
function Get-DbaPermission {
            Get a list of Server and Database level permissions
            Retrieves a list of permissions
            Permissions link principals to securables.
            Principals exist on Windows, Instance and Database level.
            Securables exist on Instance and Database level.
            A permission state can be GRANT, DENY or REVOKE.
            The permission type can be SELECT, CONNECT, EXECUTE and more.
            See for more information
        .PARAMETER SqlInstance
            The SQL Server instance to connect to.
        .PARAMETER SqlCredential
            Allows you to login to servers using SQL Logins instead of Windows Authentication (AKA Integrated or Trusted). To use:
            $scred = Get-Credential, then pass $scred object to the -SqlCredential parameter.
            Windows Authentication will be used if SqlCredential is not specified. SQL Server does not accept Windows credentials being passed as credentials.
            To connect as a different Windows user, run PowerShell as that user.
        .PARAMETER Database
            Specifies one or more database(s) to process. If unspecified, all databases will be processed.
        .PARAMETER ExcludeDatabase
            Specifies one or more database(s) to exclude from processing.
        .PARAMETER IncludeServerLevel
            If this switch is enabled, information about Server Level Permissions will be output.
        .PARAMETER NoSystemObjects
            If this switch is enabled, permissions on system securables will be excluded.
        .PARAMETER EnableException
            If this switch is enabled exceptions will be thrown to the caller, which will need to perform its own exception processing. Otherwise, the function will try to catch the exception, interpret it and provide a friendly error message.
            Tags: Permissions, Databases
            Author: Klaas Vandenberghe ( @PowerDBAKlaas )
            Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
            License: MIT
            Get-DbaPermission -SqlInstance ServerA\sql987
            Returns a custom object with Server name, Database name, permission state, permission type, grantee and securable.
            Get-DbaPermission -SqlInstance ServerA\sql987 | Format-Table -AutoSize
            Returns a formatted table displaying Server, Database, permission state, permission type, grantee, granteetype, securable and securabletype.
            Get-DbaPermission -SqlInstance ServerA\sql987 -NoSystemObjects -IncludeServerLevel
            Returns a custom object with Server name, Database name, permission state, permission type, grantee and securable
            in all databases and on the server level, but not on system securables.
            Get-DbaPermission -SqlInstance sql2016 -Database master
            Returns a custom object with permissions for the master database.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]
    begin {
        if ($NoSystemObjects) {
            $ExcludeSystemObjectssql = "WHERE major_id > 0 "

        $ServPermsql = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') AS ComputerName,
                       ISNULL(SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName'), 'MSSQLSERVER') AS InstanceName,
                       SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS SqlInstance
                        , [Database] = ''
                        , [PermState] = state_desc
                        , [PermissionName] = permission_name
                        , [SecurableType] = COALESCE(o.type_desc,sp.class_desc)
                        , [Securable] = CASE WHEN class = 100 THEN @@SERVERNAME
                                                WHEN class = 105 THEN OBJECT_NAME(major_id)
                                                ELSE OBJECT_NAME(major_id)
                        , [Grantee] = SUSER_NAME(grantee_principal_id)
                        , [GranteeType] = pr.type_desc
                        , [revokeStatement] = 'REVOKE ' + permission_name + ' ' + COALESCE(OBJECT_NAME(major_id),'') + ' FROM [' + SUSER_NAME(grantee_principal_id) + ']'
                        , [grantStatement] = 'GRANT ' + permission_name + ' ' + COALESCE(OBJECT_NAME(major_id),'') + ' TO [' + SUSER_NAME(grantee_principal_id) + ']'
                    FROM sys.server_permissions sp
                        JOIN sys.server_principals pr ON pr.principal_id = sp.grantee_principal_id
                        LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_objects o ON o.object_id = sp.major_id
                    UNION ALL
                    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') AS ComputerName
                            , ISNULL(SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName'), 'MSSQLSERVER') AS InstanceName
                            , SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS SqlInstance
                            , [database] = ''
                            , [PermState] = 'GRANT'
                            , [PermissionName] = pb.[permission_name]
                            , [SecurableType] = pb.class_desc
                            , [Securable] = @@SERVERNAME
                            , [Grantee] =
                            , [GranteeType] = spr.type_desc
                            , [revokestatement] = ''
                            , [grantstatement] = ''
                    FROM sys.server_principals AS spr
                    INNER JOIN sys.fn_builtin_permissions('SERVER') AS pb ON
                        spr.[name]='bulkadmin' AND pb.[permission_name]='ADMINISTER BULK OPERATIONS'
                        spr.[name]='dbcreator' AND pb.[permission_name]='CREATE ANY DATABASE'
                        spr.[name]='diskadmin' AND pb.[permission_name]='ALTER RESOURCES'
                        spr.[name]='processadmin' AND pb.[permission_name] IN ('ALTER ANY CONNECTION', 'ALTER SERVER STATE')
                        spr.[name]='sysadmin' AND pb.[permission_name]='CONTROL SERVER'
                        spr.[name]='securityadmin' AND pb.[permission_name]='ALTER ANY LOGIN'
                        spr.[name]='serveradmin' AND pb.[permission_name] IN ('ALTER ANY ENDPOINT', 'ALTER RESOURCES','ALTER SERVER STATE', 'ALTER SETTINGS','SHUTDOWN', 'VIEW SERVER STATE')
                        spr.[name]='setupadmin' AND pb.[permission_name]='ALTER ANY LINKED SERVER'
                    WHERE spr.[type]='R'

