
function New-DbaCustomError {
        Creates a user defined message in sys.messages. This command does not support Azure SQL Database.
        This command provides a wrapper for the sp_addmessage system procedure that allows for user defined messages to be added to sys.messages.
        Note: See the remarks section of the documentation for sp_addmessage regarding the addition of non-English messages. The U.S. English message needs to be added first and the severity must be the same.
    .PARAMETER SqlInstance
        The target SQL Server instance or instances. This can be a collection and receive pipeline input to allow the function
        to be executed against multiple SQL Server instances.
    .PARAMETER SqlCredential
        Login to the target instance using alternative credentials. Accepts PowerShell credentials (Get-Credential).
        Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Active Directory - Password, and Active Directory - Integrated are all supported.
        For MFA support, please use Connect-DbaInstance.
    .PARAMETER MessageID
        An integer between 50001 and 2147483647.
    .PARAMETER Severity
        Severity level between 1 and 25.
    .PARAMETER MessageText
        Error message text with max length of 255 characters.
    .PARAMETER Language
        Language for this message. The valid values for Language are contained in the Name and Alias columns from sys.syslanguages.
    .PARAMETER WithLog
        Always write this message to the Windows application log and the SQL Server Error Log when it occurs.
        Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed.
    .PARAMETER Confirm
        Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
        This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
        Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
        Tags: Error, CustomError
        Author: Adam Lancaster
        Copyright: (c) 2021 by dbatools, licensed under MIT
        License: MIT
        PS C:\> New-DbaCustomError -SqlInstance sqldev01, sqldev02 -MessageID 70001 -Severity 16 -MessageText "test"
        Creates a new custom message on the sqldev01 and sqldev02 instances with ID 70001, severity 16, and text "test".
        PS C:\> New-DbaCustomError -SqlInstance sqldev01 -MessageID 70001 -Severity 16 -MessageText "test" -Language "French"
        Creates a new custom message on the sqldev01 instance for the french language with ID 70001, severity 16, and text "test".
        PS C:\> New-DbaCustomError -SqlInstance sqldev01 -MessageID 70001 -Severity 16 -MessageText "test" -WithLog
        Creates a new custom message on the sqldev01 instance with ID 70001, severity 16, text "test", and enables the log mechanism.
        PS C:\> $server = Connect-DbaInstance sqldev01
        PS C:\> $newMessage = New-DbaCustomError -SqlInstance $server -MessageID 70000 -Severity 16 -MessageText "test_70000"
        Creates a new custom message on the sqldev01 instance with ID 70000, severity 16, and text "test_70000"
        To modify the custom message at a later time the following can be done to change the severity from 16 to 20:
        PS C:\> $original = $server.UserDefinedMessages | Where-Object ID -eq 70000
        PS C:\> $messageID = $original.ID
        PS C:\> $severity = 20
        PS C:\> $text = $original.Text
        PS C:\> $language = $original.Language
        PS C:\> $removed = Remove-DbaCustomError -SqlInstance $server -MessageID 70000
        PS C:\> $alteredMessage = New-DbaCustomError -SqlInstance $server -MessageID $messageID -Severity $severity -MessageText $text -Language $language -WithLog
        The resulting updated message object is available in $alteredMessage.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [ValidateRange(50001, 2147483647)]
        [ValidateRange(1, 25)]
        [ValidateLength(0, 255)]
        [String]$Language = 'English',

    process {
        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance) {
            try {
                $server = Connect-SqlInstance -SqlInstance $instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -AzureUnsupported
            } catch {
                Stop-Function -Message "Error occurred while establishing connection to $instance" -Category ConnectionError -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $instance -Continue

            $languageDetails = $server.Query("SELECT TOP 1 name, alias, msglangid FROM sys.syslanguages WHERE name = '$Language' OR alias = '$Language'")

            if (Test-Bound Language) {
                if ($null -eq $languageDetails) {
                    Stop-Function -Message "$instance does not have the $Language installed" -Target $instance -Continue

            $languageName = $
            $languageAlias = $languageDetails.alias
            $langId = $languageDetails.msglangid

            if ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($instance, "Creating new server message with id $MessageID on $instance")) {
                Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Creating new server message with id $MessageID on $instance"
                try {
                    $userDefinedMessage = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.UserDefinedMessage
                    $userDefinedMessage.Parent = $server
                    $userDefinedMessage.ID = $MessageID

                    if (Test-Bound Language) {
                        $userDefinedMessage.Language = $Language
                    } else {
                        $userDefinedMessage.Language = ($server.Query("SELECT FROM sys.syslanguages syslang JOIN sys.configurations config ON syslang.langid = config.value_in_use AND = 'default language'")).name

                    $userDefinedMessage.Severity = $Severity
                    $userDefinedMessage.Text = $MessageText

                    if (Test-Bound WithLog) {
                        $userDefinedMessage.IsLogged = $true


                    # return the new message object from the server to get all properties refreshed (the $userDefinedMessage.Refresh() method does not work as expected)
                    $server.UserDefinedMessages | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq $MessageID -and $_.Language -eq $userDefinedMessage.Language }
                } catch {
                    Stop-Function -Message "Error occurred while trying to create a message with id $MessageID on $instance" -ErrorRecord $_ -Continue