
function Format-DbaBackupInformation {
            Transforms the data in a dbatools BackupHistory object for a restore
            Performs various mapping on Backup History, ready restoring
            Options include changing restore paths, backup paths, database name and many others
        .PARAMETER BackupHistory
            A dbatools backupHistory object, normally this will have been created using Select-DbaBackupInformation
        .PARAMETER ReplaceDatabaseName
            If a single value is provided, this will be replaced do all occurrences a database name
            If a Hashtable is passed in, each database name mention will be replaced as specified. If a database's name does not appear it will not be replace
            DatabaseName will also be replaced where it occurs in the file paths of data and log files.
            Please note, that this won't change the Logical Names of data files, that has to be done with a separate Alter DB call
        .PARAMETER DatabaseNamePrefix
            This string will be prefixed to all restored database's name
        .PARAMETER DataFileDirectory
            This will move ALL restored files to this location during the restore
        .PARAMETER LogFileDirectory
            This will move all log files to this location, overriding DataFileDirectory
        .PARAMETER DestinationFileStreamDirectory
            This move the FileStream folder and contents to the new location, overriding DataFileDirectory
        .PARAMETER FileNamePrefix
            This string will be prefixed to all restored files (Data and Log)
        .PARAMETER RebaseBackupFolder
            Use this to rebase where your backups are stored.
        .PARAMETER Continue
            Indicates that this is a continuing restore
        .PARAMETER DatabaseFilePrefix
            A string that will be prefixed to every file restored
        .PARAMETER DatabaseFileSuffix
            A string that will be suffixed to every file restored
        .PARAMETER ReplaceDbNameInFile
            If set, will replace the old database name with the new name if it occurs in the file name
        .PARAMETER FileMapping
            A hashtable that can be used to move specific files to a location.
            $FileMapping = @{'DataFile1'='c:\restoredfiles\Datafile1.mdf';'DataFile3'='d:\DataFile3.mdf'}
            And files not specified in the mapping will be restored to their original location
            This Parameter is exclusive with DestinationDataDirectory
            If specified, this will override any other file renaming/relocation options.
        .PARAMETER EnableException
            By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
            This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
            Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
            Tags: DisasterRecovery, Backup, Restore
            Author: Stuart Moore (@napalmgram),
            Copyright: (C) Chrissy LeMaire,
            License: MIT
            PS C:\> $History | Format-DbaBackupInformation -ReplaceDatabaseName NewDb
            Changes as database name references to NewDb, both in the database name and any restore paths. Note, this will fail if the BackupHistory object contains backups for more than 1 database
            PS C:\> $History | Format-DbaBackupInformation -ReplaceDatabaseName @{'OldB'='NewDb';'ProdHr'='DevHr'}
            Will change all occurrences of original database name in the backup history (names and restore paths) using the mapping in the hashtable.
            In this example any occurrence of OldDb will be replaced with NewDb and ProdHr with DevPR
            PS C:\> $History | Format-DbaBackupInformation -DataFileDirectory 'D:\DataFiles\' -LogFileDirectory 'E:\LogFiles\
            This example with change the restore path for all data files (everything that is not a log file) to d:\datafiles
            And all Transaction Log files will be restored to E:\Logfiles
            PS C:\> $History | Format-DbaBackupInformation -RebaseBackupFolder f:\backups
            This example changes the location that SQL Server will look for the backups. This is useful if you've moved the backups to a different location

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    begin {

        Write-Message -Message "Starting" -Level Verbose
        if ($null -ne $ReplaceDatabaseName) {
            if ($ReplaceDatabaseName -is [string] -or $ReplaceDatabaseName.ToString() -ne 'System.Collections.Hashtable') {
                Write-Message -Message "String passed in for DB rename" -Level Verbose
                $ReplaceDatabaseNameType = 'single'
            elseif ($ReplaceDatabaseName -is [HashTable] -or $ReplaceDatabaseName.ToString() -eq 'System.Collections.Hashtable' ) {
                Write-Message -Message "Hashtable passed in for DB rename" -Level Verbose
                $ReplaceDatabaseNameType = 'multi'
            else {
                Write-Message -Message "ReplacemenDatabaseName is $($ReplaceDatabaseName.Gettype().ToString()) - $ReplaceDatabaseName" -level Verbose
        if ((Test-Bound -Parameter DataFileDirectory) -and $DataFileDirectory[-1] -eq '\' ) {
            $DataFileDirectory = $DataFileDirectory.substring(0, $DataFileDirectory.length - 1)
        if ((Test-Bound -Parameter DestinationFileStreamDirectory) -and $DestinationFileStreamDirectory[-1] -eq '\' ) {
            $DestinationFileStreamDirectory = $DestinationFileStreamDirectory.substring(0, $DestinationFileStreamDirectory.length - 1)
        if ((Test-Bound -Parameter LogFileDirectory) -and $LogFileDirectory[-1] -eq '\' ) {
            $LogFileDirectory = $LogFileDirectory.substring(0, $LogFileDirectory.length - 1)
        if ((Test-Bound -Parameter RebaseBackupFolder) -and $RebaseBackupFolder[-1] -eq '\' ) {
            $RebaseBackupFolder = $RebaseBackupFolder.substring(0, $RebaseBackupFolder.length - 1)

