
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Describe "Get-OlaHRestoreFile Unit Tests" -Tag 'UnitTests'{
    #Mock Test-Path {$true}
    Context "Test Path handling" {
        It "Should throw on an invalid Path"{
            Mock Test-Path {$false}
            {Get-OlaHRestoreFile -Path c:\temp\} | Should Throw
        Mock Test-Path {$true}
        It "Should throw if no FULL folder exists" {
            Mock Test-Path {$false} -ParameterFilter {$Path -and $Path -eq 'c:\temp\FULL'}
            {Get-OlaHRestoreFile -Path c:\temp} | Should Throw
        It "Should call the Test-Path Full mock exactly once" {
            Assert-MockCalled Test-Path -ParameterFilter {$Path -and $Path -eq 'c:\temp\FULL'} -Times 1

    Context "Test File returns" {
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\full.bak" -ItemType File
        $results = Get-OlaHRestoreFile -Path TestDrive:\OlaH\
        It "Should return single object of System.IO.FileSystemInfo" {
            $results | Should BeOfType System.IO.FileSystemInfo
        It "Should return 1 full backup - Just Fulll" {
            $results.count | Should be 1
        It "Should return TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\full.bak"{
            $results.Fullname | Should beLike '*\OlaH\Full\full.bak'
    Context "With Log Files" {
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\full.bak" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\log1.trn" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\log2.trn" -ItemType File
        $results2 = Get-OlaHRestoreFile -Path TestDrive:\OlaH\
        It "Should an array of System.IO.FileSystemInfo" {
            $results2[1] | Should BeOfType System.IO.FileSystemInfo
        It "Should return 3 files" {
            $results2.count | should be 3
        It "Should contain 1 Full backup" {
            ($results2 | Where-Object { $_.Fullname -like '*\OlaH\Full\*.bak' }).count | Should be 1
        It "Shoud contain 2 log backups" {
            ($results2 | Where-Object { $_.Fullname -like '*\OlaH\Log\*.trn' }).count | Should be 2
    Context "With Diff Files" {
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\full.bak" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\log1.trn" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\log2.trn" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Diff\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Diff\Diff1.bak" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Diff\Diff2.bak" -ItemType File
        $results3 = Get-OlaHRestoreFile -Path TestDrive:\OlaH\
        It "Should an array of System.IO.FileSystemInfo" {
            $results3[1] | Should BeOfType System.IO.FileSystemInfo
        It "Should return 5 files" {
            $results3.count | should be 5
        It "Should contain 1 Full backup" {
            ($results3 | Where-Object { $_.Fullname -like '*\OlaH\Full\*.bak' }).count | Should be 1
        It "Shoud contain 2 log backups" {
            ($results3 | Where-Object { $_.Fullname -like '*\OlaH\Log\Log*.trn' }).count | Should be 2
        It "Should contain 2 Diff backups" {
            ($results3 | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -like '*\OlaH\Diff\Diff*.bak'}).count | Should be 2
    Context "With Diff Files and IgnoreLogBackup" {  
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Full\full.bak" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\log1.trn" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Log\log2.trn" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Diff\" -ItemType directory
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Diff\Diff1.bak" -ItemType File
        New-item "TestDrive:\OlaH\Diff\Diff2.bak" -ItemType File
        $results4 = Get-OlaHRestoreFile -Path TestDrive:\OlaH\ -IgnoreLogBackup
        It "Should an array of System.IO.FileSystemInfo" {
            $results4[1] | Should BeOfType System.IO.FileSystemInfo
        It "Should return 3 files" {
            $results4.count | should be 3
        It "Should contain 1 Full backup" {
            ($results4 | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -like '*\OlaH\Full\*.bak'}).count | Should be 1
        It "Shoud contain 0 log backups" {
            ($results4 | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -like '*\OlaH\Log\Log*.trn'}).count | Should be 0
        It "Should contain 2 Diff backups" {
            ($results4 | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -like '*\OlaH\Diff\Diff*.bak'}).count | Should be 2