
    The below statement stays in for every test you build.

$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandPath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
. "$PSScriptRoot\constants.ps1"

    Unit test is required for any command added

Describe "$CommandName Unit Tests" -Tag 'UnitTests' {
    Context "Validate parameters" {
            The $paramCount is adjusted based on the parameters your command will have.
            The $defaultParamCount is adjusted based on what type of command you are writing the test for:
                - Commands that *do not* include SupportShouldProcess, set defaultParamCount = 11
                - Commands that *do* include SupportShouldProcess, set defaultParamCount = 13

        $paramCount = 4
        $defaultParamCount = 11
        [object[]]$params = (Get-ChildItem function:\Test-DbaPath).Parameters.Keys
        $knownParameters = 'SqlInstance', 'SqlCredential', 'Path', 'EnableException'
        It "Should contain our specific parameters" {
            ( (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $knownParameters -DifferenceObject $params -IncludeEqual | Where-Object SideIndicator -eq "==").Count ) | Should Be $paramCount
        It "Should only contain $paramCount parameters" {
            $params.Count - $defaultParamCount | Should Be $paramCount

Describe "$CommandName Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" {
    BeforeAll {
        $trueTest = (Get-DbaDbFile -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Database master)[0].PhysicalName
        if ($trueTest.Length -eq 0) {
            It "has failed setup" {
                Set-TestInconclusive -message "Setup failed"
        $falseTest = 'B:\FloppyDiskAreAwesome'
        $trueTestPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($trueTest)
    Context "Command actually works" {
        $result = Test-DbaPath -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Path $trueTest
        It "Should only return true if the path IS accessible to the instance" {
            $result | Should Be $true

        $result = Test-DbaPath -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Path $falseTest
        It "Should only return false if the path IS NOT accessible to the instance" {
            $result | Should Be $false
        $results = Test-DbaPath -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Path $trueTest, $falseTest
        It "Should return multiple results when passed multiple paths" {
            ($results | Where-Object FilePath -eq $trueTest).FileExists | Should Be $true
            ($results | Where-Object FilePath -eq $falseTest).FileExists | Should Be $false
        $results = Test-DbaPath -SqlInstance $script:instance2,$script:instance1 -Path $falseTest
        It "Should return multiple results when passed multiple instances" {
            foreach($result in $results) {
                $result.FileExists | Should Be $false
            ($results.SqlInstance | Sort-Object -Unique).Count | Should Be 2
        $results = Test-DbaPath -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Path @($trueTest)
        It "Should return pscustomobject results when passed an array (even with one path)" {
            ($results | Where-Object FilePath -eq $trueTest).FileExists | Should Be $true
        $results = Test-DbaPath -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Path @($trueTest, $trueTestPath)
        It "Should return pscustomobject results indicating if the path is a file or a directory" {
            ($results | Where-Object FilePath -eq $trueTest).FileExists | Should Be $true
            ($results | Where-Object FilePath -eq $trueTestPath).FileExists | Should Be $true
            ($results | Where-Object FilePath -eq $trueTest).IsContainer | Should Be $false
            ($results | Where-Object FilePath -eq $trueTestPath).IsContainer | Should Be $true