    process {

        ForEach ($History in $BackupHistory) {
            if ("OriginalDatabase" -notin $ {
                $History | Add-Member -Name 'OriginalDatabase' -Type NoteProperty -Value $History.Database
            if ("OriginalFileList" -notin $ {
                $History | Add-Member -Name 'OriginalFileList' -Type NoteProperty -Value ''
                $History | ForEach-Object {$_.OriginalFileList = $_.FileList}
            if ("OriginalFullName" -notin $ {
                $History | Add-Member -Name 'OriginalFullName' -Type NoteProperty -Value $History.FullName
            if ("IsVerified" -notin $ {
                $History | Add-Member -Name 'IsVerified' -Type NoteProperty -Value $False
            Switch ($History.Type) {
                'Full' {$History.Type = 'Database'}
                'Differential' {$History.Type = 'Database Differential'}
                'Log' {$History.Type = 'Transaction Log'}

            if ($ReplaceDatabaseNameType -eq 'single' -and $ReplaceDatabaseName -ne '' ) {
                $History.Database = $ReplaceDatabaseName
                Write-Message -Message "New DbName (String) = $($History.Database)" -Level Verbose
            elseif ($ReplaceDatabaseNameType -eq 'multi') {
                if ($null -ne $ReplaceDatabaseName[$History.Database]) {
                    $History.Database = $ReplaceDatabaseName[$History.Database]
                    Write-Message -Message "New DbName (Hash) = $($History.Database)" -Level Verbose
            $History.Database = $DatabaseNamePrefix + $History.Database
            if ($true -ne $Continue) {
                $History.FileList | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($null -ne $FileMapping ) {
                        if ($null -ne $FileMapping[$_.LogicalName]) {
                            $_.PhysicalName = $FileMapping[$_.LogicalName]
                    else {
                        if ($ReplaceDbNameInFile -eq $true) {
                            $_.PhysicalName = $_.PhysicalName -Replace $History.OriginalDatabase, $History.Database
                        Write-message -Message " 1 PhysicalName = $($_.PhysicalName) " -Level Verbose
                        $Pname = [System.Io.FileInfo]$_.PhysicalName
                        $RestoreDir = $Pname.DirectoryName
                        if ($_.Type -eq 'D' -or $_.FileType -eq 'D') {
                            if ('' -ne $DataFileDirectory) {
                                $RestoreDir = $DataFileDirectory
                        elseif ($_.Type -eq 'L' -or $_.FileType -eq 'L') {
                            if ('' -ne $LogFileDirectory) {
                                $RestoreDir = $LogFileDirectory
                            elseif ('' -ne $DataFileDirectory) {
                                $RestoreDir = $DataFileDirectory
                        elseif ($_.Type -eq 'S' -or $_.FileType -eq 'S') {
                            if ('' -ne $DestinationFileStreamDirectory) {
                                $RestoreDir = $DestinationFileStreamDirectory
                            elseif ('' -ne $DataFileDirectory) {
                                $RestoreDir = $DataFileDirectory

                        $_.PhysicalName = $RestoreDir + "\" + $DatabaseFilePrefix + $Pname.BaseName + $DatabaseFileSuffix + $pname.extension
                        Write-message -Message "PhysicalName = $($_.PhysicalName) " -Level Verbose
            if ('' -ne $RebaseBackupFolder -and $History.FullName[0] -notmatch 'http') {
                Write-Message -Message 'Rebasing backup files' -Level Verbose

                for ($j = 0; $j -lt $History.fullname.count; $j++){
                    $file = [System.IO.FileInfo]($History.fullname[$j])
                    $History.fullname[$j] = $RebaseBackupFolder + "\" + $file.BaseName + $file.Extension

