
function Get-DbaBackupHistory {
        Returns backup history details for databases on a SQL Server.
        Returns backup history details for some or all databases on a SQL Server.
        You can even get detailed information (including file path) for latest full, differential and log files.
        Backups taken with the CopyOnly option will NOT be returned, unless the IncludeCopyOnly switch is present
    .PARAMETER SqlInstance
        The target SQL Server instance or instances. This can be a collection and receive pipeline input to allow the function to be executed against multiple SQL Server instances.
    .PARAMETER SqlCredential
        Credential object used to connect to the SQL Server Instance as a different user. This can be a Windows or SQL Server account. Windows users are determined by the existence of a backslash, so if you are intending to use an alternative Windows connection instead of a SQL login, ensure it contains a backslash.
    .PARAMETER Database
        Specifies one or more database(s) to process. If unspecified, all databases will be processed.
    .PARAMETER ExcludeDatabase
        Specifies one or more database(s) to exclude from processing.
    .PARAMETER IncludeCopyOnly
        By default Get-DbaBackupHistory will ignore backups taken with the CopyOnly option. This switch will include them
    .PARAMETER Force
        If this switch is enabled, a large amount of information is returned, similar to what SQL Server itself returns.
    .PARAMETER Since
        Specifies a DateTime object to use as the starting point for the search for backups.
    .PARAMETER RecoveryFork
        Specifies the Recovery Fork you want backup history for
        If this switch is enabled, the most recent full chain of full, diff and log backup sets is returned.
    .PARAMETER LastFull
        If this switch is enabled, the most recent full backup set is returned.
    .PARAMETER LastDiff
        If this switch is enabled, the most recent differential backup set is returned.
    .PARAMETER LastLog
        If this switch is enabled, the most recent log backup is returned.
    .PARAMETER DeviceType
        Specifies a filter for backup sets based on DeviceTypes. Valid options are 'Disk','Permanent Disk Device', 'Tape', 'Permanent Tape Device','Pipe','Permanent Pipe Device','Virtual Device', in addition to custom integers for your own DeviceTypes.
        If this switch is enabled, one object per backup file is returned. Otherwise, media sets (striped backups across multiple files) will be grouped into a single return object.
        Specifies one or more types of backups to return. Valid options are 'Full', 'Log', 'Differential', 'File', 'Differential File', 'Partial Full', and 'Partial Differential'. Otherwise, all types of backups will be returned unless one of the -Last* switches is enabled.
    .PARAMETER LastLsn
        Specifies a minimum LSN to use in filtering backup history. Only backups with an LSN greater than this value will be returned, which helps speed the retrieval process.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
        This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
        Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
        Tags: DisasterRecovery, Backup
        Author: Chrissy LeMaire (@cl) | Stuart Moore (@napalmgram)
        Copyright: (c) 2018 by dbatools, licensed under MIT
        License: MIT
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance SqlInstance2014a
        Returns server name, database, username, backup type, date for all database backups still in msdb history on SqlInstance2014a. This may return many rows; consider using filters that are included in other examples.
        PS C:\> $cred = Get-Credential sqladmin
        Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance SqlInstance2014a -SqlCredential $cred
        Does the same as above but connect to SqlInstance2014a as SQL user "sqladmin"
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance SqlInstance2014a -Database db1, db2 -Since '2016-07-01 10:47:00'
        Returns backup information only for databases db1 and db2 on SqlInstance2014a since July 1, 2016 at 10:47 AM.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance sql2014 -Database AdventureWorks2014, pubs -Force | Format-Table
        Returns information only for AdventureWorks2014 and pubs and formats the results as a table.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance sql2014 -Database AdventureWorks2014 -Last
        Returns information about the most recent full, differential and log backups for AdventureWorks2014 on sql2014.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance sql2014 -Database AdventureWorks2014 -Last -DeviceType Disk
        Returns information about the most recent full, differential and log backups for AdventureWorks2014 on sql2014, but only for backups to disk.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance sql2014 -Database AdventureWorks2014 -Last -DeviceType 148,107
        Returns information about the most recent full, differential and log backups for AdventureWorks2014 on sql2014, but only for backups with device_type 148 and 107.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance sql2014 -Database AdventureWorks2014 -LastFull
        Returns information about the most recent full backup for AdventureWorks2014 on sql2014.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance sql2014 -Database AdventureWorks2014 -Type Full
        Returns information about all Full backups for AdventureWorks2014 on sql2014.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaCmsRegServer -SqlInstance sql2016 | Get-DbaBackupHistory
        Returns database backup information for every database on every server listed in the Central Management Server on sql2016.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance SqlInstance2014a, sql2016 -Force
        Returns detailed backup history for all databases on SqlInstance2014a and sql2016.
        PS C:\> Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance sql2016 -Database db1 -RecoveryFork 38e5e84a-3557-4643-a5d5-eed607bef9c6 -Last
        If db1 has multiple recovery forks, specifying the RecoveryFork GUID will restrict the search to that fork.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "NoLast")]
        [DateTime]$Since = (Get-Date '01/01/1970'),
        [ValidateScript( {($_ -match '^(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(\}){0,1}$') -or ('' -eq $_)})]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Last")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Last")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Last")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Last")]
        [ValidateSet("Full", "Log", "Differential", "File", "Differential File", "Partial Full", "Partial Differential")]

