
How to use.
Add the following code in your project entry point file.
function monitorChangesInModules($dir) {
    startDirMonitor $dir
    if ($updatedModules) {
        foreach ($modName in $updatedModules) {
            Import-Module "$modName" -Force
$dirToWatch = '.\myModules'

function resetChangedModulesList(){
    $global:updatedModules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
function startDirMonitor($dir){
    if ($null -eq $global:updatedModules) {
        # out "start dir monitoring!!!"

        $updatedAction = { 
            Write-Host "File: " $EventArgs.FullPath " " $EventArgs.ChangeType
            $global:updatedModules = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($updatedModules | Select-Object -Unique)
        <# Create a fileWatcher that will monitor the directory and add its attributes#>
        $fileWatcher = new-object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
        $fileWatcher.Path = $dir
        $fileWatcher.Filter = "*.psm1";
        $fileWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $true
        $fileWatcher.NotifyFilter = [System.IO.NotifyFilters]::LastWrite, `
            [System.IO.NotifyFilters]::FileName , `

        <# If a delegate has already been added to the FileWatchers for that event remove it and add the new one. #>
        if ($ChangedEvent) { $ChangedEvent.Dispose() }
        $ChangedEvent = Register-ObjectEvent $fileWatcher "Changed" -Action $updatedAction

        # if ($CreatedEvent) { $CreatedEvent.Dispose() }
        # $CreatedEvent = Register-ObjectEvent $fileWatcher "Created" -Action $updated

        # if ($DeletedEvent) { $DeletedEvent.Dispose() }
        # $DeletedEvent = Register-ObjectEvent $fileWatcher "Deleted" -Action $updated

        # if ($RenamedEvent) { $RenamedEvent.Dispose() }
        # $RenamedEvent = Register-ObjectEvent $fileWatcher "Renamed" -Action $renamedAction

        $fileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true


Export-ModuleMember startDirMonitor
Export-ModuleMember resetChangedModulesList