
function Get-DbaDbMemoryUsage {
        Determine buffer pool usage by database.
        This command can be utilized to determine which databases on a given instance are consuming buffer pool memory.
        This command is based on query provided by Aaron Bertrand.
    .PARAMETER SqlInstance
        The target SQL Server instance or instances.
    .PARAMETER SqlCredential
        Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Windows and SQL Authentication supported. Accepts credential objects (Get-Credential).
    .PARAMETER Database
        The database(s) to process - this list is auto-populated from the server. If unspecified, all databases will be processed.
    .PARAMETER ExcludeDatabase
        The database(s) to exclude.
    .PARAMETER IncludeSystemDb
        Switch to have the output include system database memory consumption.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
        This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
        Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
        Tags: Memory, Database
        Author: Shawn Melton (@wsmelton),
        Copyright: (c) 2018 by dbatools, licensed under MIT
        License: MIT
        PS C:\> Get-DbaDbMemoryUsage -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a
        Returns the buffer pool consumption for all user databases
        PS C:\> Get-DbaDbMemoryUsage -SqlInstance sqlserver2014a -IncludeSystemDb
        Returns the buffer pool consumption for all user databases and system databases
        PS C:\> Get-DbaDbMemoryUsage -SqlInstance sql1 -IncludeSystemDb -Database tempdb
        Returns the buffer pool consumption for tempdb database only
        PS C:\> Get-DbaDbMemoryUsage -SqlInstance sql2 -IncludeSystemDb -Exclude 'master','model','msdb','ResourceDb'
        Returns the buffer pool consumption for all user databases and tempdb database

    param (
        [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer", "SqlServers")]
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

    begin {
        $sql = "DECLARE @total_buffer INT;
            SELECT @total_buffer = cntr_value
            FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
            WHERE RTRIM([object_name]) LIKE '%Buffer Manager'
            AND counter_name = 'Database Pages';
            ;WITH src AS (
                SELECT database_id, page_type, db_buffer_pages = COUNT_BIG(*)
                FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors
                GROUP BY database_id, page_type
            SELECT [DatabaseName] = CASE [database_id] WHEN 32767 THEN 'ResourceDb' ELSE DB_NAME([database_id]) END,
                page_type AS 'PageType',
                db_buffer_pages AS 'PageCount',
                (db_buffer_pages * 8)/1024 AS 'SizeMb',
                CAST(db_buffer_pages * 100.0 / @total_buffer AS FLOAT) AS 'PercentUsed'
            FROM src
            ORDER BY [DatabaseName];"

    process {
        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) {
            try {
                $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -MinimumVersion 9
            } catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Error occured while establishing connection to $instance" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue

            try {
                $results = $server.Query($sql)
            } catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Issue collecting data" -Target $instance -ErrorRecord $_
            foreach ($row in $results) {
                if (Test-Bound 'Database') {
                    if ($row.DatabaseName -notin $Database) { continue }
                if (Test-Bound 'ExcludeDatabase') {
                    if ($row.DatabaseName -in $ExcludeDatabase) { continue }
                if (Test-Bound -Not 'IncludeSystemDb') {
                    if ($row.DatabaseName -in 'master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'ResourceDb') { continue }

                if ($row.PercentUsed -is [System.DBNull]) {
                    $percentUsed = 0
                } else {
                    $percentUsed = [Math]::Round($row.PercentUsed)

                    ComputerName = $server.ComputerName
                    InstanceName = $server.ServiceName
                    SqlInstance  = $server.DomainInstanceName
                    Database     = $row.DatabaseName
                    PageType     = $row.PageType
                    PageCount    = [int]$row.PageCount
                    Size         = [DbaSize]$row.SizeMb * 1024
                    PercentUsed  = $percentUsed
                } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty 'PageCount'