    begin {
        Write-Message -Level System -Message "Active Parameter set: $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)."
        Write-Message -Level System -Message "Bound parameters: $($PSBoundParameters.Keys -join ", ")"

        $deviceTypeMapping = @{
            'Disk'                  = 2
            'Permanent Disk Device' = 102
            'Tape'                  = 5
            'Permanent Tape Device' = 105
            'Pipe'                  = 6
            'Permanent Pipe Device' = 106
            'Virtual Device'        = 7
            'URL'                   = 9
        $deviceTypeFilter = @()
        foreach ($devType in $DeviceType) {
            if ($devType -in $deviceTypeMapping.Keys) {
                $deviceTypeFilter += $deviceTypeMapping[$devType]
            } else {
                $deviceTypeFilter += $devType
        $backupTypeMapping = @{
            'Log'                  = 'L'
            'Full'                 = 'D'
            'File'                 = 'F'
            'Differential'         = 'I'
            'Differential File'    = 'G'
            'Partial Full'         = 'P'
            'Partial Differential' = 'Q'
        $backupTypeFilter = @()
        foreach ($typeFilter in $Type) {
            $backupTypeFilter += $backupTypeMapping[$typeFilter]


    process {
        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) {

            try {
                $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -MinimumVersion 9
            } catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Failure" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue

            if ($server.VersionMajor -ge 10) {
                $compressedFlag = $true
                # 2008 introduced compressed_backup_size
                $backupCols = "
                backupset.backup_size AS TotalSize,
                backupset.compressed_backup_size as CompressedBackupSize"

            } else {
                $compressedFlag = $false
                $backupCols = "
                backupset.backup_size AS TotalSize,
                NULL as CompressedBackupSize"


            $databases = @()
            if ($null -ne $Database) {
                foreach ($db in $Database) {
                    $databases += [PSCustomObject]@{name = $db}
            } else {
                $databases = $server.Databases
            if ($ExcludeDatabase) {
                $databases = $databases | Where-Object Name -NotIn $ExcludeDatabase
            foreach ($d in $deviceTypeFilter) {
                $deviceTypeFilterRight = "IN ('" + ($deviceTypeFilter -Join "','") + "')"

            foreach ($b in $backupTypeFilter) {
                $backupTypeFilterRight = "IN ('" + ($backupTypeFilter -Join "','") + "')"

            if ($last) {
                foreach ($db in $databases) {
                    if ($since) {
                        $sinceSqlFilter = "AND backupset.backup_finish_date >= '$($Since.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))'"
                    if ($RecoveryFork) {
                        $recoveryForkSqlFilter = "AND backupset.last_recovery_fork_guid ='$RecoveryFork'"
                    if ((Get-PsCallStack)[1].Command -notlike 'Get-DbaBackupHistory*') {
                        $forkCheckSql = "
                                    MIN(database_backup_lsn) as 'FirstLsn',
                                    MAX(database_backup_lsn) as 'FinalLsn',
                                    MIN(backup_start_date) as 'MinDate',
                                    MAX(backup_finish_date) as 'MaxDate',
                                    last_recovery_fork_guid 'RecFork',
                                    count(1) as 'backupcount'
                                FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
                                WHERE database_name='$($'
                                GROUP by database_name, last_recovery_fork_guid

