
$commandname = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".ps1", "")
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
. "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1"

Describe "$commandname Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" {
    $BackupLocation = "$script:appeyorlabrepo\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak"
    $NetworkPath = "C:\temp"
    # cleanup
    foreach ($instance in $Instances) {
        Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $instance -Confirm:$false -Database singlerestore
    # Restore and set owner for Single Restore
    $null = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Path $script:appeyorlabrepo\singlerestore\singlerestore.bak -WithReplace
    Set-DbaDatabaseOwner -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database singlerestore -TargetLogin sa
    Context "Restores database with the same properties." {
        It "Should copy a database and retain its name, recovery model, and status." {
            Copy-DbaDatabase -Source $script:instance1 -Destination $script:instance2 -Database singlerestore -BackupRestore -NetworkShare $NetworkPath
            $db1 = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Database singlerestore
            $db1 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $db2 = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Database singlerestore
            $db2 | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            # Compare its valuable.
            $db1.Name | Should Be $db2.Name
            $db1.RecoveryModel | Should Be $db2.RecoveryModel
            $db1.Status | Should be $db2.Status
    Context "Doesn't write over existing databases" {
        It "Should just warn" {
            $result = Copy-DbaDatabase -Source $script:instance1 -Destination $script:instance2 -Database singlerestore -BackupRestore -NetworkShare $NetworkPath -WarningVariable warning  3>&1
            $warning | Should Match "exists at destination"
    foreach ($instance in $Instances) {
        Remove-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $instance -Confirm:$false -Database singlerestore
    Context "Detach, copies and attaches database successfully." {
        It "Should be success" {
            $null = Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $script:instance1 -Path $script:appeyorlabrepo\detachattach\detachattach.bak -WithReplace
            $results = Copy-DbaDatabase -Source $script:instance1 -Destination $script:instance2 -Database detachattach -DetachAttach -Reattach -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            $results.Status | Should Be "Successful"
    Context "Database with the same properties." {
        It "should not be null" {
            $db1 = (Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance localhost).Databases['detachattach']
            $db2 = (Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance localhost\sql2016).Databases['detachattach']
            $db1 | Should Not Be $null
            $db2 | Should Not Be $null
            $db1.Name | Should Be "detachattach"
            $db2.Name | Should Be "detachattach"
        It "Name, recovery model, and status should match" {
            # This is crazy
            (Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance localhost).Databases['detachattach'].Name | Should Be (Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance localhost\sql2016).Databases['detachattach'].Name
            (Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance localhost).Databases['detachattach'].Tables.Count | Should Be (Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance localhost\sql2016).Databases['detachattach'].Tables.Count
            (Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance localhost).Databases['detachattach'].Status | Should Be (Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance localhost\sql2016).Databases['detachattach'].Status
    Context "Clean up" {
        foreach ($instance in $instances) {
            Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $instance -NoSystemDb | Remove-DbaDatabase -Confirm:$false
