
function Get-AdjustedTotalRowsCopied {
        The legacy bulk copy library still uses a 4 byte integer to track the number of rows copied. That 4 byte integer is subject to overflow/wraparound
        if the number of rows copied is greater than an integer can support. The SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs.RowsCopied property is defined as an Int64
        but a 4 byte integer is used in the underlying legacy library. See for more details.
        Determines the accurate total rows copied even if the bulkcopy.RowsCopied has experienced integer wrap.
        This internal function is used from:
    .PARAMETER ReportedRowsCopied
        The number of rows copied as reported by the bulk copy library (i.e.
    .PARAMETER PreviousRowsCopied
        The previous number of rows reported by the bulk copy library.
        Tags: Import
        Author: Adam Lancaster
        Copyright: (c) 2021 by dbatools, licensed under MIT
        License: MIT

    param (

    $newRowCountAdded = 0

    if ($ReportedRowsCopied -gt 0) {
        if ($PreviousRowsCopied -ge 0) {
            $newRowCountAdded = $ReportedRowsCopied - $PreviousRowsCopied
        } else {
            # integer wrap just changed from negative to positive
            $newRowCountAdded = [math]::Abs($PreviousRowsCopied) + $ReportedRowsCopied
    } elseif ($ReportedRowsCopied -lt 0) {
        if ($PreviousRowsCopied -ge 0) {
            # integer wrap just changed from positive to negative
            $newRowCountAdded = ([int32]::MaxValue - $PreviousRowsCopied) + [math]::Abs(([int32]::MinValue - ($ReportedRowsCopied))) + 1
        } else {
            $newRowCountAdded = [math]::Abs($PreviousRowsCopied) - [math]::Abs($ReportedRowsCopied)

        NewRowCountAdded = $newRowCountAdded