
    Explains the various options of how to import dbatools.
    Welcome to our guide to importing dbatools. Since one glove fits NOT all,
    we have implemented various ways in which you can import the module. These
    options may have security implications, may be more aimed at developers, or
    may reduce resource need in return for slower import times.
    All these settings can be set by variable or registry key, making it
    possible to enforce these settings by policy.
    # Index #
    - Configuring settings
    - Serial import
    - Dotsource on import
    - Dll Copy on import
    - Build dbatools library on import
    # Configuring settings #
    Import settings can be set at three levels:
    - Per Script
    - Per User
    - Per Computer
    Per Script:
    When configured per script, declare the respective 'dbatools_XXXXX' variable
    to $true before import. The variable name is listed with the description of
    the individual options.
    Note that this must be done BEFORE importing dbatools. If the script is
    called from a powershell process that has dbatools already installed, it
    will be ignored and have no effect.
    Alternatively, you can provide a Hashtable of arguments when importing dbatools,
    for instance
        Import-Module dbatools -ArgumentList @{MultiFileImport=$true}
    Per User:
    The individual settings are DWORD properties found in the following key:
    The value name is listed with the description of the individual options.
    Set the value to '1' in order to enable the option.
    Per Computer:
    The individual settings are DWORD properties found in the following key:
    The value name is listed with the description of the individual options.
    Set the value to '1' in order to enable the option.
    Note on competing settings:
    This system works on an anybody-in basis. Meaning that if any single setting
    enables an import option, the others cannot disable the setting. A script
    that has been set to import serial will do so, even if the registry settings
    are explicitly set to '0'.
    # Serial import #
      $dbatools_serialimport = $true | SerialImport: 1
    In order to optimize import speed, dbatools loads its components in
    parallel. This places a heavy load on CPU however. Since import speed isn't
    that important on unattended scripts, it is recommended to enable serial
    import for them, avoiding CPU spikes.
    # Dotsource on import #
      $dbatools_dotsourcemodule = $true | SerialImport: 1
    When loading the module, we read the files to memory and import straight,
    rather than importing the individual script files using dotsourcing. This is
    faster at no extra resource cost, especially on older PowerShell versions.
    The downside however is that the individual files are not checked for valid
    signatures. Company policy may require enabling this for security
    compliance. It also is often enabled by developers, as it makes debugging
    # Dll Copy on import #
      $dbatools_copydllmode = $true | CopyDllMode: 1
    The module includes a large number of dll files. These files will be locked
    as long as a PowerShell console using the module is open. This makes it
    impossible to update the module into the same folder (as older versions of
    PowerShell will do). In order to support a proper update, we support copy-
    ing the dll files and importing them from a separate folder. With that,
    users can then use our Update-Dbatools command to update the module while it
    is imported.
    Enabling this setting significantly increases import time and can be a
    security issue, only enable it for updating the module.
    # Build dbatools library on import #
      $dbatools_alwaysbuildlibrary = $true | AlwaysBuildLibrary: 1
    This is a pure developer feature. Setting this will compile the dbatools
    library on every import. This feature requires an installed Visual Studio.
    This allows fast iterative tests on the library, but has no production use.
    dbatools import