        $DBPermsql = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') AS ComputerName,
                    ISNULL(SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName'), 'MSSQLSERVER') AS InstanceName,
                    SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS SqlInstance
                    , [Database] = DB_NAME()
                    , [PermState] = state_desc
                    , [PermissionName] = permission_name
                    , [SecurableType] = COALESCE(o.type_desc,dp.class_desc)
                    , [Securable] = CASE WHEN class = 0 THEN DB_NAME()
                                            WHEN class = 1 THEN ISNULL( + '.','')+OBJECT_NAME(major_id)
                                            WHEN class = 3 THEN SCHEMA_NAME(major_id)
                                            WHEN class = 6 THEN SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id)+'.' +
                    , [Grantee] = USER_NAME(grantee_principal_id)
                    , [GranteeType] = pr.type_desc
                    , [revokeStatement] = 'REVOKE ' + permission_name + ' ON ' + isnull(schema_name(o.object_id)+'.','')+OBJECT_NAME(major_id)+ ' FROM [' + USER_NAME(grantee_principal_id) + ']'
                    , [grantStatement] = 'GRANT ' + permission_name + ' ON ' + isnull(schema_name(o.object_id)+'.','')+OBJECT_NAME(major_id)+ ' TO [' + USER_NAME(grantee_principal_id) + ']'
                FROM sys.database_permissions dp
                    JOIN sys.database_principals pr ON pr.principal_id = dp.grantee_principal_id
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_objects o ON o.object_id = dp.major_id
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.types t on t.user_type_id = dp.major_id
                UNION ALL
                SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') AS ComputerName
                        , ISNULL(SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName'), 'MSSQLSERVER') AS InstanceName
                        , SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS SqlInstance
                        , [database] = DB_NAME()
                        , [PermState] = ''
                        , [PermissionName] = p.[permission_name]
                        , [SecurableType] = p.class_desc
                        , [Securable] = DB_NAME()
                        , [Grantee] =
                        , [GranteeType] = dp.type_desc
                        , [revokestatement] = ''
                        , [grantstatement] = ''
                FROM sys.database_principals AS dp
                INNER JOIN sys.fn_builtin_permissions('DATABASE') AS p ON
                    dp.[name]='db_accessadmin' AND p.[permission_name] IN ('ALTER ANY USER', 'CREATE SCHEMA')
                    dp.[name]='db_backupoperator' AND p.[permission_name] IN ('BACKUP DATABASE', 'BACKUP LOG', 'CHECKPOINT')
                    dp.[name] IN ('db_datareader', 'db_denydatareader') AND p.[permission_name]='SELECT'
                    dp.[name] IN ('db_datawriter', 'db_denydatawriter') AND p.[permission_name] IN ('INSERT', 'DELETE', 'UPDATE')
                    dp.[name]='db_ddladmin' AND
                    p.[permission_name] IN ('ALTER ANY ASSEMBLY', 'ALTER ANY ASYMMETRIC KEY',
                                            'ALTER ANY CERTIFICATE', 'ALTER ANY CONTRACT',
                                            'ALTER ANY DATABASE DDL TRIGGER', 'ALTER ANY DATABASE EVENT',
                                            'NOTIFICATION', 'ALTER ANY DATASPACE', 'ALTER ANY FULLTEXT CATALOG',
                                            'ALTER ANY MESSAGE TYPE', 'ALTER ANY REMOTE SERVICE BINDING',
                                            'ALTER ANY ROUTE', 'ALTER ANY SCHEMA', 'ALTER ANY SERVICE',
                                            'ALTER ANY SYMMETRIC KEY', 'CHECKPOINT', 'CREATE AGGREGATE',
                                            'CREATE DEFAULT', 'CREATE FUNCTION', 'CREATE PROCEDURE',
                                            'CREATE QUEUE', 'CREATE RULE', 'CREATE SYNONYM', 'CREATE TABLE',
                                            'CREATE TYPE', 'CREATE VIEW', 'CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION',
                    dp.[name]='db_owner' AND p.[permission_name]='CONTROL'
                    dp.[name]='db_securityadmin' AND p.[permission_name] IN ('ALTER ANY APPLICATION ROLE', 'ALTER ANY ROLE', 'CREATE SCHEMA', 'VIEW DEFINITION')
                WHERE dp.[type]='R'
                    AND dp.is_fixed_role=1


    process {
        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) {
            Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Connecting to $instance."

            try {
                $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $sqlcredential -MinimumVersion 9
            catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue

            if ($IncludeServerLevel) {
                Write-Message -Level Debug -Message "T-SQL: $ServPermsql"

            $dbs = $server.Databases

            if ($Database) {
                $dbs = $dbs | Where-Object Name -In $Database

            if ($ExcludeDatabase) {
                $dbs = $dbs | Where-Object Name -NotIn $ExcludeDatabase

            foreach ($db in $dbs) {
                Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Processing $db on $instance."

                if ($db.IsAccessible -eq $false) {
                    Write-Warning "The database $db is not accessible. Skipping database."

                Write-Message -Level Debug -Message "T-SQL: $DBPermsql"