
function Select-DbaBackupInformation {
            Select a subset of backups from a dbatools backup history object
            Set-DbaAgentJob updates a job in the SQL Server Agent with parameters supplied.
        .PARAMETER BackupHistory
            A dbatools.BackupHistory object containing backup history records
        .PARAMETER RestoreTime
            The point in time you want to restore to
        .PARAMETER IgnoreLogs
            This switch will cause Log Backups to be ignored. So will restore to the last Full or Diff backup only
        .PARAMETER IgnoreDiffs
            This switch will cause Differential backups to be ignored. Unless IgnoreLogs is specified, restore to point in time will still occur, just using all available log backups
        .PARAMETER DatabaseName
            A string array of Database Names that you want to filter to
        .PARAMETER ServerName
            A string array of Server Names that you want to filter
        .PARAMETER ContinuePoints
            The Output of Get-RestoreContinuableDatabase while provides 'Database',redo_start_lsn,'FirstRecoveryForkID' values. Used to filter backups to continue a restore on a database
            Sets IgnoreDiffs, and also filters databases to only those within the ContinuePoints object, or the ContinuePoints object AND DatabaseName if both specified
        .PARAMETER EnableException
            By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
            This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
            Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
            Tags: Backup, Restore
            Author:Stuart Moore (@napalmgram )
            Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
            License: MIT
            $Backups = Get-DbaBackupInformation -SqlInstance Server1 -Path \\server1\backups$
            $FilteredBackups = $Backups | Select-DbaBackupInformation -RestoreTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)
            Returns all backups needed to restore all the backups in \\server1\backups$ to 1 hour ago
            $Backups = Get-DbaBackupInformation -SqlInstance Server1 -Path \\server1\backups$
            $FilteredBackups = $Backups | Select-DbaBackupInformation -RestoreTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-1) -DatabaseName ProdFinance
            Returns all the backups needed to restore Database ProdFinance to an hour ago
            $Backups = Get-DbaBackupInformation -SqlInstance Server1 -Path \\server1\backups$
            $FilteredBackups = $Backups | Select-DbaBackupInformation -RestoreTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-1) -IgnoreLogs
            Returns all the backups in \\server1\backups$ to restore to as close prior to 1 hour ago as can be managed with only full and differential backups
            $Backups = Get-DbaBackupInformation -SqlInstance Server1 -Path \\server1\backups$
            $FilteredBackups = $Backups | Select-DbaBackupInformation -RestoreTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-1) -IgnoreDiffs
            Returns all the backups in \\server1\backups$ to restore to 1 hour ago using only Full and Diff backups.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [DateTime]$RestoreTime = (get-date).addmonths(1),
    begin {
        $InternalHistory = @()

        if ((Test-Bound -ParameterName ContinuePoints) -and $null -ne $ContinuePoints) {
            Write-Message -Message "ContinuePoints provided so setting up for a continue" -Level Verbose

            $IgnoreDiffs = $true
            $IgnoreFull = $true
            if (Test-Bound -ParameterName DatabaseName) {
                $DatabaseName = $DatabaseName | Where-Object {$_ -in ($ContinuePoints | Select-Object -Property Database).Database}

                $DroppedDatabases = $DatabaseName | Where-Object {$_ -notin ($ContinuePoints | Select-Object -Property Database).Database}
                if ($null -ne $DroppedDatabases) {
                    Write-Message -Message "$($DroppedDatabases.join(',')) filtered out as not in ContinuePoints" -Level Verbose
            else {
                $DatabaseName = ($ContinuePoints | Select-Object -Property Database).Database
    process {
        $internalHistory += $BackupHistory

    end {
        ForEach ($History in $InternalHistory) {
            if ("RestoreTime" -notin $ {
                $History | Add-Member -Name 'RestoreTime' -Type NoteProperty -Value $RestoreTime
        if ((Test-Bound -ParameterName DatabaseName) -and '' -ne $DatabaseName) {
            Write-Message -Message "Filtering by DatabaseName" -Level Verbose
            $InternalHistory = $InternalHistory | Where-Object {$_.Database -in $DatabaseName}
        if (Test-Bound -ParameterName ServerName) {
            Write-Message -Message "Filtering by ServerName" -Level Verbose
            $InternalHistory = $InternalHistory | Where-Object {$_.InstanceName -in $servername}

        $Databases = ($InternalHistory | Select-Object -Property Database -unique).Database
        ForEach ($Database in $Databases) {
            Write-Message -Message "Processing Db $Database" -Level Verbose
            $DatabaseHistory = $InternalHistory | Where-Object {$_.Database -eq $Database}

            $dbHistory = @()
            #Find the Last Full Backup before RestoreTime
            if ($true -ne $IgnoreFull) {
                $Full = $DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.Type -in ('Full', 'Database') -and $_.Start -le $RestoreTime} | Sort-Object -Property LastLsn -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
                $full.Fullname = ($DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.Type -in ('Full', 'Database') -and $_.BackupSetID -eq $Full.BackupSetID}).Fullname
                $dbHistory += $full
            #Find the Last diff between Full and RestoreTime
            if ($true -ne $IgnoreDiffs) {
                $Diff = $DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.Type -in ('Differential', 'Database Differential') -and $_.Start -le $RestoreTime -and $_.DatabaseBackupLSN -eq $Full.CheckpointLSN} | Sort-Object -Property LastLsn -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
                if ($null -ne $Diff) {
                    $Diff.FullName = ($DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.Type -in ('Differential', 'Database Differential') -and $_.BackupSetID -eq $diff.BackupSetID}).Fullname
                    $dbhistory += $Diff
            #Get All t-logs up to restore time
            if ($IgnoreFull -eq $true) {
                [bigint]$LogBaseLsn = ($ContinuePoints | Where-Object {$_.Database -eq $Database}).redo_start_lsn
                $FirstRecoveryForkID = ($ContinuePoints | Where-Object {$_.Database -eq $Database}).FirstRecoveryForkID
                Write-Message -Message "Continuing, setting fake LastLsn - $LogBaseLSN" -Level Verbose
            else {
                Write-Message -Message "Setting LogBaseLSN" -Level Verbose
                [bigint]$LogBaseLsn = ($dbHistory | Sort-Object -Property LastLsn -Descending | select-object -First 1).lastLsn.ToString()
                $FirstRecoveryForkID = $Full.FirstRecoveryForkID

            if ($true -ne $IgnoreLogs) {
                $FilteredLogs = $DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.Type -in ('Log', 'Transaction Log') -and $_.Start -le $RestoreTime -and $_.LastLSN.ToString() -ge $LogBaseLsn -and $_.FirstLSN -ne $_.LastLSN}  | Sort-Object -Property LastLsn, FirstLsn
                $GroupedLogs = $FilteredLogs | Group-Object -Property LastLSN, FirstLSN
                ForEach ($Group in $GroupedLogs) {
                    $Log = $DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.BackupSetID -eq $[0].BackupSetID} | select-object -First 1
                    $Log.FullName = ($DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.BackupSetID -eq $[0].BackupSetID}).Fullname
                    $dbhistory += $Log
                    #$dbhistory += $DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.BackupSetID -eq $[0].BackupSetID}
                # Get Last T-log
                $dbHistory += $DatabaseHistory | Where-Object {$_.Type -in ('Log', 'Transaction Log') -and $_.End -ge $RestoreTime -and $_.DatabaseBackupLSN -eq $Full.CheckpointLSN} | Sort-Object -Property LastLsn, FirstLsn  | Select-Object -First 1

            $dbHistory  #| Group-Object -Property BackupSetId # -Unique