.SYNOPSIS Creates a Markdown changelog file with markdown formatting. Original version created by @vexx32 .DESCRIPTION Uses `git log` to compare the current commit to the last tagged commit, and parses the output into CSV data. This is then processed and PR body of submitted Pull Requests are added to the output file. .PARAMETER Path The file location to save the markdown text to. The file will be overwritten if it already contains data. .PARAMETER CommitID The commit tag or hash that is used to identify the commit to compare with. By default, the last value given by `git tag` will be used. .PARAMETER HeadCommitID The commit tag or hash that represents the current version of the repository. HEAD by default. .PARAMETER ApiKey The Github API key to use when looking up commit authors' Github user names. .PARAMETER IncludeDetails Add PR body to each entry in the change log .PARAMETER Append Append changelog to the top of the existing file .EXAMPLE New-Changelog.ps1 -Path -ApiKey $GHApiKey Retrieves the commits since the last tagged commit and creates a Markdown-formatted plaintext file called in the current location. .NOTES The Github API limitation of 60 requests per minute is -barely- usable without authentication. Authenticated requests have a substantially higher limit on requests per minute. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ -IsValid })] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [ValidatePattern('[a-f0-9]{6,40}|v?(\d+\.)+\d+(-\w+\d+)?')] [string] $CommitID = (git tag | Select-Object -Last 1), [Parameter(Position = 2)] [ValidatePattern('[a-f0-9]{6,40}|v?(\d+\.)+\d+(-\w+\d+)?|HEAD')] [string] $HeadCommitID = 'HEAD', [Parameter()] [Alias('OauthToken')] [string] $ApiKey, [Parameter()] [switch] $IncludeDetails, [Parameter()] [switch] $Append ) $RequestParams = @{ } if ($ApiKey) { $RequestParams = @{ SessionVariable = 'AuthSession' Headers = @{ Authorization = "token $ApiKey" } } Invoke-RestMethod @RequestParams -Uri '' | Out-String | Write-Verbose } $gitParams = @( '--no-pager' 'log' '--first-parent' "$CommitID..$HeadCommitID" '--format="%H"' '--' '.' '":(exclude)*.md"' ) $commits = & git @gitParams $prs = @() foreach ($commit in $commits) { $result = Invoke-RestMethod @RequestParams -Uri "$($commit)is%3Amerged" if ($result.total_count -gt 0) { $prs += $result.items | Sort-Object -Property score -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } } $prs = $prs | Sort-Object -Property number -Unique $mdTable = @("# Release notes for $CommitID`:") foreach ($pr in $prs) { $prData = Invoke-RestMethod @RequestParams -Uri $pr.url $mdTable += "- ### $($prData.title) (#$($prData.number)) by @$($prData.user.login)" if ($IncludeDetails -and $prData.body) { $mdTable += " ------" foreach ($line in $prData.body.Split("`n")) { $mdTable += " $line" } } } if ($Append) { if (Test-Path $Path) { $currentContent = Get-Content -Path $Path } else { $currentContent = @() } $mdTable + $currentContent | Set-Content -Path $Path } else { $mdTable | Set-Content -Path $Path } |