                        $results = $server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteWithResults($forkCheckSql).Tables.Rows
                        if ($results.count -gt 1) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Found backups from multiple recovery forks for $($ on $($, this may affect your results" -Level Warning
                            foreach ($result in $results) {
                                Write-Message -Message "Between $($result.MinDate)/$($result.FirstLsn) and $($result.MaxDate)/$($result.FinalLsn) $($ was on Recovery Fork GUID $($result.RecFork) ($($result.backupcount) backups)"   -Level Warning

                    #Get the full and build upwards
                    $allBackups = @()
                    $allBackups += $fullDb = Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance $server -Database $db.Name -LastFull -raw:$Raw -DeviceType $DeviceType -IncludeCopyOnly:$IncludeCopyOnly -Since:$since -RecoveryFork $RecoveryFork
                    $diffDb = Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance $server -Database $db.Name -LastDiff -raw:$Raw -DeviceType $DeviceType -IncludeCopyOnly:$IncludeCopyOnly -Since:$since -RecoveryFork $RecoveryFork
                    if ($diffDb.LastLsn -gt $fullDb.LastLsn -and $diffDb.DatabaseBackupLSN -eq $fullDb.CheckPointLSN ) {
                        Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Valid Differential backup "
                        $allBackups += $diffDb
                        $tlogStartDsn = ($diffDb.FirstLsn -as [bigint])
                    } else {
                        Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "No Diff found"
                        try {
                            [bigint]$tlogStartDsn = $fullDb.FirstLsn.ToString()
                        } catch {
                    $allBackups += Get-DbaBackupHistory -SqlInstance $server -Database $db.Name -raw:$raw -DeviceType $DeviceType -LastLsn $tlogStartDsn -IncludeCopyOnly:$IncludeCopyOnly -Since:$since -RecoveryFork $RecoveryFork | Where-Object {
                        $_.Type -eq 'Log' -and [bigint]$_.LastLsn -gt [bigint]$tlogStartDsn -and [bigint]$_.DatabaseBackupLSN -eq [bigint]$fullDb.CheckPointLSN -and $_.LastRecoveryForkGuid -eq $fullDb.LastRecoveryForkGuid
                    #This line does the output for -Last!!!
                    $allBackups |  Sort-Object -Property LastLsn, Type

            if ($LastFull -or $LastDiff -or $LastLog) {
                if ($LastFull) {
                    $first = 'D'; $second = 'P'
                if ($LastDiff) {
                    $first = 'I'; $second = 'Q'
                if ($LastLog) {
                    $first = 'L'; $second = 'L'
                $databases = $databases | Select-Object -Unique -Property Name
                $sql = ""
                foreach ($db in $databases) {
                    Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Processing $($" -Target $db
                    if ($since) {
                        $sinceSqlFilter = "AND backupset.backup_finish_date >= '$($Since.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))'"
                    if ($RecoveryFork) {
                        $recoveryForkSqlFilter = "AND backupset.last_recovery_fork_guid ='$RecoveryFork'"
                    if ((Get-PsCallStack)[1].Command -notlike 'Get-DbaBackupHistory*') {
                        $forkCheckSql = "
                                MIN(database_backup_lsn) as 'FirstLsn',
                                MAX(database_backup_lsn) as 'FinalLsn',
                                MIN(backup_start_date) as 'MinDate',
                                MAX(backup_finish_date) as 'MaxDate',
                                last_recovery_fork_guid 'RecFork',
                                count(1) as 'backupcount'
                            FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
                            WHERE database_name='$($'
                            GROUP by database_name, last_recovery_fork_guid

                        $results = $server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteWithResults($forkCheckSql).Tables.Rows
                        if ($results.count -gt 1) {
                            Write-Message -Message "Found backups from multiple recovery forks for $($ on $($, this may affect your results" -Level Warning
                            foreach ($result in $results) {
                                Write-Message -Message "Between $($result.MinDate)/$($result.FirstLsn) and $($result.MaxDate)/$($result.FinalLsn) $($ was on Recovery Fork GUID $($result.RecFork) ($($result.backupcount) backups)"   -Level Warning

