
Function Remove-DbaDatabaseSnapshot
Removes database snapshots
Removes (drops) database snapshots from the server
.PARAMETER SqlInstance
The SQL Server that you're connecting to
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential object used to connect to the SQL Server as a different user
.PARAMETER Snapshots
Removes snapshot databases with this names only
.PARAMETER Databases
Removes snapshots for only specific base dbs
.PARAMETER Snapshots
Removes specific snapshots
.PARAMETER AllSnapshots
Specifies that you want to remove all snapshots from the server
Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed.
Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command.
.PARAMETER PipelineSnapshot
Internal parameter
Author: niphlod
dbatools PowerShell module (
Copyright (C) 2016 Chrissy LeMaire
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Remove-DbaDatabaseSnapshot -SqlServer sqlserver2014a
Removes all database snapshots from sqlserver2014a
Remove-DbaDatabaseSnapshot -SqlServer sqlserver2014a -Snapshots HR_snap_20161201, HR_snap_20161101
Removes database snapshots named HR_snap_20161201 and HR_snap_20161101
Remove-DbaDatabaseSnapshot -SqlServer sqlserver2014a -Databases HR, Accounting
Removes all database snapshots having HR and Accounting as base dbs
Remove-DbaDatabaseSnapshot -SqlServer sqlserver2014a -Snapshots HR_snapshot, Accounting_snapshot
Removes HR_snapshot and Accounting_snapshot
Get-DbaDatabaseSnapshot -SqlServer sql2016 | Where SnapshotOf -like '*dumpsterfire*' | Remove-DbaDatabaseSnapshot
Removes all snapshots associated with databases that have dumpsterfire in the name

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        if ($SqlInstance)
            Get-ParamSqlSnapshotsAndDatabases -SqlServer $SqlInstance[0] -SqlCredential $Credential
        $databases = $psboundparameters.Databases
        $snapshots = $psboundparameters.Snapshots
        if ($snapshots.count -eq 0 -and $databases.count -eq 0 -and $AllSnapshots -eq $false -and $PipelineSnapshot -eq $null)
            Write-Warning "You must specify -Snapshots, -Databases or -AllSnapshots"
        # handle the database object passed by the pipeline
        if ($PipelineSnapshot.PSTypeNames -eq 'dbatools.customobject')
            If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($, "Remove db snapshot '$($PipelineSnapshot.SnapshotDb.Name)'"))
                $dropped = Remove-SqlDatabase -SqlServer $PipelineSnapshot.SnapshotDb.Parent -DBName $PipelineSnapshot.SnapshotDb.Name
                if ($dropped -match "Success")
                    $status = "Dropped"
                    Write-Warning $dropped
                    $status = "Drop failed"
                    Server = $PipelineSnapshot.Server
                    Database = $PipelineSnapshot.Database
                    SnapshotOf = $PipelineSnapshot.SnapshotOf
                    Status = $status
        # if piped value either doesn't exist or is not the proper type
        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance)
            Write-Verbose "Connecting to $instance"
                $server = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $instance -SqlCredential $Credential
                Write-Warning "Can't connect to $instance"
            $dbs = $server.Databases
            if ($databases.count -gt 0)
                $dbs = $dbs | Where-Object { $databases -contains $_.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName }
            if ($snapshots.count -gt 0)
                $dbs = $dbs | Where-Object { $snapshots -contains $_.Name }
            if ($snapshots.count -eq 0 -and $databases.count -eq 0)
                $dbs = $dbs | Where-Object IsDatabaseSnapshot -eq $true | Sort-Object DatabaseSnapshotBaseName, Name
            foreach ($db in $dbs)
                If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($, "Remove db snapshot $($db.Name)"))
                    $dropped = Remove-SqlDatabase -SqlServer $server -DBName $db.Name -SqlCredential $Credential
                    if ($dropped -match "Success")
                        $status = "Dropped"
                        Write-Warning $dropped
                        $status = "Drop failed"
                        Server = $
                        Database = $db.Name
                        SnapshotOf = $db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName
                        Status = $status