentJobDetail AJD
ON AJD.InstanceID = IL.InstanceID
-- pick your required where clause here - Think about LastRuntime or outcome or server or job name
(Select IL.InstanceID
FROM dbo.InstanceList IL
WHERE IL.Environment = 'Prod' ---- This clause is looking for Prod Environment Servers with Jobs that have Newport in the name
and AJD.JobName LIKE '%Index%')
and AJD.LastRunTime > DATEADD(day,-1,GETDATE()) --- That finished since yesterday
ORDER by AJD.LastRunTime desc
---- Job Server INformation is in the AgentJobServer table this holds a roll up of each days job records
Select IL.ServerName,
FROM dbo.InstanceList IL
JOIN info.AgentJobServer AJS
ON AJS.InstanceID = IL.InstanceID
-- pick your required where clause here - Think about LastRuntime or outcome or server or job name
(Select IL.InstanceID
FROM dbo.InstanceList IL
WHERE IL.Environment = 'Prod' ---- This clause is looking for Prod Environment Servers in Bolton
and IL.Location = 'Bolton')
and AJS.Date > DATEADD(day,-1,GETDATE()) --- That were collected since yesterday
ORDER by IL.ServerName
-- Find the server a database is on
SELECT il.ServerName,
    FROM info.Databases d
    join dbo.InstanceList il
    on il.InstanceID = d.InstanceID
    join dbo.ClientDatabaseLookup cdl
    on d.DatabaseID = cdl.DatabaseID
    join dbo.clients c
    on cdl.ClientID = c.ClientID
    where LIKE'%172%'
    AND IL.InActive = 0