                    $whereCopyOnly = $null
                    if ($true -ne $IncludeCopyOnly) {
                        $whereCopyOnly = " AND is_copy_only='0' "
                    if ($deviceTypeFilter) {
                        $devTypeFilterWhere = "AND mediafamily.device_type $deviceTypeFilterRight"
                    if ($since) {
                        $sinceSqlFilter = "AND backupset.backup_finish_date >= '$($Since.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))'"
                    # recap for future editors (as this has been discussed over and over):
                    # - original editors (from hereon referred as "we") rank over backupset.last_lsn desc, backupset.backup_finish_date desc for a good reason: DST
                    # all times are recorded with the timezone of the server
                    # - we thought about ranking over backupset.backup_set_id desc, backupset.last_lsn desc, backupset.backup_finish_date desc
                    # but there is no explicit documentation about "when" a row gets inserted into backupset. Theoretically it _could_
                    # happen that backup_set_id for the same database has not the same order of last_lsn.
                    # - given ultimately to restore something lsn IS the source of truth, we decided to trust that and only that
                    # - we know that sometimes it happens to drop a database without deleting the history. Assuming then to create a database with the same name,
                    # and given the lsn are composed in the first part by the VLF SeqID, it happens seldomly that for the same database_name backupset holds
                    # last_lsn out of order. To avoid this behaviour, we filter by database_guid choosing the guid that has MAX(backup_finish_date), as we know
                    # last_lsn cannot be out-of-order for the same database, and the same database cannot have different database_guid
                    $sql += "
                                    a.first_lsn as 'FirstLSN',
                                    a.database_backup_lsn as 'DatabaseBackupLsn',
                                    a.checkpoint_lsn as 'CheckpointLsn',
                                    a.last_lsn as 'LastLsn',
                                FROM (SELECT
                                  RANK() OVER (ORDER BY backupset.last_lsn desc, backupset.backup_finish_date DESC) AS 'BackupSetRank',
                                  backupset.database_name AS [Database],
                                  backupset.user_name AS Username,
                                  backupset.backup_start_date AS Start,
                                  backupset.server_name as [Server],
                                  backupset.backup_finish_date AS [End],
                                  DATEDIFF(SECOND, backupset.backup_start_date, backupset.backup_finish_date) AS Duration,
                                  mediafamily.physical_device_name AS Path,
                                  CASE backupset.type
                                    WHEN 'L' THEN 'Log'
                                    WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full'
                                    WHEN 'F' THEN 'File'
                                    WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential'
                                    WHEN 'G' THEN 'Differential File'
                                    WHEN 'P' THEN 'Partial Full'
                                    WHEN 'Q' THEN 'Partial Differential'
                                    ELSE NULL
                                  END AS Type,
                                  backupset.media_set_id AS MediaSetId,
                                  mediafamily.media_family_id as mediafamilyid,
                                  backupset.backup_set_id as BackupSetID,
                                  CASE mediafamily.device_type
                                    WHEN 2 THEN 'Disk'
                                    WHEN 102 THEN 'Permanent Disk Device'
                                    WHEN 5 THEN 'Tape'
                                    WHEN 105 THEN 'Permanent Tape Device'
                                    WHEN 6 THEN 'Pipe'
                                    WHEN 106 THEN 'Permanent Pipe Device'
                                    WHEN 7 THEN 'Virtual Device'
                                    WHEN 9 THEN 'URL'
                                    ELSE 'Unknown'
                                    END AS DeviceType,
                                  mediaset.software_name AS Software,
                                FROM msdb..backupmediafamily AS mediafamily
                                JOIN msdb..backupmediaset AS mediaset
                                  ON mediafamily.media_set_id = mediaset.media_set_id
                                JOIN msdb..backupset AS backupset
                                  ON backupset.media_set_id = mediaset.media_set_id
                                JOIN (
                                    SELECT DISTINCT database_guid, database_name, backup_finish_date
                                    FROM msdb..backupset
                                    WHERE backupset.database_name = '$($db.Name)'
                                ) dbguid
                                  ON dbguid.database_name = backupset.database_name
                                  AND dbguid.database_guid = backupset.database_guid
                                JOIN (
                                    SELECT database_name, MAX(backup_finish_date) max_finish_date
                                    FROM msdb..backupset
                                    WHERE backupset.database_name = '$($db.Name)'
                                    GROUP BY database_name
                                ) dbguid_support
                                  ON dbguid_support.database_name = backupset.database_name
                                  AND dbguid.backup_finish_date = dbguid_support.max_finish_date
                                WHERE backupset.database_name = '$($db.Name)' $whereCopyOnly
                                AND (type = '$first' OR type = '$second')
                                ) AS a
                                WHERE a.BackupSetRank = 1
                                ORDER BY a.Type;

