
function Find-DbaLoginInGroup
Finds Logins in Active Directory groups that have logins on the SQL Instance.
Outputs all the active directory groups members for a server, or limits it to find a specific AD user in the groups
Author: Stephen Bennett,
Author: Simone Bizzotto, @niphlod
dbatools PowerShell module (,
Copyright (C) 2016 Chrissy LeMaire
License: GNU GPL v3
.PARAMETER SqlInstance
SQLServer name or SMO object representing the SQL Server to connect to. This can be a
collection and receive pipeline input.
.PARAMETER SqlCredential
PSCredential object to connect under. If not specified, current Windows login will be used.
Find all AD Groups used on the instance that an individual login is a member of.
Find-DbaLoginInGroup -SqlInstance DEV01 -Login "MyDomain\Stephen.Bennett"
Returns all active directory groups with logins on Sql Instance DEV01 that contain the AD user Stephen.Bennett.
Find-DbaLoginInGroup -SqlInstance DEV01
Returns all active directory users within all windows AD groups that have logins on the instance.
Find-DbaLoginInGroup -SqlInstance DEV01 | Where-Object Login -like '*stephen*'
Returns all active directory users within all windows AD groups that have logins on the instance whose login contains 'stephen'

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]
            Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
            Write-warning "Failed to load Assembly needed"
        function Get-AllLogins
                $output = @()
                    $domain = $AdGroup.Split("\")[0]
                    $ads = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext('Domain', $domain)
                    [string]$groupName = $AdGroup
                    $group = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.GroupPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($ads, $groupName);
                    $subgroups = @()
                    foreach ($member in $group.Members)
                        $memberDomain = $member.distinguishedname -Split "," | Where-Object { $_ -like "DC=*" } | Select-Object -first 1 | ForEach-Object { $_.ToUpper() -replace "DC=", '' }
                        if ($member.StructuralObjectClass -eq "group")
                            $fullName = $memberDomain + "\" + $member.SamAccountName
                            if ($fullName -in $discard)
                                Write-Verbose "skipping $fullName, already enumerated"
                                $subgroups += $fullName
                            $output += [PSCustomObject]@{
                                SqlInstance = $server.Name
                                InstanceName = $server.ServiceName
                                ComputerName = $server.NetName
                                Login = $memberDomain + "\" + $member.SamAccountName
                                DisplayName = $member.DisplayName
                                MemberOf = $AdGroup
                    Write-Warning "Failed to connect to Group: $member."
                $discard += $ADGroup
                foreach ($gr in $subgroups)
                    if ($gr -notin $discard)
                        $discard += $gr
                        Write-Verbose "Recursing Looking at $gr"
                        Get-AllLogins -ADGroup $gr -discard $discard
        foreach ($Instance in $SqlInstance)
                Write-Verbose "Connecting to $Instance"
                $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $Instance -SqlCredential $sqlcredential
                Write-Warning "Failed to connect to: $Instance"
            $AdGroups = $server.Logins | Where-Object { $_.LoginType -eq "WindowsGroup" -and $_.Name -ne "BUILTIN\Administrators" -and $_.Name -notlike "*NT SERVICE*" }
            foreach ($AdGroup in $AdGroups)
                Write-Verbose "Looking at Group: $AdGroup"
                $ADGroupOut += Get-AllLogins $AdGroup.Name
            if (-not $Login)
                $res = $ADGroupOut
                $res = $ADGroupOut | Where-Object { $Login -contains $_.Login }
                if ($res.Length -eq 0)
                    Write-Warning "No logins matching $($Login -join ',') found connecting to $server"
            Select-DefaultView -InputObject $res -Property SqlInstance, Login, MemberOf