
# init the module
$Script:dirs_stack = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
$Script:static_dirs_stack = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
$static_config_file = "~/.config/directory-stack/static_dir.cfg"
if (-not $(Test-Path ~/.config/directory-stack)) {
  New-Item ~/.config/directory-stack -ItemType "directory"
  New-Item $static_config_file
  Write-Output "Create ~/.config/directory-stack directory"
$static_dirs_stack_names = Get-Content $static_config_file
foreach ($static_item in $static_dirs_stack_names) {

function Get-Dir-Stack {
  if ($dirs_stack.Count -eq 0) {
    Write-Host "The stack is empty, use 'pd dir_name' to push the directory to the stack" -ForegroundColor red
  else {
    Write-Host "Directory Stack:" -ForegroundColor green
    Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    for ($i = 0; $i -le ($dirs_stack.Count - 1); $i += 1) {
      Write-Host " $i " -NoNewline
      Write-Host "| " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
      Write-Host "$($dirs_stack[$i])"
    Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "Select an index or press any key to exit: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $input_idx = Read-Host
    if ($input_idx.Length -gt 0) {
      $input_idx = [int]$input_idx
    if ($input_idx -is [ int ]) {
      if ( $input_idx -lt $dirs_stack.Count) {
        Set-Location $dirs_stack[$input_idx]
        Write-Host "Jump to " -NoNewline
        Write-Host "$($dirs_stack[$input_idx])" -ForegroundColor Green
      else {
        Write-Error("Index out of range! The directory stack index must less than $($dirs_stack.Count - 1)")

function Set-Dir-Stack($input_text) {
  if ($null -eq $input_text) {
    # Put current directory into stack
    $current_dir = $(Get-Location)
    if ($current_dir -notin $dirs_stack) {
    else {
      Write-Host "Current directory has been added in the stack" -ForegroundColor blue
  elseif ($input_text -is [ int ] -and $input_text -lt $dirs_stack.Count) {
    # Go to the directory in the stack whose index is the input_text
    Set-Location $dirs_stack[$input_text]
    Write-Host "Jump to " -NoNewline
    Write-Host "$($dirs_stack[$input_text])" -ForegroundColor Green
  elseif ($input_text -is [ string ]) {
    # Go to the directory of input, and put it in the stack
    Set-Location $input_text -ErrorAction stop
    $input_dir = $(Get-Location)
    if ($input_dir -notin $dirs_stack) {
    else {
      Write-Host "Current directory has been added in the stack" -ForegroundColor blue
  else {
    # If the input_text is unavailable, print error info and show the current stack
    Write-Error("The directory stack length is $($dirs_stack.Count)")

function Remove-Dir-Stack-Item([int]$index) {
  if ($index -is [ int ] -and $index -lt $dirs_stack.Count) {
  else {
    Write-Error("The index $index must less than stack length $($dirs_stack.Count)")

# The functions below are worked for static directories
function Show-Static-Dirs() {
  Write-Host "Static Directories:" -ForegroundColor green
  Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow
  for ($i = 0; $i -le ($static_dirs_stack.Count - 1); $i += 1) {
    Write-Host " $i " -NoNewline
    Write-Host "| " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "$($static_dirs_stack[$i])"
  Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow

function Add-Static-Dir-Item($item_name) {
  if (Test-Path $item_name) {
    Out-File -FilePath $static_config_file -Append -InputObject $item_name
    Write-Host "Restart the terminal session to apply the changes" -ForegroundColor Red
  else {
    Write-Error("The Path is unavailable")

function Remove-Static-Dir-Item($input_idx) {
  Out-File -FilePath $static_config_file -InputObject $static_dirs_stack
  Write-Host "Restart the terminal session to apply the changes" -ForegroundColor Red