                $sql = $sql -join "; "
            } else {
                if ($Force -eq $true) {
                    $select = "SELECT * "
                } else {
                    $select = "
                              backupset.database_name AS [Database],
                              backupset.user_name AS Username,
                              backupset.server_name as [server],
                              backupset.backup_start_date AS [Start],
                              backupset.backup_finish_date AS [End],
                              DATEDIFF(SECOND, backupset.backup_start_date, backupset.backup_finish_date) AS Duration,
                              mediafamily.physical_device_name AS Path,
                              CASE backupset.type
                                WHEN 'L' THEN 'Log'
                                WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full'
                                WHEN 'F' THEN 'File'
                                WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential'
                                WHEN 'G' THEN 'Differential File'
                                WHEN 'P' THEN 'Partial Full'
                                WHEN 'Q' THEN 'Partial Differential'
                                ELSE NULL
                              END AS Type,
                              backupset.media_set_id AS MediaSetId,
                              mediafamily.media_family_id as MediaFamilyId,
                              backupset.backup_set_id as BackupSetId,
                              CASE mediafamily.device_type
                                WHEN 2 THEN 'Disk'
                                WHEN 102 THEN 'Permanent Disk Device'
                                WHEN 5 THEN 'Tape'
                                WHEN 105 THEN 'Permanent Tape Device'
                                WHEN 6 THEN 'Pipe'
                                WHEN 106 THEN 'Permanent Pipe Device'
                                WHEN 7 THEN 'Virtual Device'
                                WHEN 9 THEN 'URL'
                                ELSE 'Unknown'
                              END AS DeviceType,
                              backupset.first_lsn as 'FirstLSN',
                              backupset.database_backup_lsn as 'DatabaseBackupLsn',
                              backupset.checkpoint_lsn as 'CheckpointLsn',
                              backupset.last_lsn as 'LastLsn',
                              mediaset.software_name AS Software,


                $from = " FROM msdb..backupmediafamily mediafamily
                             INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediaset mediaset ON mediafamily.media_set_id = mediaset.media_set_id
                             INNER JOIN msdb..backupset backupset ON backupset.media_set_id = mediaset.media_set_id"

                if ($Database -or $Since -or $Last -or $LastFull -or $LastLog -or $LastDiff -or $deviceTypeFilter -or $LastLsn -or $backupTypeFilter) {
                    $where = " WHERE "

                $whereArray = @()

                if ($Database.length -gt 0) {
                    $dbList = $Database -join "','"
                    $whereArray += "database_name IN ('$dbList')"

                if ($true -ne $IncludeCopyOnly) {
                    $whereArray += "is_copy_only='0'"

                if ($Last -or $LastFull -or $LastLog -or $LastDiff) {
                    $tempWhere = $whereArray -join " AND "
                    $whereArray += "type = 'Full' AND mediaset.media_set_id = (SELECT TOP 1 mediaset.media_set_id $from $tempWhere ORDER BY backupset.last_lsn DESC)"

                if ($null -ne $Since) {
                    $whereArray += "backupset.backup_finish_date >= '$($Since.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))'"

                if ($deviceTypeFilter) {
                    $whereArray += "mediafamily.device_type $deviceTypeFilterRight"
                if ($backupTypeFilter) {
                    $whereArray += "backupset.type $backupTypeFilterRight"

                if ($LastLsn) {
                    $whereArray += "backupset.last_lsn > $LastLsn"
                if ($where.Length -gt 0) {
                    $whereArray = $whereArray -join " AND "
                    $where = "$where $whereArray"

                $sql = "$select $from $where ORDER BY backupset.last_lsn DESC"

            Write-Message -Level Debug -Message "SQL Statement: `n$sql"
            Write-Message -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Executing sql query."
            $results = $server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteWithResults($sql).Tables.Rows | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty BackupSetRank, RowError, RowState, Table, ItemArray, HasErrors

            if ($raw) {
                Write-Message -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Processing as Raw Output."
                $results | Select-Object *, @{ Name = "FullName"; Expression = { $_.Path } }
                Write-Message -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "$($results.Count) result sets found."
            } else {
                Write-Message -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Processing as grouped output."
                $groupedResults = $results | Group-Object -Property BackupsetId
                Write-Message -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "$($groupedResults.Count) result-groups found."
                $groupResults = @()
                $backupSetIds = $groupedResults.Name
                $backupSetIdsList = $backupSetIds -Join ","
                if ($groupedResults.Count -gt 0) {
                    $backupSetIdsWhere = "backup_set_id IN ($backupSetIdsList)"
                    $fileAllSql = "SELECT backup_set_id, file_type as FileType, logical_name as LogicalName, physical_name as PhysicalName
                                   FROM msdb..backupfile WHERE $backupSetIdsWhere"

                    Write-Message -Level Debug -Message "FileSQL: $fileAllSql"
                    $fileListResults = $server.Query($fileAllSql)
                } else {
                    $fileListResults = @()
                $fileListHash = @{}
                foreach ($fl in $fileListResults) {
                    if (-not($fileListHash.ContainsKey($fl.backup_set_id))) {
                        $fileListHash[$fl.backup_set_id] = @()
                    $fileListHash[$fl.backup_set_id] += $fl
                foreach ($group in $groupedResults) {
                    $commonFields = $group.Group[0]
                    $groupLength = $group.Group.Count
                    if ($groupLength -eq 1) {
                        $start = $commonFields.Start
                        $end = $commonFields.End
                        $duration = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $commonFields.Duration
                    } else {
                        $start = ($group.Group.Start | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum
                        $end = ($group.Group.End | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
                        $duration = New-TimeSpan -Seconds ($group.Group.Duration | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
                    $compressedBackupSize = $commonFields.CompressedBackupSize
                    if ($compressedFlag -eq $true) {
                        $ratio = [Math]::Round(($commonFields.TotalSize) / ($compressedBackupSize), 2)
                    } else {
                        $compressedBackupSize = $null
                        $ratio = 1
                    $historyObject = New-Object Sqlcollaborative.Dbatools.Database.BackupHistory
                    $historyObject.ComputerName = $server.ComputerName
                    $historyObject.InstanceName = $server.ServiceName
                    $historyObject.SqlInstance = $server.DomainInstanceName
                    $historyObject.Database = $commonFields.Database
                    $historyObject.UserName = $commonFields.UserName
                    $historyObject.Start = $start
                    $historyObject.End = $end
                    $historyObject.Duration = $duration
                    $historyObject.Path = $group.Group.Path
                    $historyObject.TotalSize = $commonFields.TotalSize
                    $historyObject.CompressedBackupSize = $compressedBackupSize
                    $historyObject.CompressionRatio = $ratio
                    $historyObject.Type = $commonFields.Type
                    $historyObject.BackupSetId = $commonFields.BackupSetId
                    $historyObject.DeviceType = $commonFields.DeviceType
                    $historyObject.Software = $commonFields.Software
                    $historyObject.FullName = $group.Group.Path
                    $historyObject.FileList = $fileListHash[$commonFields.BackupSetID] | Select-Object FileType, LogicalName, PhysicalName
                    $historyObject.Position = $commonFields.Position
                    $historyObject.FirstLsn = $commonFields.First_LSN
                    $historyObject.DatabaseBackupLsn = $commonFields.database_backup_lsn
                    $historyObject.CheckpointLsn = $commonFields.checkpoint_lsn
                    $historyObject.LastLsn = $commonFields.Last_Lsn
                    $historyObject.SoftwareVersionMajor = $commonFields.Software_Major_Version
                    $historyObject.IsCopyOnly = ($commonFields.is_copy_only -eq 1)
                    $historyObject.LastRecoveryForkGuid = $commonFields.last_recovery_fork_guid
                    $historyObject.RecoveryModel = $commonFields.recovery_model
                $groupResults | Sort-Object -Property LastLsn, Type